Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @wishfuljune My work swap cookies got me too...they are dangerous!

    @gemwolf110 That sounds exhausting! I hope a position opens up for you and all that extra hard work pays off

    @Bobbie48421 Welcome!

    Yesterday was rough....I got home and literally curled into bed and didn't move for the rest of the night. My director is luckily out today so I can take a breath, and then I don't have to come back to work until January 3rd! I might be a bit MIA during that time since we're visiting relatives in other states but I'll check in from time to time and be back swinging in the new year.

    The secret to waking up naturally at 5am is to go to bed at 8pm. No joke, I often go to bed before my Grandma's bedtime. I did it again this morning and did some rejuvenating yoga to get me in a better headspace to make it through today. Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Hi girls. I'm back. Counting the days until the end of the year. Hubby and I are having problems. Jenna got into an accident last week. Got hit by a city snow plow blowing through a stop sign. She is going to be ok just really sore. Still no rent a car. Trying to get city insurance info. Almost 100% sure they will total my car. Now have to wait and see what they will give me. Not in Christmas spirit at all. Definatelly feel like a Debbie downer. On the plus side all the stress I'm down 1.5 lbs.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Joy: That cold was awful!! So glad the temps have risen here… We hit 20’s yesterday and it’s like a heat wave! Ugh! “Why do I live where the air hurts my face?” I love the dog meme… I had to share it on my FB page… So Bentley!! Fuzzy Peaches and Butter Tarts… I need to hear more! ;)

    Gem: Ahhh! Your husky is adorable!! Best of luck with the work situation… never hurts to cross train and give yourself an edge… sucks that is puts working out on the back burner but hopefully it will all pay off in the long run!

    Rachel: Christmas cookies are so hard to say no too… I can say no to the ones I made but any one else’s cookies…. Not a chance! Nice job on recovering from the sweet overload!! You are a motivation!! I’m a morning person as well and it feels so good to get in a morning workout!! Have a great time traveling over the holidays!!

    Dalceridae: Way to go!!! Just keep on trucking! You are doing great! Glad to hear the pup is feeling better.

    Janetay: Glad the birthday was a success!

    Bobbie: Welcome!! Check in often!

    June: Good luck on the wrapping presents… =) Have a great time in Maine!

    Nicole: Sorry to hear about your daughter!! Glad all is ok… hope you can figure out the car situation soon… My MIL is going through the same thing. They finally totaled her car and now waiting for a check to buy a new one. =(

    Sorry I have been MIA… Had a pretty good weekend… Ended up having our family Christmas at the in-laws without my father in law there. My MIL broke down saying a prayer before dinner. It wasn’t the same but he is doing better… slowly but surely. He is out of ICU as of Monday finally. Still in the hospital and transferring to a nursing home soon hopefully so he can get rehab and back home. Going to be hard on the MIL until he is home. She is still w/o a car and having a hard time relying on everyone else. Sunday, Lexi and I went to visit my parents. It was so cold we didn’t do much… a little 4-wheeling for about 15 min stints and then went in to warm up by the fireplace after each time! Monday night was spent at the hospital and last night we had a Christmas party for a friend who was home from Idaho. So we invited a bunch of old HS classmates over. It was a nice quiet gathering. Sadly though Chad is home with the flu… hit him about 1 am last night. =( So crossing my fingers he stays away from me with it. Hope he isn’t sick over the holiday. Hope the work week goes quick! I’m ready for some cheerful spirit!! Merry Christmas to all!! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!!!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Good morning all. I don't know about all of you but these last two day of work are just about going to kill me. The place is dead and I have no desire to work, and all the freaking cookies and chocolates and everything else. UGH no will power. Getting back to the gym today. I miss it so bad.

    Shy I hope you don't catch the flu. I am also keeping your father in law in my thoughts and prayers.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Good morning. I missed everyone. I was sick all weekend into Tuesday. Finally started feeling better yesterday. I am still looking for the Christmas spirit, I feel like I am trying to find it, but it is being very elusive. I have 18 people that are going to be at my house for Christmas. This is my first year hosting. Holy crap am I nervous. I don't even know where everyone is going to sit. We might be eating on the floor, but it will be great either way. I am also not very excited for my birthday. It feels like it is just going to be another day. No one in my family has asked what I am going to do, so I think it is going to pass quietly by.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    @ngolden3320 - I think I'm right there with you when it comes to all the delicious treats that are appearing in the office this week. I made my boyfriend eat the rest of the cookies that I got from a cookie swap this past weekend. They were delicious, but I couldn't eat them all.

