Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Man, this thread is busy! Love it! happy anniversary, Shy! How many years is it today? I'm at 12 years in December... crazy how times flies!

    So this morning my alarm went off at 5:30am, and I thought to myself, why am I waking up this early to go to the gym? I can go after work, so I slept for another hour... get to work this morning and see that I have a 5:00pm meeting after work - LIKE WTF!! That was my lazy self telling myself to 'just go back to sleep'! GAHHHH! So that started my day off on the wrong foot, should have just got up and done it!

    Spring is definitely here, it is beautiful and flowers are blooming. It's getting harder to get to the gym these days (hence the snoozing this morning)... I was considering giving up my gym membership for the summer because I like to bike and hike, but I think I will keep it.

    Welcome all the noobs, you're in the right spot! Keep up the good work, everyone!
  • monicathin
    monicathin Posts: 2 Member
    I'd love to be part of the group. I have a goal of losing 100-130#. Wow, I don't know how I gained att that!? It just kinda snuck up on me over the ladt 10 years. I just kinda let myself go and gave my kids all the priority. Now they are a little older and it's time to take care of myself a lot more! :). Some days it's not hard at all to stay within my calories but other days it's soooo hard. Especially, when I get to watch TV after the kids are in bed...and on weekends when my mom is arround visiting with several sweet treats in hand. I think this group is a great idea!
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    janetay01 wrote: »
    @CrabNebula - where abouts in Italy are you going? We went to Italy in June 2014 when I was 3 months pregnant and had an amazing time (and yes, ate far too much delicious pizza and pasta :smiley: ). Once we are in a better position financially we'll go again and introduce our little boy to the delights.

    Rome and Napoli. I'm so ready to go!

    I'm also not a dog person either. They are OK, I don't hate them, I just wouldn't want to own one.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    hi everyone, welcome to the newbies.

    Happy anniversary Shy, How many years is it? Im at 22 years this year :smiley:

    I have done really well with my macros today and i am starting to get an idea of what i need eat in order to match them. And I have found a protein milkshake that is quite nice so i think that will be added in to my daily intake :)
    We had a very intense kickboxercise class tonight and i am absolutely shattered but it also feels great :smiley:

    danan01 - I know what you mean about portion sizes, I used to eat the same amount as my husband, but when i first started on here i brought myself a smaller plate and strangely enough it works.

    health_guard - great work on getting to the gym.

    Rachel - hope your day went well and you managed to keep your sanity, although sometimes i think its easier to be a bit crazy :grin:
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    ...and the Hard Black Cherry Soda was a fail. Tonights drink of choice is a shot a patron with WTR MLN WTR, it is killing the back pain from painting the GD trim in my kitchen. I worked for about 6 hours and maybe got 1 coat on 1/3 of the trim. This is going to take forever.
    No walk with the dogs today, totally forgot we were having an energy audit done to get a rebate on our new furnace, oh well, I got to paint longer, what fun, NOT.

    Welcome to the newbies and hope everyone had a great day.


    @CrabNebula - Italy is my dream country, one day. Hope you have a great time.

    Shy, happy anniversary and enjoy the dinner out. We eat out so seldomly that when we do I make sure to enjoy it.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome Deb, Monica, & Aubrey. This group is the best. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.

    Shy: Happy Anniversary. We will be married 20 years in October.

    Jen: Take it easy with your calf. My calves were hurting a couple of weeks ago. Took a couple of days off extra at the gym and made a huge difference.

    @FitEqualsSmile: I'm with you on the painting. It sucks, I suck at it. My whole house needs repainted looks like that wont be happening any time soon. LOL

    Nice day yesterday here in Ohio. Girls had a game so I went to the gym early and got 15 minutes in on the arc trainer. Jenna had a great game went 5 for 6 and Cassidy had her first varsity at bat and beat out the throw at first by 2 step and field ump called her out. Home plate umpire said that she was safe but they were trying to move the game along as we were beating them a boat load to nothing. WTF! Her first varsity hit and they screwed her. :(

    Happy Friday to everyone. Tomorrow is weigh in day. We will see. It has been TOM this week along with the funeral and all that at the beginning of the week haven't gotten as much gym time as I would like.
  • DianePK
    DianePK Posts: 122 Member
    Hi all you lovelies! I'm back after falling off the weightloss wagon. I had a hard time with workplace bullying for a few months and it's taking me a little while restore my faith in human beings. I finally went to a pilates class today and tracked food, and am going to the gym tomorrow. So part of the community again, back on track. I have lost 6 kg so far, need to lose another 18 kg.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome Diane.

    What is with these freaking people at work? They are really pissing me off this morning. God please give me the strength to not hurt anyone today. Lol
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 371 Member
    Whoo hoo it's finally Friday! Have a Surprise 65 B Day party for my Aunt on Saturday, so I get to see all my crazy cousins, It should be a good time! A small downward motion on the scale today is a win in my books. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Wow, so many posts to catch up with, far too many to respond to individually, so all I'll say is a big well done to you all, you all seem to be nailing it. :)

    Lots and lots to do at the moment, so i've not been tracking my food, and my Fitbit steps are way down due to spending half my time in the car going from one appointment to another. I will try hard to get them in over the weekend though. I did weigh myself this morning though and there's been no change at all, i'm exactly the same as before I went away, so no loss, but on the plus side, no gain! I must be eating at maintenance...

