Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • faidarus2016
    faidarus2016 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Cari - so sorry to hear your news. Take care.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    janetay01 wrote: »
    @47Jacqueline - do you have the time/motivation to cook at the weekend? If so, batch cook good healthy meals and freeze - that way, you have a variety of good meals to choose from that you can just reheat in the week.

    @janetay01 Nah - I won't do that. lol I'm not that motivated. I did go to Trader Joes and picked up a bunch of frozen meals.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Good morning everyone. Happy Monday.
    Another 1lb down for me this morning and i am finally back into the normal range for weight and BMI. Insert happy dance :) Hope you all have a great day :smiley:
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Happy Monday all and congratulations @GillianSmith2 :). Would be really interested to know how you get on with matching and sticking to the macros - I've only ever really focussed on the calories. Back on the horse today - I wouldn't say that I fell off yesterday but I was definitely sliding gracefully out of the saddle by the end of the day!!

    Have a good day all :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ngolden3320 Way to rock the new lifestyle. I bet going to the gym first made the pizza taste so much better

    @jkhoffe How was the night out with friends? Did you dance the night away?

    @GillianSmith2 WOOHOO!!!! Congrats on being in the healthy range!! Keep us posted on how the macros are going, what %s are you doing?

    @SusanConway I'm sorry to hear about the medication issues. Just take things one meal and one day at a time.

    @CariTJR I am so sorry to hear about your Mom, that is absolutely devastating news. Thank goodness you are able to be with her during this time to help her transition be as comfortable and painless as possible.

    @47Jacqueline Trader Joes really does have the most delicious options! What are your favorites?

    @Janetay01 I love the phrase "sliding gracefully off of the saddle". I may have to use that one for my next slip up! Glad to hear you hopped back on the saddle today.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I actually had a reasonable weekend calorie wise, I am slightly shocked since it included a girls night with Mom and helping my Mom move. I stress ate a bit on Saturday during the move but I kept it contained to 2 full servings of Easter candy and then I moved on.

    This morning I got rewarded for my efforts with another pound down and I was able to run 6 miles even though I haven't run at all since I started my MMA/boxing classes! Thank goodness my cardio isn't completely shot since I have a 10K coming up with my best friend in May! I hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday!!!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Rachel - well done on the loss. i am sticking to what MFP set me at as its been working as far as the calories are concerned and the macros are 50% carbs, 30% fat, 20% protein.
    I can always match the carbs but i do struggle with hitting my protein so any suggestions on how to bump that up would be appreciated :)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Gill! Way to go on the BMI & healthy weight!! So proud of you!!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Gill – Thanks!! Holy crap I won the challenge! Never thought that was possible with you crazy girls! =) I just barely squeaked by you! Congrats on the loss!! You rock!! Keep us posted on the macros!!

    Jen – Glad you danced the night away!! ;)

    Cari – God Bless… Prayers for your mom. Hope she goes peacefully and painless. Thoughts are with you. Hang in there, I can’t imagine how tough it is.

    Susan – You can do this lady!! ;) I need to pull up by the bootstraps as well! Let’s do this!!

    Janetay01 – I’m with you o the sliding gracefully! Let’s get back on and run wild this week!!

    Rachel – Way to go on the lb and the run!! Sweet!

    Health_guard – Nice job on the elliptical!!

    I had a great workout on Saturday. Worked at my parents tree farm all day... It was sunny but chilly. I kept warm by working! Was suppose to hit a 40th birthday party Sat. evening but I was exhausted and instead sat and watched the Nascar race with my dad. Working outside from 10:30-6:00 will do that. We all had wind burn on our faces...
    So I had a good eating day and I was too busy working. Sunday, I actually had a good eating day as well. Did not get a good workout in though... Lexi and I went dress shopping for her 8th grade graduation. Found a really cute white dress. She loved it and it was cheaper than the black one we had found earlier which she wasn't totally in love with but it was very cute too!
    So back at it today! Steps, eating right, working out!! I'm going to get something in tonight. I came in to work early today so missed a morning workout. Let's do this girls!! I'm tired of being overweight!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Cari - I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Thinking of you and your family. Take care of yourself!

    Gill - Awesome job on the loss! And let us know how it works out with the macros.

    Susan - Don't give up! You can do this! Sorry to hear you are having troubles with the medications. One day at a time-that's all you need to do!

    Shy - sounds like a busy weekend! It does help with the eating when you are too busy to think about it! That is kind of how Saturday went for us. We were painting the outside of the house, and we just kept working. No time to eat. And I am glad your daughter found a dress! Exciting. My step-daughter when dress shopping too this weekend, only it was a prom dress. Yikes! But she found a very nice dress that didn't cost an arm and a leg.

    Well, it was a tough weekend. We actually did get a lot done with the painting and repairing some siding on the house. But other things in the house have been a big challenge! Now we have to repair the tile floor we just installed. And while my husband was fixing the siding the ladder fell and went through one of the windows. Ugh-its one thing after another. One step forward, two steps back! Hopefully we will get there. Food was ok over the weekend. I do think I got way more steps than my fitbit recorded because I was on my feet and up and down a ladder all day long! But, my fitbit hand was also the hand carrying my paint bucket. So not much movement in that hand. Oh, well. I am going to try to get a couple of days of reaching my step goal this week. Hope you all have a great week! Happy Monday!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Dana... I know how remodeling goes. My husband and I remodeled the downstairs of our two flat. Gutted it to the studs and started from scratch! It's a lot of work and now that we are finally living down there, there are still projects that have yet to be done... I'm hoping this summer is the summer we wrap it up and get it finished. But there is always something... two months ago our renters dishwasher leaked and ruined my brand new ceiling... So we had to fix the ceiling and buy a new dishwasher.. it never ends.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Oh no, Cari! I wondered if something was happening because I thought you would have posted a few times during your holiday. Take this time for you and your mom, and don't worry - we will be here when you get back to it. Hold on to all the wonderful memories and I'm glad that you have this chance to be with her and say everything you want to say. We're all thinking about you.

    Shy! That sounds like an awesome weekend. I know! TIRED OF BEING FAT!! That's the story of my life! I weighed myself on Friday morning and I'm down 2 more lbs (not sure how that happened, but it's probably that effing moving stair machine!) So happy!

    Dana - one step forward, two steps back - isn't that the way with all renovations? But good for you for plugging away and before you know it, it will all be done and you can step back and be amazed at your work.

    Way to go Gill! Healthy BMI is one of my goals too! I don't pay attention to the macros yet, but I'm sure I will once I get closer to my weight goal. As for the protein, I brought 2 hard boiled eggs in my lunch today. I also like to have 1/4 cup of almonds as a snack. I do like making protein shakes for breakfast and having protein bars as a snack (I love the peanut butter ones). Also, I find if I take a can of tuna mixed with a bit of mayo and a chopped up pickle for lunch, I'm full for the whole afternoon. (I like to eat it on cucumber or celery slices). Not sure what else you can do besides lean fish and meats for dinner... maybe someone else has some ideas!

    So I've been brunette my whole life, but now that I'm old and 40, my hair is going super grey... so I decided last Friday to chop it off to above my shoulders and dye it blonde! WHOA!! hello! what a change! I was going to wait until I lost 10 more lbs, but since it's slow-going, I thought what the heck. I have to say, it totally gave me a different look, boosted my confidence and I'm so glad I did it! I actually was thinking now I'm going to kill it lose these extra lbs and be one hot babe for summer! So, if anyone else is feeling kind of drab or bored/uninspired with the weight loss, go treat yourself to a new haircut - it works wonders to bump you out of a slump!

    Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you all have an awesome start to this week! :)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited April 2016
    Joy - Way to go on the two more lbs!! Rockin' it sister! Stair machine queen!!
    New style sounds fun!! I went way dark this time around... My roots are so dark, but my ends are always lighter and redder so I went brown/black this time and I really like it! We are so ready for summer!! New do and let's bust this weight loss!! Love the new picture!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Shy @ShyCush6 That's so exciting that Lexi found a dress. Sounds like you had an insanely active weekend and a great plan for today! You're going to crush those goals!

    Joy @bluepoppies777 You look gorgeous! I love the new picture and the new do! You're absolutely right that we don't have to wait for weight goals to do something fabulous for ourselves/our style

    Dana @danan01 Your weekend sounds exhausting, and frustrating! It's like the never ending project. At least you get lots of activity into your weekends?

    Gill @GillianSmith2 I eat a lot of meat, eggs, and cheese so protein is usually an easy one for me. Some of my non-meat favorites are portable cheese sticks, greek yogurt, nuts, high protein cereal, and adding protein powder to everything (especially oatmeal)

    @health_guard Way to rock your workout!!!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Joy-Awesome! It looks great! I keep thinking I'm going to change something up with my hair soon, but I am trying to wait to treat myself for hitting onederland. But-I keep going up and down those same 4-5 pounds and I'm not getting any closer. About 5-6 pounds to go. I am going to get there.
  • DaceyG1990
    DaceyG1990 Posts: 103 Member
    Here is some motivation dropping 70lbs took almost a year I just never gave up... You got this guys and gals make your journey to wellness fun and you shall succeed. Feel free to add me as a friend! You guys rock

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Dana - that will be a great reward! You can do it!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Great motivation Dacey!! Thanks for sharing! You look amazing!!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Thanks guys! Feeling a little sassy with the new do!! Dana, you can do it! Onderland is in reach! Or you could just go get your hair cut and it will give you a little pep in your step to get there!