    @jdelaroy - Happy to hear that you are feeling better at least! Don't be nervous about hosting. You've got this! The important thing is that you are going to have a bunch of your loved ones over at your house. I'm sorry to hear that no one has brought up your birthday. Is it right around the holidays this upcoming weekend?

    Well, today started off rough. I went to bed early with the best of intentions to go to the gym this morning, but at around midnight, my upstairs neighbors were moving furniture and screaming obscenities at their three dogs. I'm pretty sure this was going on for at least an hour. When 5 am rolled around, I felt so exhausted, that I shut off that alarm and waited for my normal alarm to go off for work. I went to Dunks to get breakfast, the drive-thru line was crazy long, and they messed up my order twice, which set me back several minutes and I missed my 8am call this morning.

    Here's to letting it roll off my shoulders and power through the rest of the day. I've got the movies tonight with the boyfriend, and I will wrap presents before we go.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @wishfuljune I am a Christmas Eve baby. My birthday tends to get overlooked by most my friends and extended family. Completely understandable. My immediate family has always been really good about making sure to remember. I think everyone is just having an off year. Oh well, I know they love me, so not too worried. Just feeling sorry for myself.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Nicole: I have so checked out of work! I’m off tomorrow and the last two days are just brutal! The cookies are 2 cubicles away! Yikes!!! Thanks for the well wishes for the FIL.

    Jdelaroy: I’m not a big birthday person either… I usually let mine past quietly as well. If I don’t I think I get my hopes up and then get disappointed and it wasn’t worth it anyway. Hope your Christmas goes off wonderfully… I’m sure it will! Happy early birthday too! Hope it a wonderful quiet and peaceful day for you!

    June: Here’s to hoping your day can’t get any worse… poor girl! Hope you enjoy your evening… =)

    Well, all is well here. Ready to be off for the weekend! Wrapped up the final last minute items I picked up last night. The hubby made it to work today, so hoping it was a just 24 bug. Had a horrible sore throat last night but I amped up on Vitamin C and woke up and it is much better today. Who needs to be sick this weekend. We didn't make it to the hospital as with both of us sick... so hopefully at some point tomorrow or Saturday will will be up there! Tomorrow I have a friend’s birthday, we are going out for lunch and then bar hopping the rest of the day! Yikes! Water… think water… lots of water… damn I’m going to make my self pee! LOL! Now for me to remember the water thing tomorrow!! Saturday, we don’t have any family plans so for Christmas Eve we are going to a cheese raffle with some friends who don’t have family. Something fun and it’s hard when family has passed away, so trying to make it enjoyable for them! Sunday is our family Christmas then heading to my parents that evening and staying over. Hopefully lots of sledding, 4-wheeling and cookie baking/eating! =) <--- not for me! Everyone have a wonderful holiday! Merry Christmas from me to you!!! I’ll be back on Tuesday!!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi everyone! I am dyyyying at work today... and I still have to be here tomorrow too! Talk about dead!! And the cookies and goodies around here are going down the hatch a little too often! (no self control)!

    Jane! Fuzzy peaches are candies! They are round shape, kind of flat, but plump and they taste like peaches, with a dusting of granulated sugar (a bit sour) on the outside. I seriously LOVE them. :) Glad to hear the birthdays are over and fun was had by all! Now to focus on Christmas, which will be so fun with little Alistair. This age it's so magical for them!

    June - I love going to the movies! I wish I could go every week, but getting a babysitter that many times is out of the question, there would be mutiny at home! LOL. Enjoy your trip, have safe travels!

    Gem - good job at work, you are doing great. And have a merry christmas with your pups!

    Rachel - You are so awesome, getting up early and getting your work outs in! Massive kudos to you! I pressed the snooze button this am, just could not get up at 5:15!! GAH! I just realized at this moment, I think it's because I'm eating crappy right now, so that makes me more sluggish and tired! (duh!!). Enjoy your time away from the office and safe travels to all those different states you are hitting for the holidays!