    I'm going to get back to RC soon, but I have messaged them just to let them know the situation so they won't think i've abandoned the club in the mean time. I think it will do me good to go for a run, but i'm lacking motivation right now to do much of anything at all, plus it's raining again. :(

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend, keep at it you lovely people.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Shy @ShyCush6 Happy Anniversary! How was your healthy celebration last night? It sounded delicious!

    @JenHul Congrats on the loss! What a great way to kick off an awesome weekend

    Jen @jkhoffe Sounds like you have a great day planned! Congrats on kicking off the weekend with a loss on the scale!

    Nichole @ngolden3320 I feel your pain. Why are people so incompetent sometimes?!

    Diane @DianePK I'm sorry to hear about your workplace bullying. I hope your new routine helps you to rise above

    @FitEqualsSmile Adulting sucks. Thank goodness for alcohol. Maybe 2 shots of patron would help more? lol

    Gill @GillianSmith2 Please share the yummy protein shake brand/recipe! I'm always on the lookout for new stuff. I just ordered a tub of vanilla cake protein powder which I am ridiculously excited to try!

    @monicathin Welcome!

    Joy @bluepoppies777 That's the worst when morning brain gets the best of you! I would have totally done the same thing though

    @janetay01 There's an attachment button on top of the text box you can use to link in pictures. It looks like a page with the corner folded over :)

    @danan01 Plateaus are the worst! It sounds like your husband's trip is coming at the perfect time to bust out of it!

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Kickboxing class was absolutely amazing last night. I finally feel like I am starting to get the basics of the movements.

    I feel like my hunger has been out of control this week and I don't know why. I haven't been eating any differently but I've been feeling ravenous before meals! Hopefully this is just a temporary hormonal thing. I've set my account at .5lb a week so there's not a ton of room to add more food!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Happy Meme Friday!


    @CariTJR It sounds like you're doing a great job of self care during this difficult time. Take all the time you need, running club will still be there for you when you're ready.
  • chasidee90
    chasidee90 Posts: 25 Member
    Was reading through and I am really loving the support here. I just started this journey tuesday and the struggle is real but I HAVE to change my lifestyle or else I will not grow old with my sweet hubby. It is now or never
  • Kareesdiet
    Kareesdiet Posts: 82 Member
    This sounds amazing just what I need. I have about 20 pounds to lose and lots of flab that needs to turn into some sort of muscle. I know if I had a core group that would hold me accountable and encourage, but not let me off the hook when I get lazy and make excuses it would help so much! So please whoever wants add me as your friend. I promise to be supportive, it is my goal to check in EVERY day EVEN when I cheat. Those are the days that are the hardest to check in, but I made myself a promise and am going to do my best to fulfill that! I would love to be part of this group and can't wait to get acquainted! Oh yeah... my name is Karee
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Dana –I eat so much better when my hubby is gone!! I don’t make big meals and am satisfied with little! So good luck with that! Hope you get a lot done today and tomorrow and enjoy your weekend!
    Jane –I saved room for the champagne!! Yum!!
    JenHul – Hope the calf is feeling better! Keep us posted!
    Joy – That stinks about the gym hopefully you got out and enjoy spring at least! I used to give up my gym membership in the summer but it is nice to have on rainy days! ;)
    Monica – Welcome! You are in the right place! =) Great group of ladies!! Lots of motivation.. check in daily and share with us!!
    Gill – I bought smaller plates as well! So glad I did! It has helped! Great job on the macros!!
    Karen – Hard Black Soda sucked? =( The Henry’s Hard Orange is really good I thought! Sorry you had a rough time painting… trim always sucks!! No fun at all!! I love painting rooms if I am using a new color but I absolutely hate painting the same color over the same color. Boring and you don’t see the change!
    Nicole – Great job at the gym again!! Sounds like the girls had pretty good games! Hope the weigh in went good!
    Diane – Welcome! Hope we can help you with your journey!
    Jen – Right back at you!!! Happy Friday! Enjoy the reminiscing and great job with the loss! Can’t go wrong with Bacon!
    Cari – Welcome back! We missed you! Hope you can get back on track soon…. Life sometimes gets in the way.
    Rachel – Great job with the kickboxing! Awesome! Own it girl! Love the puppy meme!
    Missy – Great job on the workouts!! Way to set goals and stick to them!
    Chasidee – Welcome! Hope we can help!
    Karee – Hope you check in here often! This is a wonderful group and very motivating!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Thanks for the anniversary wishes!! 8 years yesterday! =) The meal was amazing and the champagne tasted so good! Overall a great night and I didn't feel like I over indulged too much! We did make baked crab rangoon as an appetizer... tasted very yummy... that's one of my favorites!
    I managed over 20k steps yesterday so that made me happy!! Hoping for another great day today! Scale is still looking good as well this morning... yes I am a daily weigher... seems to help me put it in perspective every morning! And make my day when it goes down! Have a great day!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    When I was stationed in Japan, a truck would drive around playing really annoying piano (like a kids toy piano) music, but sold sweet cut creamy jams. They were soft in the middle of the pieces, but the outside had a crackly sugary shiny covering, with black poppy seeds. SO Good!! But I would run for the margarita truck too!!
  • ChihuahuaMeme
    ChihuahuaMeme Posts: 19 Member
    Gibbsy21 I tell myself, THINK ! What is the alternative if you don't do it. I don't want to be 297 lbs ever again. I have lost over 100 lbs in two years and it is struggle but you have to keep going if if you mess up one day just move on. My knees ached, my back ached and clothes looked lousy. Nothing in plus sizes interest me. How about you?