

  • I'm starting this week as well, soon as I receive my shipment. Feel free to add me :-)
  • I plan on making the cabbage soup today, but that brown rice stir fry sounds great! I'll definitely try that this week too. I am not a fan of chilli, so that knocked one of their suggestions out for me. Thank you so much for the ideas!!
  • So it's not just me!? I thought something was seriously wrong with my feet because they hurt so bad. I even bought some new cross training shoes before today's workout and they still hurt. I've been working out in just socks by mid workout. Good to know its not just me, hope our pain stops by week 2. Guess no stilettos for…
  • I started today and I feel the same, I did what I could do. From what I hear today is "easy", can't wait to see how tomorrow goes! I'm just preparing myself for the nutrition part, that's my struggle. Plus I'm such a funny eater. Good luck!
  • Very realistic answer! I am social person and I have weekends where I drink. I don't drink a lot, but I love my wine! I will stick to a strict diet on the week days, and only have 1 night of fun during the weekend. I should still reach my goal with this plan. Thank you!
  • Great Thread! I was wondering the same thing, lets me know i'm on the right track! Thank you! :smile: