Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Karen - Mmmm... Hard Black Cherry Soda sounds yummy!
    I'm hoping to get in a walk tonight with the pup but I have yet to get outside and see how warm it is. It was chilly last night. I hate being in a cube and not having any windows. It's depressing... but then again this spring has been depressing all around! =(
    Having a hard time today. Ate my snack and my lunch but it is so boring here... I am thinking I am hungry when I know I'm not!!! grrrr!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    It has been like a summers day here today so I managed to get lots of things done outside again, meaning that I am under on my calories and made up for yesterdays naughtiness :wink:
    I am not doing to great on matching my macros at the minute but i will continue to try, Just taking it one step at a time :smiley:
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Gillian. I am so envious of ur summer like day. Warmer today but I'm ready to b outside without a hoodie and some shorts. Saturday it is supposed to b close to 70 so fingers crossed. I love all of the dog pics. Definitely a dog fan here. Just left the gym. Felt good after being gone for 4 days. Helped w the major cramps I'm having also. Being a girl sucks sometimes. I was happy with myself. I did 25 minutes in the arc trainer the longest time ever and that was not going for 4 days.
    Everyone enjoy your r evenings. Talk to u all tomorrow.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Woohoo posted my whole reply.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    edited April 2016
    My husband is slightly butthurt I haven't eaten the pizza he brought me back from his lunch yet. I really do want to eat it, but there is no way I can fit it into the plan right now. I have 4.5 weeks to lose two pounds. That my sound unimpressive, but I don't weigh that much and am otherwise in maintenance. My vacation is coming up shortly and I am calorie banking like a nut because I am going to eat, eat, eat and fully expect to gain those two pounds back. Part of the trip is to Italy, so yeah, it doesn't even really make any sense to try to make this pizza today fit. :|

    It will all be worth it when I'm face down in a bowl of nougat bits! Thank god they don't sell those here! :D
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Morning all! Feeling like a slight fraud being here - all the pictures of your lovely dogs and I have none of my own to contribute :smiley: . Would love a dog but we just don't have the lifestyle to support it - one day perhaps. Not sure our two feline friends would be too impressed though!

    @Rachel0778 - don't let us put you off, owning your own home is good in so many ways. As Missy says, it's just so good to be able to do what you want to it without having to get permission from anyone. And if you don't want to do all the hard work, buy a newer place that is already done up - some of us are clearly just suckers for punishment when it comes to buying places that need work!!!

    @GillianSmith2 - isn't the weather gorgeous? It's still not that warm with us (Sussex) but the sun is out, the garden has lept into life and spring is most definitely in the air. Makes me feel so much better about myself.

    @CrabNebula - where abouts in Italy are you going? We went to Italy in June 2014 when I was 3 months pregnant and had an amazing time (and yes, ate far too much delicious pizza and pasta :smiley: ). Once we are in a better position financially we'll go again and introduce our little boy to the delights.

    I spent all of yesterday in a staff event at work - 200 of us in a hot room with no windows and inadequate air conditioning. It's fair to say I was not feeling the chirpiest by the time I got home! Better today hopefully - have a good Thursday everyone.
  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 239 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi everyone... I'm at the other end of my weight-loss journey. Started in May 2014 and have lost nearly 35kg. It's been a solo journey based on my own self determination and focus. I've learnt a lot about eating and the reasons why I was the size I was and changed my life - which involved changing the people in it as well. In the first 6 mths I lost 23.6kg, the second 6 mths 8kg and over the last 11 mths 2kg and am now 2kg from my goal weight. I'm struggling to do this on my own although I joined MFP quite a while ago have not been active in the forums or looking for inspiration or for friends to share the journey with. I'm hoping that making some new friends we can help each other.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @deboo7 Congratulations on being at the end of your journey. Welcome, you have come to the best forum here. These people rock and are super encouraging. My name is Nichole what is yours?
  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi @ngolden3320 Nichole, I'm Deb :-) I'm looking forward to making new friends and helping to encourage others on their journey. If there's one thing I know it's that you have to throw the word diet out and replace it with lifestyle. About me... I live in Lower Hutt which is in New Zealand. I work for a local Council in ICT.
    How is your journey going?
  • aubreylynn28
    aubreylynn28 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone! I finally just started being serious about weight loss, and thought it would be cool to start using the forums and adding friends. Support and encouragement from people who also live healthy lifestyles is exactly what I need! Feel free to add me! I'm wanting to lose 100+ lbs. It is going to be a long journey! :D I read back quite a few pages and you all seem like a great support group!
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited April 2016
    Loving this thread! :D:D
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ShyCush6 I agree, cube working is the worst! I'm glad I only have access to what I bring to eat or else I'd graze all day too

    @FitEqualsSmile Is the weather looking up for a puppy walk today? The canal path sounds beautiful

    @CarbNebula Sorry to hear about the pizza. I wouldn't worry about gaining too much weight in Europe. I ate everything in sight but didn't gain a pound since we were walking all the time

    @janetay01 I'd definitely have to buy a newer house, I have 0 fixer upper skills. You should post a picture of your cute kitties! They still count as fur babies :)

    @health_guard You have a good point! It was work to find a place that would allow me to have any dog I wanted. My SO jokes I would only buy a house so my puppy could have a better life lol. Also, you're on a roll with the gym, way to go!