    Nichole - I'm so sorry to hear Jenna had that accident, but thank goodness she came away nearly unscathed. What a year for you, it's been so many awful things after another. that is probably the reason that you and your hubs are having some problems. So just hang in there, things are going to get better, and then things will smooth out with him too. It's got to be all the stress of the year, it would affect anyone. Try to get to some yoga classes and just have patience with each other. As I like to say fake it til you make it (like pretend to be nice to him until you feel like actually being nice and loving!)

    Shy - glad to hear the FIL is out of the ICU, that is a big relief! Poor MIL, thankfully you guys are there to help her and keep her spirits up. Have fun on the bar hop! I WISH I lived closer to you! LOL! also, what the heck - a cheese raffle ???!!! I think I may have been from Wisconsin in my past life! or we were separated at birth... one or the other. LOL!

    Jen - Hopefully you will get dusted with that magical spirit of Christmas in the next few days and feel more excited about it. It would suck having your birthday on Christmas, so I hope that everyone acknowledges that when they are at your house! If they don't, I think you should get everyone's attention during dinner and say "I'd like to make a toast - to me! Happy birthday to me, everyone!" :) And don't be nervous about hosting, my advice is to be happy (even if shizzle is going sideways)!! If the host is a stressed out madwoman, it puts everyone on edge. But if you are relaxed (or pretending to be relaxed), everyone enjoys themselves more. Also, delegate things! Just say to people can you please mash the potatoes for me? or get everyone a drink or put this/that on the table, carve the turkey... whatever! Just give people jobs! And if anyone gives you attitude, tell them they are on dish duty! Also, people will sit on the couches with their plates or whatever, so don't worry. You could ask a few people if they had some extra folding chairs they could bring. Good luck!! And happy birthday!!

    Well, I've been having a good week. Drinking far too much rum and eggnog (it only comes around once a year so I dive in!). We are going to another party tonight. My brother is coming with his family from San Francisco tomorrow for a week, so we will be busy ice skating/skiing, snowshoeing, etc etc... I probably won't have time to check in too much over the next week.

    I want to wish you ladies a very Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for the friendship, motivation, and encouragement. I really appreciate you guys so much. It's been a bit of a wild year for some of us with family members passing, changing job situations, and general ups and downs of life (and weight!). But we all pushed through and we all have been there for each other. Let's be thankful for our health and make a commitment to succeed in 2017 again.

    One more thing - a few years ago I heard of this thing where you pick a word for the year. 2 years ago mine was "minimalism" (that one stuck but that's besides the point)!. This year mine was "care." (was going for self care, caring for friends and families etc). I'm thinking about my word for 2017. (tossing around focus, health or balance). You can pick any word - spirituality, fun, love... and let it guide you through the year. it's just a word that you can think of to motivate yourself when you need it, to guide you through decisions big and small, and things like that. So I wonder if anyone else wants to pick a word with me? We can think about it and let everyone know their word the first few days of January. :) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! xo
  • tessadiane92
    tessadiane92 Posts: 12 Member
    I have 100+ to lose. I'm really trying to do it right this time. In the past I have dieted and excersized, lost 25-30 lbs and stopped, thinking, "that's good enough for now" just to gain it all back then some. I'm tired of feeling tired and I want to change, so I'd love to have people to talk to and share with (:
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @tessadiane92 welcome to the group. Please fell free to add me as a friend That goes for all newbies. I haven't checked in as much as I usually do as life has been getting in the way. But 2017 is just around the corner.

    Joy. Thanks for the advise for me and hubby. I will definitely take it. I am also thinking of my word. That is a great idea. Enjoy your week with your brother. My sister took my mom to see my niece in North Carolina for Christmas. I will be with my Aunt on Christmas Eve. And then with hubbies family on Christmas Day. Trying to stay as normal as possible.

    I'm also with Joy. Thank you to all of my friends here it has been a hell of a year and all of you have helped keep me focused and for the most part on track. Thanks again and wishing all of you a safe and Happy Holiday season.
  • ArinNDA
    ArinNDA Posts: 2 Member
    This seems like a fun, not to mention an active thread. Happy holidays everyone!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    We made it through Christmas! So the last week, I ate what I wanted, rarely did any exercise and just didn't care. I knew it was going to be a rough week. I did manage to avoid a lot of the "treats", I still indulged, but I didn't go super crazy like I did in the past. I enjoyed Christmas at my house. I feel like it went really well, and was great to spend time with family. I didn't finish shopping until Christmas Eve afternoon, wrapping in the evening. Over all of that, it says I am up about 2 pounds. I am not worried. For all I know it could be water weight (I am dreaming) It will hopefully, fall off pretty fast. I am ready to log, and exercise my way into 2017. I have a bet to win.

