Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,601 Member
    edited September 2016
    @ShyCush6 @janetay01 - I am going to try and mix things up this week. I'm changing up my exercise routine and adding more cardio. The last time I was in a plateau, I added more cardio and the weight started coming off again. I'm also going to eat more meals, but smaller plates throughout the day for 6 meals total. Hopefully that'll help!

    @jdelaroy - I've thought about that! I think I'm going to track my body measurements a lot more closely. Since I started to seriously lose weight in January, I've dropped about 23lb, but I've gone from almost 50% BF to 34% BF in that amount of time, so I am probably adding a lot of muscle. :)

    @Rachel0778 - That's a very optimistic way of thinking! I should be pleased that I've maintained all summer too despite all the barbecues and beer festivals.
  • countrygrace77
    countrygrace77 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. Now that I figured out how to post something, I forgot to whom i'm posting. So here's a general out there post.
    As I'm navigating an improved 'Life Dietary Habit' (LDH; I refuse to use ' Diet' which refers to something temporary) which to keep me healthy and above 'grave', I've been taking my time with changes.
    The LDH I feel I need to gravitate to is a 'No bread, No sugar' lifestyle with carbs coming from veg. I adapt my life moto being centered on "knowlege and wisdom lends to change". So AS I learn I want to become better than what I was yesterday.
    With that being said, is excersize necessary to a weight loss program where a Ketogenic diet is in place? My understanding is that excersize expedites weight loss when in Ketosis.
    I want a lifestyle that is not overwhelming, so I implement change slowly. Its been difficult to adapt to ascertain a state of Ketosis. So that has been my focus for weeks now.
    I feel that by itself has been, "My mountain to climb'. I use another site to get recipes (a big fan of living smarter, not harder). Cooking all the meals, avoiding breads and pasta, sugary confection and what not is an extraordinary achievement I've yet to master. Not to mention the counting of Days, Proteins, Carbs and Calories and then logging them daily. Oh My!
    This is a struggle for me. I was reluctant to change my eating habits because it all was easy and comforting...but I did without hesitation the day my doctor implied it was necessary to my physical health. So, I feel I've been a pretty good sport. But I'm still craving and have quite literally become bitter at life because of it. That's to other mountain to climb. Just not sure if it's that important. In time I should just have a slow attitude change I would think. Maybe just stay the course.
    Any thoughts?
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Cari: Cronuts are seriously my new kryptonite!

    Health-Guard: Stay away… far, far away from the cronut!

    Janetay: Sounds like a great weekend! Doesn’t Monday just sneak up on ya!

    Jennifer: Thanks! Seems like Jen is a popular one in this group! Glad you had a good weekend!

    JenHul: Here’s to a new fresh start and it will be greater than your last! =) Happy Monday!

    Nicole: Yikes about the school, thank goodness it wasn’t so bad! Let’s all get our *kitten* in gear… I know I need a switft kick! =)

    Rachel: Sounds like a wonderful weekend!! Glad you had fun! But you got in two good practices so you earned it!

    June: Good luck! I hope it all kicks the weight loss in gear!!

    Welcome Grace!

    Hey ladies! What a *kitten* weekend! I was awful! I was lazy and I ate bad! Great combination when you are trying to lose weight! I had depression eating yesterday… I got engrossed in 9/11 shows/movies... So today is a new day! I hit the gym early this morning and made the checks on my new weight/exercise chart! Damn it I am doing this!!
    Overall the weekend was slow… I hate not having a plan! … I did get a few projects done… but overall nothing exciting to report. I had fun with two cute puppies racing around my house all weekend…
  • ohiowatching
    ohiowatching Posts: 16 Member
    Hello gals..I'm Becky! I need to drop 25 lbs...I have been battling this forever!!!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Countrygrace77 Welcome to the group! As far as advice, if you're bitter about life with what you are currently eating, do you feel that it is really sustainable? Is there a reason you have to eat low carb instead of just cutting back on portions? Other than that, my advice on exercise is that it is the #1 habit change that is correlated with increased longevity (besides quitting smoking). If your goal is to live a longer, healthier life definitely find a way to incorporate movement in :)

    @ohiowatching Welcome to the group!

    @ShyCush6 Depression eating sucks, I'm sorry to hear that your weekend ended with that :( Great job on getting back on the wagon today!

    After practice yesterday I am completely wiped out! I'm taking tonight off to recover and then maybe doing a run tomorrow. I've been feeling really body confident this week so I'm hoping that feeling rides through this weekend and the Renaissance Festival! Going is seriously one of the highlights of my year :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @jenhul you can do this. Sometimes we just need a break, just don't go crazy and when it is time, hop back on.

    @ngolden3320 You have had a crazy couple of weeks. You can get back on the wagon, even if you have to take baby steps to get back on. Glad that was a small fire.

    @rachel0778 Yeah, it is hard for them... It is my exes mom and grandma, grandma is in her 80's and his mom is on disability. My ex is in jail, and his sister was recently murdered. The rest of their family lives at least 2-3 hours away. I try to help with what I can.

    Sounds like the concert was fun, and the Ren fair is always a blast.

    @wishfuljune Sounds like you are doing great. What a fantastic improvement. You should be so proud of yourself. All your hard work is really paying off.

    @countrygrace77 Welcome to MFP and this thread. I don't think there is anyone on this thread that is using the Ketogenic diet as part of their lifestyle. However, there are a few threads out there (Try the general diet nutrition one for help with that, also look for references to LCHF or HFLC I forget which, low carb, high fat is what it stands for). Most people will tell you that making such extreme restrictions on what you can and can't eat will lead to resentment and will have you falling off this way of eating. Sounds like you might be experiencing it now. I am not telling you that this is wrong, as each of us has to find our own path and way to reach a healthier us. As to exercising being necessary to losing weight, it isn't. You can lose weight in the simplest terms by eating less calories than your body burns. This causes a deficit that requires your body to use its fat stores to function. However, exercise provides many other benefits. It will help you limit muscle loss while losing weight, help your heart become healthier, stronger, helps manage and eliminate stress, and can aid in weight loss. Just remember this is a journey, it will take a long time, you will have some not so great days, just see what you can do better the next time and keep going forward. Make small sustainable changes and you will be a success!

    Weigh in was today...

    SW 250.8
    LW 227 (up 2 pounds) :(
    CW 225 Back down those 2 pounds....
    GW for end of September 220.

    Went to a concert last night, it was in the beautiful Red Rocks Amphitheater. This requires a long walk up a steep hill, tons of stairs. It provides some of the best acoustics, a beautiful view of the metro Denver area, a back drop of the mountains, and Rain! I ate like crap, managed to stay under calories if I count my exercise calories. Had one of the most wonderful times. I didn't even mind getting rained on for the whole thing.

    My NSV, I made it up all those freaking stairs with only a couple of quick rest breaks, my shirt I wore was way too big, and the BF has convinced me I need to go buy some new bras.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,601 Member
    @health_guard - King Richard's Faire!!!!! I am so excited for the events they have coming up. I'm planning to hit up Game of Thrones weekend. :)

    @jdelaroy - I've heard great things about Red Rocks. Good for you for staying under your calorie goal and still having fun. Also, great job on the NSV!

    @ohiowatching - welcome to the group! you'll be able to lose those 25lbs on MFP. :)

    @countrygrace77 - I'm not super familiar with Ketogenic diet, but I know a few people who do it. I'm sure there are plenty of threads/groups here on MFP that have a lot more information about it. I agree with health_guard too: exercise is a benefit. Most of your weight loss will come from better nutrition, but exercise will help you get there faster.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @health_guard I love CO as well. I can't imagine living anywhere else. When you come, definitely check out Red Rocks. It is open to the public for free when there isn't an event going on. Last month we parked in Morrison (small town at the base of the mountains) walked from there up to the amphitheater. It was a blast, and very beautiful. We took the trail instead of the road.
  • ohiowatching
    ohiowatching Posts: 16 Member
    @wishfuljune ..thank you..I hope so!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome Becky! Post often!!
    Rachel: Glad you are feeling good about yourself! As you should!! Be proud! You are rocking it!
    jdalaroy: The concert venue sounds awesome!! Sorry about the rain… But glad you had fun!! I love Colorado!!
    Health_guard: Great goals!!
    So yesterday I hit the gym for a quick 15 after work as well. I had the time so I squeezed it in… You can burn quite a few calories in 15 min! Skipped this morning as I had to get Lexi off to school but hitting the gym tonight after work! Feels great!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi ladies!! Man this week is getting away on me! I have been crazy busy at work, and don't want to complain because over the summer it was so slow I was going crazy. Would love in between!!
    Shy, we are twins for sure! Haha! Ooohhh cronuts! I went to the gym yesterday at 6am and this morning hit snooze! Man I have to get my butt in gear with you!
    Rachel, I hope you have a blast at the renaissance fair! Sounds fun!
    Nichole and June: I'm so with you, what is up with us lately. I'm maintaining (maybe gaining?!) too... Have to just get with it once and for all. The plateau is sucking!!
    Seriously guys, I say to myself ok, I'm going to do this! (Very enthusiastically!) and then it is so effing easy to fall off the wagon. Like, one little temptation and it's like "I surrender, pass the platter of cronuts "!!! Good grief. Need control and discipline!
    I'm so glad I have you guys, or I would be going nuts trying to fight through this on my own!!
    I'm going for a walk with my dog and friend tonight, and tomorrow I am getting up and going to the gym early again. Just gonna keep kicking my own kitten until I smarten up!!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Shy great job on squeezing 15 minutes in at the gym. Every little bit helps.

    Joy I am right there with you. If I didn't have you guys I'm sure I would have quit for the millionth time by now. I have been maintaining, but I need to start losing again.

    @jdelaroy great job making it up the steps for you concert. We are all getting stronger and more fit even if we don't always see it. It sounds like it was amazing.

    Rachel enjoy you Renaissance Festival this weekend sounds cool.

    So Monday I didn't make it to the gym as I had to see lawyer form my dads lack of estate. I will sure be glad in December when this is over. I probably could have went when I was done as that was the plan, but my head hurt so bad I probably would have dropped a weight on it. :s Did make it yesterday and it felt good. Since I restarted in February I have really come to like the gym and miss it when I don't go. So after having 2 days off Cassidy is back to school after the fire. They blocked off the section with temporary walls so the students can get back to class and the workers don't have to rush. win win for everyone except Cassidy. She stated last night she was going to drop out and mooch off of us the rest of her life. :D

    happy hump day.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @bluepoppies777 - I hear you about the plateau. I have this conversation with myself where, full of enthusiasm and good intent, I tell myself that I've got this. Then by the end of the day I look at my diary and realise that I really don't have this and I certainly don't have the discipline. One thing I have to do is get back on the exercise horse - I got a short cross trainer workout in yesterday and feel good for it. Let's kick each other along this road :)

    Shy - well done for the time in the gym. It's so hard sometimes to find the time for these things and then when the time is found it's easy to give it up to something else. Enjoy being back there tonight!

    @health_guard - joining you on the exercise and water challenge. I won't necessarily get a proper workout in each day but I'm back to logging my steps and making sure I do something extra when I'm at home - next time for that will be Friday.

    Jen - sounds like a glorious setting for a concert and well done on the NSV's - so much more important in some ways than the numbers on the scale. I would definitely take up the BF's shopping suggestion - maybe you can extend it beyond the bras!

    Rachel - keep feeling good about yourself girl and have fun at the Renaissance Fair :)

    Becky - welcome!

    So, need non dietary, nutritional advice good people with children - biting! Alistair was having a tussle with another child at nursery yesterday over a truck and was losing the battle. So in order to redress the balance, he bit the other child :(. He is generally the gentlest little boy and usually quite empathetic to others and we are mortified that this has happened. He knows he shouldn't have done it (ran away from the nursery assistant when he realised he'd been seen!) and was really quite subdued when I got him home. We've had a chat with him about why it's not nice to do, expressing his feelings in other, more socially acceptable ways etc etc - any of you gone through this with your younger ones (he's almost 21 months), anything we can do to try and ensure it doesn't become a habit?? And I can't talk to my antenatal group mums about it as three of the kids are in the room with him so there is a pretty high chance that it was one of them that he bit!!!!!

    Other than that, not a great deal to report but I think that's enough - put quite the dampener on the evening!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @ShyCush6 Fantastic job on the gym. I changed my schedule at work, and now it seems like I am always tired, and I can't seem to be able to squeeze any exercise in.

    @bluepoppies777 I hate when work goes from one extreme to another. Just hang in there, you can get back on the path. One step at a time.

    @ngolden3320 Sometimes we just need to take a break. I can't work out when my head hurts either. Glad your daughter is back at class. I like that she thinks she gets too mooch off you. My mom always told us if we weren't in school we had to pay rent, food and utilities.

    @janetay01 He would take me for other clothes too. Right now, most of my clothes look okay. I have plenty of different sizes so I just move along to different ones as my body changes. As to the biting thing, it sounds like you did a good job addressing it, and giving him different tools to help with his frustration/stress. My youngest liked to bite me when she was mad at me. I finally gave up trying to talk to her about it, time out. I bit her back.. just hard enough to hurt. That worked. To this day I remember my grandma biting me because I bit some kid. I was 5, and it hurt like heck. Never did it again though. The daycare providers should be able to give you a couple of ideas on how to handle it, or even his doctor. Biting is normal for little kids. Good luck.

    So my BF is trying to lose weight with me, but for some reason in the evening he goes snack crazy.. (he is slowly gaining weight) It is driving me crazy, I am having a hard time ignoring the snacks in the evening with him eating them all the time and in front of me. I gave into a bowl of ice cream, and 2 fig newton calories...Grr I didn;t give in to the cheese (numerous times), the chips, more fig newtons, or the second bowl of ice cream. I also need to find time for exercise. Come on energy!
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 388 Member
    @jdelaroy I have problems with nite time snacking as well. I'm not hungry, just bored! I need to keep telling myself this.....
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,601 Member
    @jdelaroy - my snacking problems come in the middle of the day, usually between 2-4pm. I just want to eat everything because I'm bored at work. I've started drinking more water between that time, and I've spaced out my snacks that I bring to work so that I eat it right in the middle of my snack time, rather than with lunch. Also, I brush my teeth as soon as I've finished my dinner so that I'm not tempted to snack. That helps at night too!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy I love your NSVs, what a fantastic night! My SO does all his crazy eating at night too...and then wonder why he hasn't lost weight *sigh*

    @health_guard Love your goals. Keep us posted on how it's going!

    @ShyCush6 You're absolutely right, you can get a good workout in in 15 minutes. And it's helping to solidify healthy thoughts and habits

    @bluepoppies777 I feel you, this week has been the week of unexpected treats (with more to come Thursday and Friday). We'll just wade through and do the best we can!

    @janetay01 I have no advice except to say it sounds like you're doing a great job and it seems like he knew what he did was wrong.

    We had an 8am meeting this morning (ugh). I usually use that time to get myself together so I feel a bit frazzled today. Not going to the gym tonight to give my body another day of rest but I will hit up a lunch time yoga class to hopefully stretch everything out. Hopefully by Thursday night the DOMS will have subsided enough to do well in class.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    So last night the gym kicked my *kitten*… I don’t know why but it seemed much harder yesterday… Went in this morning and it was great… Maybe it was just the after work evening workout… Working late tonight so it’s going to be a long day… Hopefully I can contend with snacking!
    Getting another workout in in the morning and Lexi has a volleyball game after work tomorrow… I’ve almost got to schedule the gym in on my calendar to make sure I make room for it… Seems like so much to do all the time! Got Lexi’s school pictures yesterday… Turned out great… Freshman, where has time gone?
    Joy: No snoozing Joy!! I’m with you… Working so hard on the exercise but the damn food is so hard to deal with! Had my fair share of cookie dough last night. =( And I wonder why the scale is not moving!

    Nicole: Glad school is resumed and I hope Cassidy changes her mind about living off mom and dad.. if only it was that easy! =) Way to go getting to the gym!! It really does feel good!

    Janetay: Food discipline is really hard… I struggle so much with this and I really don’t know how to overcome it. =(

    Jdelaroy: My husband snacks at night in front of me as well… It is very hard not to give in… Last night he finished the apple pie and ice cream… I was happy cuz at least we were out and there wasn’t more for me… Otherwise I would have caved on the ice cream for sure.

    Rachel: You’re right Rachel… going to the gym just gives me a good feeling and sets my head right so it’s “top of mind”… Now to get eating controlled and top of mind!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Well, I walked last night for an hour and a half - success! Then later I ended up eating a bowl of rhubard crisp that I baked. It's like commme onnnn Joy! Get it together! PFFFFF!
    But this morning I was up and at the gym at 5:30am, yikes! talk about early.

    Missy, I like your goals this week, of one hour a day, more water and healthy eating. I'm doing about 40-45 mins a day at the gym. Have to up my water for sure. And the healthy eating obviously needs a bit of a tweak! Will work on that!

    Nichole - stress from dealing with estates and lawyers is enough to make anyone's head hurt. Hang in there, it should be taken care of soon hopefully.

    Jane - the biting story made me laugh! (sorry, I know it's serious). My 9 yo used to bite, what a little scheister! I like Jen's idea of biting back, but I never did that. I have spanked my kids before, but not sure if that would help. I remember taking books about biting out of the public library and reading them to him. (books that are meant for his age) I think it helped a bit, but it is mostly talking about it, reinforcing it, and working on it. If it's not biting it will be something else, right now we are STILL talking about budget/money stuff with the 21 yo (4 years of in one ear out the other), and we are talking to the 9 yo about not talking in class! (4 years of that too, he's a yapper). Seems like it is a never ending thing for parents, just trying to drill information into their heads. Just be patient and stay calm, and don't you worry - one of those other nursery mom's is cringing because her son has gone and done something too! :)

    Jen D - I know, the evening snacking is a killer! totally a killer! rhubarb crisp be damned! I say if the family is snacking, we should try to just get out of that area so we don't cave. Like either go read a book in a different room, or go for a walk, or bubble bath or ?? Can't think of anything else besides taking the food out of their hands and throwing it in the garbage! (could you imagine? ha!)
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Ugh all this talk about snacking I'm wanting a snack right now. Good thing there r no ice cream. Cookies pie nothing on the house so what do I do in place of snacking. I'm watching chopped. All about food. >:) Cassidy survived her first day back after fire. Then went straight to volleyball practice and then cheer practice. I guess she is going back tomorrow cause she ate dinner and was going to bed due to exhaustion. So mooching off mom and dad will have to wait. Lol. Did the 30 minute circuit today at the gym and some abs. I thought I would try to trick my body w something other then the arc trainer for cardio. I'll let u know next week if it worked when I weigh in.

    Jane if feel ur pain kids. Gotta love them. When mine were little my niece used to pull Jenna's hair all the time. One day my son marched right over and gave hers a hard yank and she never pulled Jenna's hair again. If it makes u feel better. Like Joy said. Once u concur that issue there will b 100 more. :# But they r totally worth it. Especially when they r sleeping. Just kidding (not really). Lol

    Shy. Cassidy has a volleyball game tomorrow so not sure where the gym will fit in but I'm gonna try my best. They changed my hours at work from 4-noon to 6-2:30. Love going in later but that working to 2:30 suck royally. Messes with my gym time and kids schedule.