krwjohnson Member


  • I'm confused. I understand that CICO is what determines weight loss but won't cardio help? Saying it's just for fitness or health seems a little misleading. If you do an hour of moderate to intense cardio five times a week, while eating at slight deficit you will lose more weight than if you were just sitting on the couch.…
  • Calorie deficit is the most important thing. I am an army veteran and have trouble with my knees so I use the elliptical, the arc trainer, and I walk on the treadmill at an incline. I usually set the incline to 12 and the speed to 3.5. It's a much more strenuous exercise than you would expect.
  • Field Roast Celebration Roast is pretty good as an alternative to meat.
  • Yeah, my coworkers find it odd that I pay any attention to what I eat at all. I can't imagine how they would react to me bringing in a food scale. I don't really care what they think but it gets old having to explain my actions all the time. I think I will continue to just ballpark it and maybe leave a little wiggle room…
  • Great advice. Once the number goes down on the scale I tend to get a little overzealous.
  • Thank you. I think I needed to hear that
  • Why do you recommend this? Am I eating a dangerously low amount? These are serious questions btw, it's easy to come off like a jerk on but I promise I am being genuine. I'm not hungry eating 1250 and my energy level is fine. I've just had such success with what I've been doing and I don't want to lose my momentum.
  • 1250 is the actual amount I am eating. You may very well be right about me losing muscle mass, my only reason for believing I am not is my lifts have not declined. In fact, they have increased slightly
  • Ha ha you are correct. I am not eating the recommended calories.
  • My starting weight was taken right after a week long vacation in Paris so the 25lbs are not all legitimate fat loss. I think mfp recommend 1500, I have been eating 1250. I workout 5-6 times a week. A workout consists of 30 minutes of lifting and 1 hour of cardio. My energy levels have been fine and I am not losing muscle…