    @DeBoo7 Keep posting here! It sounds like you're in a great headspace to do well

    @Aubreylynn28 Welcome!

    @jkhoffe Sounds like a fantastic day! As a fellow MN person, I agree about the weather! I hear it's going to be awesome today too. Almost makes me want to skip boxing just to stay outside
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    It looks like it's going to be crazy busy today too. Summers are the crazy time for my job so it looks like this might be my new normal for October. Wish me luck on staying sane!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Gill – Jealous of your summer day!! It’s slowly getting warmer here every day! I broke out the sandals and I refuse to take them off! =)

    Nicole - Let’s hope that 70 breaks through this weekend!! I’m really needing it!! Great job on the gym… I love the arc trainer!!!

    CrabNebula – Hope you made it past the pizza! Have a great trip to Italy! Sounds amazing!

    Jane - Amen! Suckers for punishment!! Love it! Yes, I agree owning yor home is truly awesome… at times… yes it sucks when maintenance needs to be done, but for the majority of the time, it’s truly a good thing! Hope your day goes better today!!

    Deb - Way to go on your loss… truly inspiring! I hope we can help you get you to your goal and through maintaining as well!

    Aubrey – I hope you utilize us to the max! Always someone here to check into and encourage or to just share your frustrations or victories!! Hope you check in often!!

    Missy – Nice job… I have faith you’ll make it 4/5!!

    Jen – Sounds like a productive day!! Nice!! Way to get the hubby to join you! Let’s hope MN & WI cooperate and give us an awesome weekend!!

    Rachel – Good luck!! Hope the day goes quickly at least! My work days this week have been slow and really makes it drag on…

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    So yesterday I had another great day eating… I was looking for a snack late but turned to granola so a better choice than all the other crap in my pantry! The scale was nice and obliged me this morning as well so that is making the good choices easier!! Happy scale is finally happy again with me!! We are on for 3/3 in good eating this week!! Today is my anniversary and the hubby wanted to go out… instead we are staying in and making our own little seafood spread! Healthier and just as yummy! We got married in Florida and had an awesome seafood buffet for our wedding meal! It was amazing! So every year for our anniversary we make sure to have seafood! Might have to add a glass of champagne to the list tonight as well, but I have to make sure I bank some calories for it!
    Steps were a little lower yesterday as I had a meeting last night… I think I got just around 17K. I’m really trying my hardest to hit 20K each day!! I’ll get there!! The daily challenges really help me a lot!!!
    Hope you all have a great day! Good choices!!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Happy Anniversary Shy! Enjoy your dinner & champagne! Seafood sounds yummy! Well, we are taking tomorrow off of work so we can head to Florida to work on this house. My husband leaves town for work on Sunday, so we have to come home on Saturday this weekend. So, 6 hours in the car tonight. Hopefully we can get stuff done this weekend. I have kind of been stuck with the weight lately. Its been almost 3 weeks since the scale has moved in the downward direction again. Still up and down that same 3-5 lbs. Frustrating! But I know it is my food/drink choices. I am hoping the weather gets better here. It has been warm, but off and on rain the past week or so and no signs of stopping. Its hard to go to the track after work when its raining every day after work... Since my husband will be gone part of the week next week maybe my food will be a bit better. Not sure why that works-but I don't usually make a big meal when he isn't home. I feed the kids, and I might grab something light. But no big meals. We will see. Have a great day!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Rachel - ok, next question then. How do I post pictures?? Never done it before on here!

    Shy - have a great anniversary and definitely have that glass of champagne. It's one of the things I've learnt on this weight loss/healthy eating journey that you have to be able to build the nice things into your daily life/diet - just not every day and we have to work to keep the balance! Better day today - thank you!

    @danan01 - agree entirely with you, I eat far healthier and smaller portions when my husband is away. I'll feed Alistair then get something small once he's in bed - not sure why it works that way but it does seem to. Maybe I should send him away a bit more often :smiley:
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Nichole, this is for you and your arc trainer! You are killing it, lady!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 362 Member
    Was suppose to run today but my right calf is really bugging me. So I'm taking an extra rest day & will try running tomorrow! I know no pain, no gain. But I'm a wimp lol