    I love you guys, thank you for the support, and the ear!

    @bluepoppies777 I love the idea of a word for the new year and I am thinking about it. I think I have it, but I want to sit on it for a day or two.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    edited December 2016
    Happy Tuesday, everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend!

    And happy belated birthday @jdelaroy! I hope you had a great night with your family!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @wishfuljulia I had a great birthday. The BF took me and the kids out the night before for dinner at Casa Bonita (you can google it), then him and I had breakfast out. He made me my favorite kind of cake, bought my favorite ice cream. I made lasagna for dinner. I indulged and enjoyed myself. I even had hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps. ( I drink about 3 times a year) My youngest made me birthday pictures. My oldest made me a shawl (her first crochet project), the BF is taking me away in January for a weekend. So excited! I am one lucky lady.
  • kiahcox96
    kiahcox96 Posts: 3 Member
    I've got about 30 lbs to lose and I've been spending years always having the desire to want to lose it, but never truly making it happen. I'm only 20 and I spend every day looking at my friends fit into their size 8 and 10 dresses for nights out, whilst I struggle to zip up a size 14 I bought maybe a year before. For once finding a community online who want to share in this feeling makes me feel so amaze - I'd love to be a part. I never feel as though I am able to share in my desire to lose weight with my friends cause they would never understand - it has always felt like a lonely battle. So I am genuinely feeling motivated by the new year and am absolutely determined to make it happen. Has anyone got any other small tips and advice on how to keep yourself happy and not disheartened through the process?
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hello to anyone who is checking the thread this week! Just checking in! Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! Jen, so glad to hear you enjoyed your birthday and Christmas went well. Welcome to all newbies, please add me! I made it to the gym this morning for cardio session. I have got to get rid of all the goodies this week, going to make up plates and take them to my friends who have company! Still thinking about my word for the year, it's between health and balance. I also saw that someone else is going to make monthly goals, which I like that idea! So January my goal is the same as hers: portion control and resisting temptation!
  • sonnybunn
    sonnybunn Posts: 3 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    Hi! I've been a member here for a while, I dropped out for a bit and now am motivated to get back into the action. Recently joined a gym and I'm working at this. My best success was a group of people who shared almost daily and motivated and pushed each other. We shared struggles, success and just overall frustration and joy! I'm looking to find those core people again. Create friendship and get to a healthy lifestyle! I plan on checking in daily, I'm bad on the weekends, but I will try harder. Please share in this group if you are looking for a core group to help you get to where you want to be. I don't care if you have 20 or 100 lbs to lose, I promise to be a good cheerleader! =)

    I'm on the same boat as you...I'm just getting prepped for the new year! Definitely need some support. Gained so much weight after wedding & 2 babies... add me!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @kiahcox96 Welcome to the thread. I find having a great group of friends to talk to (Here) is helpful, forgiving myself for days where things don't go as planned, setting small, realistic goals, knowing that even if I haven't made the goal, it doesn't mean I can't keep striving towards it, planning ahead, and looking at improving my overall health rather than just weight loss have helped tremendously.

    Glad this holiday season is almost over! It has been crazy busy, and I miss seeing all of your guys' lovely faces around here. Yesterday was a weird day. I ended up finding out someone close to me had been lying to me for a few months. This hurt tremendously, made me feel stupid and naive. I was pissed as all heck when I found out, took me about two hours to calm down, and really think about it. We talked about it, and hopefully it won't happen again. I bring this up, because I was proud, that I didn't completely lose it, I am okay with the way I feel about this, I am okay with giving this person a second chance, and I didn't go crazy eating everything in sight. Instead, I skipped lunch (Wasn't hungry) had a reasonable (not great dinner). Then the BF and I decided to play a new video game he got for Christmas. He brought out the Chunky Monkey Ice cream (my all time favorite) Over two hours of video gaming, we ended up eating almost 2 pints of ice cream. Oh my! It put me a little over maintenance for the day. (80 calories) I am not upset over this at all. It was delicious, I had some much needed bonding time with the BF and just enjoyed myself. I also didn't feel like I was eating it because I was upset. I actually gave myself time and space to process how I felt yesterday, and was okay with it before the ice cream came out.

