Biker_Dave Member


  • Welcome and good luck on your journey! It's hard but the best thing to do is to re-educate yourself about food, to understand it's relationship to your life and what type of eater you are. It's easy to reduce calories but if there is an underlying reason why one overindulges you will eventually wind up back where you…
  • Tis a bugger but one battles on! Thanks for the support there Imunik. :)
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your injuries. BUT........ A FitDesk?? Brilliant! Now I've possibly heard of everything! :smiley: Goes to show that where there's a will there's a way. Congrats on the weight loss to date and I wish you all the best going forward! I'll defo be watching this space! :smile:
  • A Yorkshire Tyke here and proud to be from God's own County!!! :D Used to be heavily into fitness and nutrition but nearly two years ago I was involved in a motorcycle crash that put me out of action for while and whilst I haven't 100% recovered I have decided it's time to get my *kitten* back together, stop with the…
  • Go to your home page in the header click on Goals > Daily Nutritional Goals > Edit There you can change your daily calorie, ratio percent target as well as the macro-nutrient content and Fitness related goals.
  • Hi there from another newbie that "has not only let his weight get the best of him but had nearly thrown up the white flag of surrender"!! :# Time to start afresh and make a new start; good luck fella!
  • Thank you for the welcome and as they say; "a journey of..." well you know what I mean! :smile: