momochris Member


  • Do you have a point you want to make about anything specific or share some helpful knowledge? If not, no need to be rude...scroll on. Cheers!
  • Thank you ~ that was an interesting read My weight has always been normal (5'5", ranging between 123 and 134 throughout adulthood), but I can eat ALOT for my size without significant weight gain. So even though I'm eating healthy again, I'm going to have to keep track of portion sizes and resume consistent…
  • The points you made about what is important makes sense to me and I'm doing that now (last 2 weeks). I can't believe I went so far off track during COVID. I was shocked when I read the labels and saw how much refined sugar crept into my foods. I was topping my healthy salads with Poppyseed dressing ~ I got rid of that and…
  • Thank you for the replies. In 2015, my total cholesterol was 303 and my doctor wanted to put me on statins. That day, I went plant based cold turkey after speed reading Dr. Greger's book, "How Not to Die". In 6 weeks, my total cholesterol had dropped down to 167. I was plant based for 5 years, then plant based except in…
  • Thank you for that information. I purchased Bob's Red Mill Vanilla Protein Powder Nutritional Booster with Chia and Probiotics ~ sweetened with monk fruit. I checked the back and there is no Xanthan Gum, but there are some other weird ingredients that may be causing an issue. I appreciate your suggestions for good brands…
  • Thank you all for your responses. The personal trainer had a sheet based on percentages and that is what came up. He said it was for muscle building/recovery. I am whole food plant based so my vegan choices are healthy, but there is no way I could get up to that much protein daily. When I focus on it, I am able to get…
  • Thank you for your response ~ you make very good points! I like your idea of picking something similar on the higher end as opposed to throwing the whole day out, which is what usually will send me down a slippery slope! :)