    Best part I weighed myself, and I am down 2 pounds from 2 weeks ago. Lost my Christmas bloat, and then some. 3 more days until the bet with the BF is over. He is going to owe me a date night! On top of my weekend away.

    Looks like I won't have reached my goal for the end of year, but pretty darn close and there is no truth to the stupid people who said I was going to weigh my lightest for the year right before the holiday season.

    Now to get back to the gym! I sure miss it.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Joy: I’m going to have to check out Fuzzy Peaches… =) A cheese raffle or meat raffle… is probably a Wisconsin thing!! Lots of bars have them and you go and buy paddles for usually a $1 each round… there are usually about 10-15 paddles per round… If you win, you go and pick a chunk of meat or cheese and take it home with you! Usually there is a paddle with a free drink in each round too! I didn’t win a damn thing this past weekend though… Last time I won 2 free drinks a chunk of bacon with a dozen eggs and a hunk of Pork Tenderloin! Sometimes they have money rounds and this last one had other fun food items… nuts & baked goods. They are a ton of fun! At cheese raffles we usually bring crackers and sausage and eat the cheese as we win it! =) You and I could definitely be twins! I seriously would love to hang with you sometime!! Come to Wisconsin and I’ll take you to a cheese raffle!! =) I love the word idea!!! What a great positive thought… I think I might go with strength…. Strength to get me thru hard times, strength to ignore the cravings, strength to workout extra hard, strength to give me patience, strength to love myself…. There are a lot of things I need strength at!! Way to go Tuesday for cardio!! You got this girl!! Great goals for January!!

    Jdelaroy: Happy belated birthday!!! Sounds like your day was wonderful and glad the hosting went off without a hitch! You got those 2 lbs… you can can do it!! Where are you getting whisked away to in January?!

    Tessa: Welcome! I hope we can get you there!! You can do this!! Check in often!!

    Nicole: Hope things smooth out with the hubby too… I think Joy had a great idea… marriage is hard and needs lots of work… I’ve been there! Divorced and re-married… it’s all hard!

    Gem: Love your goals and thank you for being here as well!! Love that your sister is in on the journey as well!! Rock on! Invite her to our group!!

    Kia: It’s not an easy process but stay true, log often and own up to bad days… you will have them! Check in and share with us often… great to vent, share and learn from others! We are all struggling with the same issue…

    Well the holidays were great! Friday I went out with friends for a birthday celebration… It was a long fun day but I managed to drink water and control my drinks!! It helped that it started snowing and I was a DD, so I had to be extra careful! Saturday we hit the meat raffle… I didn’t win a damn thing but friends of mine was a huge sausage stick and money!! There were a ton of snacks there and everyone brought a dish to pass but I managed to steer pretty clear! Sunday I got my daughter and we celebrated Christmas with homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast… then unwrapped presents and watch National Lampoons Xmas vacation… we know ALL the words! LOL! Then we headed up to my parents… the hubby went hunting out for the holiday hunt on my parents land and got a deer… so we spent the morning butchering it, while Lexi took her grandparents out 4-wheeling in the snow! Then my brother and my sister and her husband came and we unwrapped presents, played games and went 4-wheeling for the day. I really did pretty good on snacking… and I only had one piece of lemon meringue pie! My favorite! Lexi and I spent Monday cleaning and getting the house back to normal. Now back to reality. Lexi is off for a 2 day wrestling tournament and Chad and I are back to work! Friday, Chad bowls and I’m sure we will stay and have a couple cocktails! Saturday evening we are headed to a house party for New Years! It’s always a good time! Same people, different house every year! Sunday, I think we are headed off to sled at my parents and Monday the Badgers play a bowl game!! Go Badgers! I’m sure we will get together with friends for that too! Then things may get back to normal! Heading to the gym after work tonight and I’m watching those treats getting crammed in my mouth a little better than I was!!!! I did manage to only gain .5 lb over Christmas so I feel pretty good about that!! I didn’t think it was going to be pretty! Oh… and the FIL is still in the hospital… went to see him again last night… he is doing pretty good… Was suppose to be moved to a facility yesterday but now with the holidays, case workers on vacation and insurance everything has been put on hold. We are hoping for Friday but might be next week… He is not getting much therapy in the hospital and I fear he is getting weaker each day… he needs therapy and to strengthen himself back to health! They are not doing him any favors by stretching this out. So say a lil prayer for me if you can!