Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Here is a picture of the pup for the holidays with her hat... she hates it! LOL!

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    And a picture of me at the ugly sweater bar crawl! =)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Shy he is taking me to Winter Park in Colorado. A ski resort town. It is kind of funny. I have lived here in CO my whole life and have never been in a Ski town except to pass through. I am so excited about it.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    Well, I'm up 4 lb this week. I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that some of it is just water weight!

    This week, I had a holiday reunion with some friends from Boston, so the boyfriend and I drove up there after work and ate some food. I had a couple of cookies (the anise sugar cookies get me every time!), pear and fig salad (we made it!), vegan mac and cheese, and some delicious chicken and mashed potatoes. We did a yankee swap, and I got a beautiful wine stopper and some chocolate from Italy. My boyfriend got a bracelet! He was a great sport about it (since he was the only guy there -- we thought another friend was bringing her boyfriend, but the boyfriend ended up going out with old co-workers). It was nice to see my old friends though, especially now that we live in Rhode Island and it can be hard to plan to hang out with them.

    Last night, we had spin and it was a good workout, but afterward, I felt really light-headed and had to sit down. I hadn't felt that light-headed before after a workout before, so I was kind of nervous about it. My boyfriend drove us home, and then I had some gelato. I felt much better after that and more water.

    Tonight, we have personal training after work. I have to return some books to the library. I made it a goal to read 5 books in December, but I only read 3. Not bad though! I'm going to pick up the other 2 books, and add them to my January reading list.

    @ShyCush6 - Cheese and meat raffles! That is really funny! I love that that's a Wisconsin thing. :) Sorry you didn't win anything this year, but it sounds like you had a blast anyway, and had a great holiday as well! Your puppy is so precious, and that bar crawl photo is great! I love the sign haha!

    @jdelaroy6 - Oh, a ski resort! That sounds like so much fun!! That's a very thoughtful gift. I'm happy to hear that you were able to control yourself after learning about a friend lying to you. That's always hard to deal with, but you handled it well!

    Welcome! @kiahcox96 @sonnybunn Check in often!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I love Winter Park!! There was a moose that walked around town when I was there... He lived in the town... It was awesome! Enjoy!! Someday I will live in Colorado!!! That is a hope of mine! Love it there!!!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @ShyCush6 @gemwolf110 I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Colorado is awesome, although of late we have been over run with potheads. I think that will start to mellow out, as more states are legalizing recreational use.

    Yesterday, was a pretty good day. Stayed within calories, did a walk/jog at lunch. The BF isn't feeling great, so we just hung out on the couch.

    Tonight, I am going to family's house to watch the fights (lots of junk food, and pizza) tomorrow an old friend from High school is having a get together. (more food) Hopefully, it doesn't get too crazy this weekend. Weigh in with the BF is tomorrow night. Come on great loss!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited December 2016
    June: I’m sure most of it is water weight… yankee swap… sounds like a fun gift exchange! I’ve had that light headed feel after workouts before… I just assumed it’s because I am horrible at hydrating lately! =( I’m working on it!! I love to read and never seem to make enough time for it… Good for you though… 3 books is great in a month! I’m still working on one!! =)

    Gem: Colorado is amazing… I have been all over… I like Durango, Winter Park, Breckenridge skiing is awesome… Glenwood Springs… if you ever get there do the Hanging Lake hike!! It is amazing!!! Aspen is gorgeous, Colorado Springs is fun with Garden of the Gods, Pikes Peak, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Seven Falls… another great hike up stairs!!! Sorry… I just love this state… Maybe we will be neighbors someday!! ;)

    Jdelaroy: I’m so jealous… whereabouts in Colorado are you? I actually had a friend move there recently and I’m pretty sure it was just for the pot smoking! Won’t be long and it will be nationwide… Good luck on the weigh in!! You got this girl!! Sounds like a fun weekend planned!!

    I had a great workout at the gym last night after work… Elliptical and then I did abs… Felt great! I’m working on the hydrating… and My goal for the new Year is no soda M-F, weekends… I will give myself a break! I like my mixers too much! Planning on hitting the gym after work as I am sure we will get out early with holiday deadlines! No one is here today, so we won’t have much work come through! I did eat kind of crappy yesterday, but was happy to see the scale down some this morning… I made out a goal chart… 1.5 lbs each week… a little steep and I know I will hit plateaus but I think I can do this… I had hydration and steps to it was well... I do well with charts! I really want to be in great shape for our 10 year anniversary in 2018! Thinking about a family trip to somewhere HOT!!! Hawaii or Mexico… My daughter will be thrilled! So that is my motivation…. Now to just give me the “strength” to fight my way there…. Strength… my key word for the year!!
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    @ShyCush6 Those hikes you mentioned look amazing and so beautiful!

    I'm enjoying my holiday break by taking lots of long walks with my dog. She's doing so much better this week. I had to rush her back to the vet just before Christmas as she couldn't keep any food down, but that seems to have passed thankfully. This week she is loving the walks on the beach and through the fields and sand dunes! Still struggling to recommit to my healthy eating after the holidays, but getting there.
  • lachiespior
    lachiespior Posts: 14 Member
    I have had my fair share of ups and downs, But if i could give any advice to any of you guys or girls reading this is keep at ti! Nothing worth doing is ever easy
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm back from vacation and back on track. I'm definitely up on the scale but I'm refusing to let the post holiday number mes with my head. Instead I'm going to focus on getting back to regular eating and exercising and my weight will follow. I enjoyed reading about all of your holidays and your upcoming resolutions.

    @ShyCush6 you look gorgeous in thar photo! We do meat raffles here too, it must be a rural Midwest thing

    @jdelaroy How did the weekend go? Sorry to hear about the person who deceived you

    @wishfuljune Great job keeping up with your workouts

    @gemwolf110 I love your resolution list, great specific goals!

    @bluepoppies777 Let us know what you decide your word is going to be

    @ngolden3320 How is your daughter? And how are you holding up?

    My word for this year is strong. My fitness goals are all associated with increasing my physical strength, but I also believe that I'll need a lot of mental strength for 2017 too. I invested in the Beachbody streaming service so I can workout from home more, much cheaper than the gym and I don't have to battle crowds.

    My resolutions are to:
    Do an unassisted pull up
    Get back to pre-holiday weight
    Work on body confidence. Never let self consciousness stand in my way of enjoying life
    Continue to say yes to new events/opportunities, even when they scare me
    Hit my savings goal for my future home down payment
    Continue to grow my personal relationships
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Also hello to all newcomers! Please keep posting!
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    I actually think strength is a great word for me this year as well (not to jump on the bandwagon!), both mental and physical. I'm taking evening classes to move into a different career path, and it's proving challenging to juggle everything.

    During the holiday break, I've gotten into the habit of taking long walks every day with my dog. I'll miss those once work starts up again, but I think I will continue walking during my lunch breaks in the local park. I'm back on track after the holidays as well - I've lost my Christmas weight (probably mostly water) + a couple extra pounds, so I'm happy that for the first time, I didn't let something like this derail me completely.
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Happy new year to you all! I hope you had a great Christmas.

    So I haven't logged on here in a while (last time I posted to the group was in bad!!!) in the last 6 months I totally fell off the wagon gaining over a stone
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Dalceridae Congrats on losing the Xmas weight already! I'm more than happy to share the word of the year with you, we can keep eachother on track

    @tazzy2911 Welcome Back! We missed you! Let's lose the holiday weight together

    @gemwolf110 Great word for 2017

    I spent the morning volunteering taking down Christmas lights and am now debating on if that can count as my activity for the day since I just want to be lazy and curl up with tea and a book since it's my last day of vacation before I go back to work. Maybe I'll compromise and do some yoga this afternoon. I hope everyone is having a great day off!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Rachel - well done on the volunteering. Did you conclude that it was your exercise for the day - I think I might have done in your position! Hope your first day back at work goes ok.

    @tazzy2911 - welcome back! Let's do this for 2017 :)

    @Dalceridae - well done for losing the christmas weight so quickly. I think lunchtime walk breaks are an excellent idea - exercise and time out of the office is such a good thing overall, I need to do more of that and less eating lunch at my desk whilst checking e-mails!

    Shy - hope your father in law is doing better? You are getting organised for the new year with goal charts - I'm impressed! Love the pic of your pup in her hat - she does not look impressed :)

    @wishfuljune - sure it is just water weight, that would be a huge amount of 'real' weight which I'm sure you've not done! The reunion does sound fun - it is so hard when good friends/family are a long way away.

    Jen - well done on the loss - and for not letting the lying friend get you down. At least you were able to talk to them and (hopefully) resolve it so that they won't do so again. So hurtful and i find as i get older that I have less patience for such things - life is so short and I find I'm slimming down my friends list to those who really matter and care.

    Joy - I know what you mean about the goodies, I'm desperately trying to get stuff out of the house so that I won't eat it!

    Nicole - hope you are doing ok and that 2017 has got off to an ok start for you.

    And welcome to all the newbies!

    Well, I'm back - it's been an awesome couple of weeks. Christmas was lovely and I've enjoyed the time at home with Alistair so much but I guess it's back to reality today (this is my last day off, back at work tomorrow). Dropped Alistair off at nursery this morning - now that he is 2 years old, he has progressed to the next room up in the chain. He has been so ready for it developmentally but they wouldn't move him till he was 2 (something to do with child to carer ratios) and he was getting so bored in his old room with a load of kids 6-9 months younger than him. When we got to nursery today and he realised he was going upstairs he cheered :)

    My word for the year is self care (ok, that's two words but who's counting!). I spend so much time looking after and out for everyone else that I don't always stop and take the time for me - so this year is it. I'm back and determined. Christmas was a motivator for me in an unexpected way - my lovely husband decided to be creative with presents for me and bought me a lovely summer dress and a top and skirt combination for smart occasions (he has a good eye for clothes). So he asks me to try stuff on - top is fine, skirt is a little tight but will work. But we couldn't get the dress done up over my top half - talk about being horrified (I will not exchange it for a larger size!!!). So my target is to be in this dress for the summer (around my birthday in June would do).

    So my plan for the day is a workout (once I've finished here!) then wrestle the house back into a bit of shape - and maybe some work on Alistair's blanket later in the day. Husband is back at work (and very cross that he didn't take today off with me!!). Hope the week is treating you all well so far and speak soon.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 I survived the weekend. I think I was close to my calories. I didn't log for the weekend. It was a nice break. I probably stayed right around maintenance all week. I like your word, and resolutions. You are right about the healthy habits. Glad to see you back.

    @Dalceridae walking is so relaxing. Good job not being derailed. I love walking during my lunch break. I just do it out in our warehouse.

    @gemwolf110 Balance is a great word, I think we all struggle with this. Trying to fit work, fun, family and health all in at once is difficult. I like making lists, that seems to help me stay focused.

    @tazzy2911 Well welcome back then! Good to see your smiling face, you can climb back on. :)

    @janetay01 Yeah we were able to talk and resolve the issue I think. I normally cut liars completely out of my life, but this is someone I couldn't imagine not having in my life. I love the new vigor you are feeling, and self love, self care is a great theme for the year. That means you have given yourself permission to say no. It is always great to see our children excited about a new opportunity.

    I am also back to work and ready to go on this new year. I survived the weekend, probably kept close to maintenance. I won my end of year bet with the BF. I rocked it I lost almost 7 pounds (I have no idea how) Today though it shows I am up 1.5 pounds. I am not going to worry about it. I am going with a little over eating, a little water weight, and the normal ups of being a woman. I was very lazy the last two weeks. It was such a great break, and now I am ready to kick some major but, and continue to work on losing this weight.

    I was thinking about how much weight I have lost, and how much further I wanted to go. If I was aiming for the low end of the healthy range, Than I am a third of the weigh there. If I am just aiming for my original goal, I am a little less than halfway there. Holy smokes, I have done great!

    My one word for the year is going to be perseverance!

    Hope everyone has a great day back at work, and meets their daily goals!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    Happy New Year to everyone!

    So glad to see many of you stuck to your goals right up to the end of the year. I love everyone's words so far! Strong (Strength), Perseverance, Self-Care (so important!), and Balance! All of these are amazing words to focus on in the upcoming year. I've thought long about it this weekend, and I think my word for 2017 will be "Stride". I have taken great strides to lose weight in the past year, and I need to continue to do so this year. Each stride could be a pound lost, a new PR for weight-lifting, or just making it to the gym five times a week. It also rhymes with pride, and I am very proud of what I've been able to accomplish in a year on MFP.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @wishfuljune I love it. Stride is a fantastic goal. It can fit into so many parts of your life.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @wishfuljune Fantastic word! I'm looking forward to taking many strides with you this year!

    @janetay01 Glad Alistair was finally able to move up! Sorry to hear about the dress :( That is really frustrating, but I bet you'll be rocking it by this summer

    @jdelaroy Congrats on winning the competition! Did you get anything for the prize?

    I was lazy and didn't do a supplemental workout to my volunteering. Mentally it was the best thing for me because I woke up completely refreshed and ready to tackle the day today.

    On a less cheerful note, I received a snapchat from a good friend that sent me into a serious jealousy spiral. She looked so great and I am still feeling so bloated and gross from the holidays. I hate that I couldn't just feel happiness for her and that my mind took that awful turn. I'm really hoping that being back in my routine this week helps to get me back in the right mindset
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    It sounds like you girls have been doing great! I had a big long post written the other day but it only posted a little piece of it