Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • DianePK
    DianePK Posts: 122 Member
    My daughter is dragging me to the gym today. Going to use the cross trainer.
  • Kareesdiet
    Kareesdiet Posts: 82 Member
    Good for your daughter!!!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    good morning everyone. the sun is shining :sunglasses: , its a beautiful day :smiley:

    welcome to all the newbies.

    I woke up this morning with DOMS and water retention from the awesome workout we did on Thursday night, yes the scales have gone up but i expected it as i ache so much :wink: i know they will go back down in a couple of days. That is one of the advantages of weighing every day, you get to know what will happen, when it will happen and its easier to deal with if you know why it happens :)

    Have a happy weekend everyone, I am off to the gym for a bit more fun :lol:
  • Kareesdiet
    Kareesdiet Posts: 82 Member
    Good morning it is Saturday indeed! Supposed to be sunny here in So. CA. So as soon as the sun comes up I'm gonna go take a nice long walk!!!!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Hi everyone. Happy Sunday. Beautiful in Ohio today. Going through have a cookout. Girls had double header for softball yesterday. Cassidy had her first varsity hit and made 2 beautiful catches in outfield. She doesn't usually play in the outfield so I had to watch through my fingers. Lol. To celebrate we had frozen yogurt. Instead if ice cream. Today having a burger no bun. Strawberry shortcake yummy!
    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of your weekend. Hubby has been gone all weekend at our cabin and was by be here me until tomorrow evening. As it is the first day of turkey hunting. Yeah a month off as he will b gone every weekend.
  • aubreylynn28
    aubreylynn28 Posts: 4 Member
    It is a beautiful day in Utah! It's been raining for a few days and today it stopped. It's a little cooler today too, so it is a perfect day for a hike. It's been a rough week, work has been stressful, relationship has been stressful. So it is nice to finally have a nice relaxing day with my boyfriend, and go do an exercise I really enjoy! Hope everyone has had a great weekend!!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Gorgeous day here in London - shame I'm working! Fighting off a cold and need to kick myself back into gear - comfort eating over the weekend has completely thrown me off track :(. Have a good Monday all!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    These people at work are really pissing me off. It's a good thing that nobody is here when I get in at 4am because I probably would have been fired for flipping out. Hope my Monday improves as I have big plans for a productive week and don't want my work mood to screw that up.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Good morning all...WOW! I open our thread this AM on my app and there's a LIKE AND AN AWESOME BUTTON!! How far behind am I? .... I've had a crazy busy at work the last few weeks and had an insane busy weekend so it will take me a while to catch up w/everyone. Welcome newbies!

    Feel off the wagon a bit but I'm back on it... Got a walk/jog in this AM! Feeling good about my weekend - we worked a beer festival table this wknd and I did pretty good! Ystrdy we worked outside all day b/c it was such a beautiful day!

    Hope everyone has a great day... Gotta run for now hope to catch up more later.
  • chasidee90
    chasidee90 Posts: 25 Member
    Happy monday everyone! Hubby and I had a wonderful weekend spent alot of time outside in the sun. I just hope Monday is going to be nice and not a typical monday haha. I plan on pushing my walking a bit further today. I conquered 1 block last week and I am going to walk 2 blocks this week. It might not seem like much to you but that is a big deal for me as I am extremely over weight and the pain in my back,knees, and feet is overwhelming... But I am pushing through it and will conquer!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @health_guard That must be quite the mindshift to go from waking up when you normally end work! Do you switch shifts frequently? How do you adjust your eating/exercise?

    @chasidee90 Walking an additional block this week sounds like a fantastic goal! Great job adding movement into your day!

    @ChangeIsADecision Welcome back on the wagon! Great job getting right back into activity!

    @ngolden3320 I'm with you on that. I need some time before I can be civil to coworkers. I hope today starts to look up for you!

    @janetay01 Sorry to hear about the comfort eating, what's going on? Hope you're able to escape during your lunch break to get some time outside

    @Kareesdiet Welcome! How was your beautiful walk in So. Cal?

    @GillianSmith2 DOMS is the best reason for a temp. gain! Way to rock it at the gym!

    @DianePK Talk about family support! That's really cool that you two can do it together!

    @ShyCush6 It's awesome that the scale rewarded you for your awesome anniversary choices, I hope you and the hubby had a fantastic weekend!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I realized this weekend that I've been half-assing it in the healthy eating department lately, and it's showing in my hunger levels and my weekly calorie totals. I went to Aldi and stocked up on a ton of healthy meal options so I'm hoping to turn this train around this week. I also had 3 separate wine occasions last week so that definitely didn't help! Oh well, new start, new week!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Happy Monday! Well, this was not a very good weekend food wise. I really need to get myself back on track! My husband left yesterday for the week, so hopefully I can get myself eating healthy for the week. I brought my clothes to go to the track after work as long as it doesn't rain. I am with you Rachel-I need to get myself to the grocery store and stock up on the healthy stuff. Maybe tonight I can meal prep for the week.
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
  • kgslim17
    kgslim17 Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning... I would love to be a part of this group. I started tracking Friday, had a not so good weekend, and started again this morning. The weekdays are somewhat easy because I am always on a schedule. The weekends are harder because there is no schedule and life is more hectic with children and hubby. I would like to lose 80lbs.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome @kgslim17
    @chasidee90 2 blocks is a great goal.
    @jkhoffe hope soccer went well. They are fun to watch.
  • Mile_High_Runner
    Mile_High_Runner Posts: 56 Member
    I have lost 40 pounds since late last summer due to stress and not eating. I love the way I look now and started working out in February and dropped another 13 pounds. I still need to drop another 10-15 pounds to be considered "normal" weight for my height. I'm 6'1" and weigh 198 currently, need to be under 190 at minimum. I joined MFP but never really counted my calories, I just eat less food and work out. I've been cheating the last 2 weeks, snacking before bed. I'm just so hungry all the time, I hate counting calories, I hate being hungry. Going to try and really focus down and count those calories, workout and not cheat, I want those last 10-15 pounds off my body. Hopefully I can stay focused and make it happen. I have been doing p90x, body pump, lifting and running. My strength is improving, my endurance and running is improving, my muscles are growing and getting hard and showing definition. I so want to keep it up and get those 10-15 pounds off before the end of May.
  • chasidee90
    chasidee90 Posts: 25 Member
    Hangry... It is real and vicious beware! My poor hubby had to take cover.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been MIA the last few days, my father in law passed away on Friday. It's been a bit of a train wreck with the food/exercise but I am not going to worry too much about it right now. The funeral is on Friday, so it will be a week of checking in if I can, and logging if I can. I wrote the obituary (never had to do that before), and it was hard! I did catch myself a few times reaching for food because I was stressed etc., but I haven't worried about it too much under the circumstances. (didn't weigh myself this morning, but I'm sure I am up a few lbs).

    Dana, I liked that picture you posted about recommitting, I definitely need to do that again! I've decided to be kind to myself and be a good support to the family this week. So if I get in some exercise this week, then bonus. But I will have to get myself back on the train again next week for sure!

    I was thinking about it, no wonder I (and many others) struggle with our weight. Our culture literally revolves around food for everything we experience in life. I think I have to keep that in mind this week and try to focus on healthy foods and proper portion sizes. And try hard NOT to stress eat (or happy eat, sad eat, etc. etc. etc!! LOL).

    I haven't read back the last few pages, but I'm sure you are all killing it, and welcome to all the noobs (I'm sure we've got a few more!). Have a great Monday everyone. Go home and hug the special people in your life!!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @chasidee90 way to go on the walking, every step counts. keep up the great work.

    @bluepoppies777 so sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you and your family.

    @health_guard i used to work shifts doing early mornings, mid day and then evenings and it would really mess with my eating pattern. Luckily most of my work is now in the evening so i eat my main meal at lunch and have a light meal after work.

    I hope you have all had a good weekend.

    My weight is back down after the DOMS :smiley: i need to be extra good this week as i have a abba tribute night to go to next weekend for a friends birthday which means LOTS of drinks :wink: so here we go with the workouts and steps. lets hope the weather is kind and stays warm so we can get outside.