I was told that the liver shed fat before the body sheds fat.
I'm sorry. My boys love bran flakes with raisins.
I'm wondering If they weren't referring to "Grains". My understanding, from medical texts and health professionals, is that grains aren't needed in a diet. That refined sugars coming from grains and sugar in combination together are essentially toxic to the body.
Hi. Now that I figured out how to post something, I forgot to whom i'm posting. So here's a general out there post. As I'm navigating an improved 'Life Dietary Habit' (LDH; I refuse to use ' Diet' which refers to something temporary) which to keep me healthy and above 'grave', I've been taking my time with changes. The LDH…
I don't know how good of a support person I'll be. If you want to friend me, I'll be here for you. I'm learning. I try to check in if not once a day then every other day.
Hello. I'm also wanting support and to be available to give support. I've never been in a program like this before. So I'm new to how to support others...but I'll give you what I can until I learn better. My chiro explained the sugar addiction like this, " Sugar stimulates the same part of the brain that drugs do. So quite…