mskatz1 Member


  • need to get back on my program after a couple of bad days of eating--perhaps election disappointment and working for Hillary at her headquarters in Mountain View with candy and other crap food available contributed, but I take full responsibility; going to Mazatlan, Mexico for three weeks after Thanksgiving by myself and…
  • Thanks for your comment and your supportive "congratulations." yes, cutting out brown bread, potatoes, and rice, but have had a few cheats the past few days--so I have to get back with the program. oatmeal virtually every day with almond milk as my program requires one grain for breakfast and oatmeal is the easiest--I make…
  • weighed in yesterday at 230.2; violated my no sugar, no white flour commitment with some candy on Halloween and yesterday, some bubble gum at night (with sugar) and some spaghetti yesterday; have increased exercise in past week to 45-60 minutes on eliptical and now doing some minimal weight lifting; pants fitting better.…
  • weighed in at 233.7 on my scale without clothes; fitting into size 42 waist tightly and size 44 comfortably; started at tight 46--exercising up from 30 minutes to 40-60 minutes. Onwards.
  • weighed at doctor's office--234.6---down 5.5 in two weeks; I was a little disappointed as my scale without breakfast and without clothes (with light gym clothes at doctor's office but no shoes) was 235 two weeks ago. She indicated I am down 25 lbs. from my recent high weight--down 15+ from when I started changed approach…
  • I will get weighed at the doctor's office tomorrow; have not weighed myself in two weeks, but waist line is going down. Still avoiding bread, pasta, pizza, ice cream, cookies, diet soda and other foods containing sugar and white flour---small cheats on nuts (some pistachio nuts; some pine nuts--both high in fat content);…
  • beginning 2nd month of lifestyle changing food program; feeling slimmer in my 44 pants.
  • Going to New York for 4 days starting tomorrow morning; need to pack some healthy snacks, digital scale, some lumped crab meat in plastic container, and commit to eating healthfully with no sugar, no flour; today begins my second month; size 44's fitting nicely. started with a tight 46. Determined not to weigh for awhile;…
  • 24th day--no sugar; no flour; pants fitting better; leveling off a bit a 235.
  • weighed in today--235 on bathroom scale--was 248+ with clothes on three weeks ago in doctor's office with clothes on in the afternoon--so somewhere between and 11-12 lb. weight loss in three weeks of no sugar, no flour. Feeling positive. Pants fitting better. Onwards.
  • Thanks very, very much for the tuna fish suggestions. I have been buying lumped crab meat in cans--but it is super expensive.
  • 21 days with no sugar, no white flour; slight meltdown last night while watching late night tv--ate a cup of canteloupe, container of rasperries and a modest amount of pinion nuts--shot blood sugar up to 149 before bed; size 44 shorts now fitting comfortably--another 1.5 lbs. off for the week. Slowing progress. walked 29…
  • Thanks for the advice on weighing; learned this morning that Costco broiled chickens, which I love and was eating with some regularity--even up through yesterday--is soaked in salt brine---6 oz had over 1290 milligrams of sodium---and high sodium retains water; so sadly,I am ready to give up on one of my favorite chicken…
  • Starting to have a 6 oz spinach salad with lunch with 6 oz additional chicken;using lemon juice instead of "oil"and adding1/2 small avocado. Had 6 oz. of blackberries (delicious) for my fruit---following Bright Line Eating program--no fats, no sugars; three meals a day; portion control (weighing food on digital scale);…
  • Thanks for the potato options for flavor; have never used tarragon. Lemon juice sounds interesting--used my .05oz of butter (my one fat requirement) for breakfast. Should not have weighed this morning--staying at 238.3 on my scale. Have to struggle not to obsess over the "weight issue." Hard to do for an impatient, food…
  • I am allowed 4 oz of potato instead of oatmeal or quinoa or rice--as a "morning breakfast" grain. What can I put on a potatoe instead of butter to make it tasty? Your ideas appreciated.
  • switched from instant oatmeal to regular oatmeal on Doctor's advice. Now have lots of extra oatmeal. Ate it--4 oz. weighed-- with 6 oz of raspberries and a touch of almost milk--that was my one fruit and one grain for the morning breakfast on this new Bright Line Eating Program I joined. Had two egg omelet with 2 oz. of…
  • 14 days with no sugar and no flour. The evening of the First Day of Rosh Hashanah--a time of reflection on how want to live our lives for the coming new year--for me, the goal is clear--sustain a major weight loss, change my fundamental eating habits, moved towards being a slimmer, happier, more compassionate person.…
  • tried my instant oatmeal with a little almond milk and lots of defrosted frozen blueberries--almost 6 oz of them--way, way, way more delicious. Thanks everybody for the great suggestions. I am indebted to you.
  • I really appreciate the comments about making tuna; I need to find ways to eat healthy foods that I like. My wife just bought me some instant oatmeal, as I am eager to start having one grain with breakfast; any thoughts on what you put on oatmeal to make it taste better. Stevia? Almond milk? fruit?
  • still losing weight somewhat fast on my no sugar, no white flour diet--with entries in ten days from 248+ to 239.4; suspect it is mostly water loss, but still encouraging. Have not increased exercise much. Feeling better. Onwards.
  • Thanks Dancing Daisy. Yes, no pasta at this point. Need to experiment with some different types of fish. I am not a great fish eater, but I should try to expand my limited repertoire beyond my favorites--boiled shrimp, broiled scallops, crab, lobster, salmon. How does one make tuna fish without mayonnaise? Your suggestions!
  • I just completed day seven of my no flour, no sugar approach to eating--and now filling in what I eat for every mean on my fitness pal's program. I appreciate your wonderful encouragement. I am trying to find some new approaches to food---e.g. experimenting with baked eggplant with minimal olive oil spread--find that 20…