AlienMoon32 Member


  • Yeah, I'm done with it. I'm just going to stick with washing my hands and trying to exercise/eat healthy. I totes appreciate the scientific knowledge that was just dropped on all of us, but it just seems to be a long-winded way of saying exactly what I've been saying. Which is that it is not consistent enough. For me at…
  • Your body is not going to just bounce back to normal IMMEDIATELY at this age, sorry to say. I understand, I am also in my 30s. My advice to you is to stop weighing yourself so much. 11weeks is not that long. I needed 6 months to get back in shape and have my body looking somewhat normal and that was in my early 20s after…
  • No, you're right, I'm not an immunologist. My point is that flu vaccines show a low level of effectiveness compared to other vaccinations (like measles or many others), hence there being an actual purpose for the other vaccines which I have no problem getting. I understand that they are completely different but the end…
  • Yes, and publicly funded studies also, to show the bias. And the most interesting part of that is that even though they included these multiple biased studies, they still couldn't find more than a "very modest" legit benefit for taking this vaccine. Which is the point I was trying to make by introducing the CDC data.
  • Cochrane Collaboration does a decent one. What that found was that most official reports on effectiveness were shoddy at best.
  • The entire thing is just fear mongering to sell vaccines. Unlike the Measles vaccine, that has actually been proven to work by dramatically decreasing incidents of measles in vaccinated areas, the flu numbers have been steady since the 70s. How do you go from 10 million to 80 million vaccines a year and people are still…
  • No, I don't think they are accurate at all, but my point was that was the best they could do and it is straight crap.
  • I guess, but 9 out of 12 of the years included in that study it hasn't been better than rolling a dice, and even then just barely. Again I would like to point out that these are actual studies conducted by the industry, and that's the best they could cherry pick? You get them if you want, but I'm not convinced enough to…
  • Even the CDC has said it's not even effective half the time most years, and these are industry-funded studies. Check their website for last winter's numbers and they have Vaccine Effectiveness at 19%....
  • Against, and I work in a hospital. Every year I take one I get sick as a dog for at least a week after it, but since I stopped like 8 years ago I have not had any issues with the flu. I honestly think they use them to inject the population with nanobots or other weird crap (kidding?). They aren't even effective in most…
  • I have not gained much weight, but after alcohol addiction I found myself insanely addicted to sugar to the point that I'm now getting worried about diabetes based on the amount that I consume and my lack of self control.
  • I was super into it when the fad wagon was barreling through. Now I have slacked off due to the winter weather but will probably start again come spring.
  • Maybe wake up 5/10 min earlier and do a few sun salutations or any other good morning poses that you have memorized. I've done that so long it's just a habit for me to do a couple when I first wake up. It's better than nothing.