corazombie Member


  • Its a struggle but well worth it. Congrats on the weight loss. I cant say exactly what my starting weight was because i was terrified of scales. I have pics though, and Im pretty sure I was over 400 lbs. Its embarrassing to say but i need to accept the fact that I was eating my life away. Its been a long long process that…
  • I thought I knew pain. But theres nothing that can prepare you for heartbreak. Some of us are right here suffering with you brother. Lets use this heartbreak as fuel to better ourselves and prove to ourselves that we have limitless potential. Goodluck bud. Sending friend request.
  • Thanks @Seud0nim Everyones is so helpful here, I love it. I know yesterday I said I didnt need the rest... But today, Im starting to think Im going to need more than one rest day, haha. I feel sore, but a different kind of sore. I can see now why free weights are a better choice over machines.
  • Sounds good. Its just nice to see the calorie burning in text form, sometimes.. I wrote down all the new info, gonna work more protein into my diet.
  • Ohhhh now it makes sense. Thank you. How do you calculate the amount of calories burned when strength training?
  • 3500 calories to maintain and 3k to cut???? Why are these numbers so different compared the ones i get here in my diary??
  • 30 6' 0" 291 lbs
  • Thank you for the replies @samanthaluangphixay and @Michael190lbs Ill see how i feel by the end of the week. I can say though, that i didnt realize how difficult it is to keep the dumbbells balanced. Right away I knew why you guys wanted me off of the machines. Im still a little intimidated by deadlifts and squats with the…
  • Just a follow up, today i went to the gym in the morning, i began the m&s full body dumbbell program.. Compared to all the machines i was using before, it feels like i didnt do enough, just because it was so much quicker... i loved it though.. i feel tired from it but the good kind of tired... Now i have to rest tomorrow…
  • This was me, not even at my heaviest... And right now I cant wait to see more changes. Sorry i dont know how to make the pics smaller. Doing this on my phone.
  • Great job man. Triathlons sound grueling I cant even imagine how insane a sprint triathlon is. Goodluck and welcome to the forums.
  • Who doesnt? Haha... Welcome to the forums.
  • This is a great, i have jars, but maybe theyre too small. Thank you. And thanks everyone else for your input too.
  • Thank you, I understand that now. I guess when i see them in red, i just assume i have done a terrible thing. What kind of dressing, if any, do you put on the sandwiches? I love honey mustard, but i know alot of it is bad.
  • Are there any deli meats that you recommend that comes packaged. One they would sell in a supermarket? The only places Ive ever bought meat from is the butcher at supermarkets or mini markets. I live in a heavily hispanic populated area and dont think Ive seen delis that have good quality stuff. Ill start researching right…
  • Haha I suppose youre right. What kind of sandwiches or salads do you make at home? Any recommendations? What brand of bread do you use and what type? Not pickles :( Thank you by the way. I looked up sodium and apparently it is good to reach the 2300 daily requirement. Some days i see that number in red and i freak out. I…
  • Nope, no high blood pressure... I was heading in that direction but hopefully this gets me on the right path... Im new at all this so I may ask some silly questions... The bread thing is just a way to keep carbs low, i suppose... and i thought maybe it affected the amount of sodium. i realize now i havent even bothered to…
  • Sent you a request. We are all in this together. Posting this was the best decision you made so far. Keep reaching out and whenever someone extends a helping hand, dont hesitate to grab it. We got here for many different reasons but our goals are all the same. Good luck brother.
  • Hey, you guys got the power back on... Congrats :P Sorry, i just remember my twitter feed going crazy when that happened.. Hope things are well.
  • Hey, Ive only lost 3 pounds so far but my body has been changing and i love it. I still have a long long road ahead of me, but i dont plan on quitting anytime soon. Hope your journey is going well.
    in Hi Comment by corazombie October 2016
  • On Monday Im going to start one of the dumbbell beginner workouts on this thread I would tag the person that sent me this link but i dont know how. If you read this, thank you so much for sharing this info. I'm going…
  • Thanks everyone for the input. Ive been looking up programa and workouts online all weekend. Tomorrow I'm going to start one of the dumbbell ones on Samanthas link. I also will consider trying to workout in the AM. My biggest issue is waking up, haha.
  • Added you bud. What kind of exercises do you do when weight lifting? I want to get off the machines and do free weights but dont know where to even begin...
  • Haha love it. Crush it brother!
  • Great job so far. Keep at it.
    in Hi! Comment by corazombie September 2016
  • Hey, dont abandon us. Some of us are just shy. My journey is an uphill battle, but Im still here. Hows yours?
  • Thank you two.. I'll start by looking up programs and go from there.
  • Congrats! Keep it up.
  • I'm from the LA area and new to MFP. Decided to finally get serious about losing weight a month ago after a rough breakup. Still struggling to get through it and sometimes I just feel like giving up. So far I've managed to stay on track but could use the good vibes on my feed.