Reciepes for Phase 1

Hi All!! I start the BGWT movement/lifestyle today!!! I'm excited. I'm looking forward to toning my abs more than anything. The hard part is food!! (ugh) I love to eat, especially fried foods. So far today I've done well, but it's only day one.

I plan to hit the grocery store after work, but I don't even know where to begin with dinner and lunch plans. Breakfast seems pretty easy. Anyone have good recipes or ideas for lunch and dinner they want to share??

Thanks in advance!! :-)

**the topic should say RECIPES** Typo sorry!


  • gainess
    gainess Posts: 80 Member
    Lunch: cabbage soup, veggie chili, plain salad loaded with veggies & egg whites, fruit salad

    Dinner: mainly stir fry with brown rice (no meat) I add a lot of frozen veggies to pan and cook with non-stick spray and cook the rice separately once all of it is done combine it all in pan together and let cook then add about 1tbsp of low sodium teriyaki sauce or soy sauce.. Very YUMMY!!!!! Good luck..
  • Keesh400
    Keesh400 Posts: 7
    I plan on making the cabbage soup today, but that brown rice stir fry sounds great! I'll definitely try that this week too. I am not a fan of chilli, so that knocked one of their suggestions out for me. Thank you so much for the ideas!!
  • shaniquehoward
    shaniquehoward Posts: 9 Member
    I am also on phase 1.. For breakfast i had a EAS protien shake, lunch a salad with no meat, just fruits, tomatoes and nuts (and a little cheese), two pears and tons of water. Tonight for dinner, CABBAGE!
    My workout will include BGWT and a 2 mile run.
    Trying to get this weight off quickly.