Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Holy cow am I behind. I had to go back 5 pages so this will be one of the longest posts in history..

    I has been one of those weeks and this weekend was busy busy even though I took it off from gym. I am sure you guys are going to read these comments and think, WTH is she talking about, HEHE, that was so long ago.

    I just thought I would mention a great magazine I use for recipes. Eating Well, they have a website with their recipes as well. It is a great resource if you are looking for some new ideas.

    The last few days have been a carb glutton for me. I was unable to control myself in the kitchen and I am going to blame my time of the you know what. Normally I can jump above it but this month, no go. I just wanted cookies and crackers and then I sent my son to the store for ice cream. Holy heck, back on track today.
    I met with my trainer this morning and have been sitting at the kitchen table doing the monthly bills for the rest of the day. About to head off to yoga then the senior trip meeting for my youngest...

    Hope everyone has a great night and remembers to smile!! K

    Joy - Lets see, the Apple Watch, I do love it it but for more then just the activity part. I like the fact that I can get my text messages and control my music, answer my phone. As for the activity, I wish it could do more as I do a ton a yoga and it does not track this activity great. It has about 10 core activities it will track your heat rate accurately, the rest it uses a "fast walk" rate. I am hoping the next upgrade with get better. Love the rower!!

    Janet - pickleball is great. It is between tennis and badminton. We have a blast and you don't need to be to talented. I suck at tennis but can do this pretty well.

    Gillian - I can totally relate to the need to stay busy. I actually took the weekend off from working out as I was feeling a little run down and my muscles were dead but I got so antsy by Sunday night. It was crazy. Great job on the loss!! Let us know how the macros go. I have them listed but I only pay attention to the protein. To hit my protein I do use protein shakes after days I have my personal trainer and see my chicken standby below.
    I wanted to make sure I was not loosing to much muscle so try to eat over 100grams a day. It is really the only portion I track. I am like 6 pounds from normal BMI - it is my next big goal and I can not wait.
    Goodluck with the hair. I love a good chance, especially when the weather starts to change.

    @TonieLeigh - welcome!!

    @jkhoffe - it is hard when you have to go through these types of transitions in your family. My oldest went away to college and was a B+ student with no issues at all. After a semester he fell apart and we still have no clue really what happened. He came home early, a mess. He is currently working full time and seeing a therapist twice a week and hoping to be able to go back to school in September. Life is hard, decisions are hard, kids are hard but so LOVED. It will work out with the LOVE.

    Shy - I LOVED THE SHIRT (BTW...totally different kind of love than above). Hope you had fun shopping, I love new furniture. Hopefully you got something you can cuddle on.

    Susan - great job on your birthday. The numbers thing is hard. I am so competitive with myself I play the number, calories, scale, protein, fat you name it. I swear there are days I want to unplug from it all for a while and see what happens. I am thinking doubt 6 months after maintenance, lol

    Missy @health_guard - welcome and check in often. Feel free to add us as friends.

    @47Jacqueline - as for dinner I discovered an easy go to I always have in the fridge thanks to Wegmans. Get a rotisserie chicken and Garlic Lime salsa. Get a cooked chicken and pull the meat off and simmer with the chicken for about 20 minutes. It is easy to just heat some up with some black beans and you are good to go. Even my kids love it. We also keep hard boiled eggs around for a quick go to as well.

    Rachel @Rachel0778 - I know how you feel - can this weigh be gone tomorrow please. It is killing me, hurry up. But I guess we got fat slowly so we need get healthy slowly as well. They have poles in my ariel yoga class so we always play around on them before and after class. I would be so bruised banging into those things. Hope you had fun.

    @michelle_k_314 welcome, feel free to add us!!

    Nichole @ngolden3320 - I am sorry about your uncle. That kind of loss makes dieting tough for sure. Stay strong. great job at the gym. I find on days I work so hard at the gym you feel to good about yourself to eat bad!!

    @juanjm1978 - welcome to the board.

    Cari - sorry to hear about your mother. Please know you are in our thoughts.

    Dana - I remember that about my fitbit. It would not start counting steps until we went 4 or 5 steps. I would spend all day in the kitchen on my feet cooking and cleaning walking between this little area and only get like 200 steps, WTH!! Totally unfair.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Fitequalssmile - Glad to hear you are back on track!! Hope the ice cream kicked you in gear and you are ready to shake it all off! Enjoy yoga!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    @FitEqualsSmile Thanks. I forgot about rotisserie chicken - even easier than grilling, if that's possible. lol
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    Hi Shyanne :) Thanks for inviting me <3 Hey mfp future friends! I am an STNA, Special Olympics skating coach, and competitive adult figure skater <3 Feel free to add me, I love new friends B) XOXOXO
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @health_guard - I know what you mean about finally owning your own place! We rented for years before finally becoming homeowners with our current place. It needs a lot doing to it and it's slow going to be able to afford to do it but it's so good to know that it is ours. Have sent you a friend request :)

    @FitEqualsSmile - hello from a fellow carb glutton! I've had a rough couple of days where I just couldn't be bothered but am going to get back on track today. I will have a look at the Eating Well website as I'm on the hunt for tasty new recipes at the moment.

    @bluepoppies777 - love the new colour and look. It's amazing what something like that can do to our confidence.

    @DaceyG1990 - welcome and wow, great efforts :)

    @danan01 - sounds like you had a good, if hard weekend. It's so tough when you start one piece of work just to find that so much else needs doing behind it but it is also so worth doing and you will look back with great pride once it's done up as you want it.

    @ShyCush6 - sounds like you earnt that lazy evening at the weekend. Glad you found a good dress - when is the graduation?

    @Rachel0778 - well done on the further loss and the 6 miles :)

    Not much of excitement to report here. Husband gone to work, son gone to nursery, me trying to work (or talking to you guys!!). Sun is shining which isn't helping my motivation! Have a great day all.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Success: This is my last week of physical therapy :o:)
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    I feel for all you "new" home owners but if it makes you feel any better it never gets better. There is always a project going on. We have been in our current home for 8 years and I am just starting the kitchen. We are doing the cabinets and repainting all the trim and walls. It is a large room, really two rooms together, so it is going to take me a couple of weeks to get it all done. I look at it as a calorie suck. Not only does it burn calories but it keeps you too busy to eat.
    So excited that the weather is finally going to start to warm up this week. Need to hit the yard to clean up after the dog and get all the winter sticks. I am actually going to have to mow this weekend and actually excited.
    I am off to aerial yoga today and then grocery shopping as my fridge is bare and my kids are like WTH.

    Hope everyone has a great day and remembers to work it hard. Karen
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    cincisk8r wrote: »
    Hi Shyanne :) Thanks for inviting me <3 Hey mfp future friends! I am an STNA, Special Olympics skating coach, and competitive adult figure skater <3 Feel free to add me, I love new friends B) XOXOXO

    Welcome.. Hope you can check in regularly! You're very inspiring! ;)
  • anyaart888
    anyaart888 Posts: 7 Member
    Cool! Sounds good- let's stick together- how do we form a group
    I will be motivating every day and would like to be motivated as well
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    anyaart888 wrote: »
    Cool! Sounds good- let's stick together- how do we form a group
    I will be motivating every day and would like to be motivated as well

    Your are in... join us regularly! Post often! Share your goals, your frustrations, successes!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I had a great eating day yesterday! Under on my calories and I didn't even feel hungry like normal! Lots of water so I think that helped fill me up!
    Last night Lexi and I went for a run/walk... walk a block, run 2 or 3... it was great! Felt good! Then after dinner Chad and I took the puppy for a walk while Lexi did her homework! Lots of steps!! Over 20k, Yay!
    Lexi and I also opted for making homemade granola bars than cookies last night! I brought one for snack today so I am excited to try it!! ;)
    Hope you all have a great day! It's my long shift so I will probably be checking in a lot due to boredom today!
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    I'm struggling to stay balanced when squatting now. I can't get the bar onto a comfortable position on my back and I keep leaning to one side as I can't position the bar quite right and I feel really drained/dizzy before I start. This is rather aggravating me.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited April 2016
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    @ShyCush6 - Shy, What kind of Puppy do you have??

    It's a Cavapoo... Cavalier King Charles Spaniel/Poodle... She's got me wrapped around her little paw!! =)
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Wow 54 new messages I will need to catch up. Had a crappy weekend yesterday had to go to funeral. Gone for 11 1/2 hr. Didn't get to bed till late and then kept waking up cause I was afraid I wouldn't hear my alarm since I was so tired. So today I am leaving work then going to the grocery store. Not sure about the gym as no rain or snow today so we should get the girls first softball game in.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Well this app just cut off the other half of my reply
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Sorry Nicole! Hope today goes better! Enjoy the softball game! Wish my daughter played! I was a pitcher and love the game and she has absolutely no interest... She's a soccer nut! First game is this weekend! Have to admit I am starting to enjoy soccer as well! ;)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Crazy but I was never a real dog person.. We never had dogs when I was young. So when I met my husband and he a a yellow lab... I fell in love! She passed away last summer and now we have this little nugget! She is absolutely the best! She sleeps with us and it's so awesome waking up with a smile on my face! She never wants to get up, so you have to wake her and watch the whole stretching, rolling procedure! Makes my morning! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    health_guard: 4am... yikes! I would be worried I'd over oversleep too! Hope you enjoy the new schedule!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    heath_guard (you have to tell us your name, or did I miss it?) Unless you build/buy a brand new house, there will always be renos! Also, unless you have stacks of cash to hire someone to do all the renovations at once, just know that it is a long process of plugging away at it. We usually decide on a few major things a year, plus a bunch of little things. This year the big things we are going to do are build a separate one car garage for the bikes and tools, and do a new fence for our dog (she can get out, she doesn't, but she can!). Owning a house is fun, stressful, awesome, and sometimes a pain in the butt! And it's good exercise with all of the painting, raking, etc.

    Yesterday, my older son turned 21! And today, it's my mom's birthday
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    well, that just cut off my post!!

    What I was saying was, they all came over for dinner last night... so obviously the wine was out! LOL. So today I biked to work, and am going to bike to spin class after work, then bike home. Try to counter-act the drinks last night. And Shy, soccer starts this Saturday too, so I'll be sitting in my lawnchair cheering! I love soccer season, my family never really got into baseball, but it's not as popular in Canada as it is in the US.

    Hopefully everyone gets in a good work out today, and has a great day!!