steph_runn44 Member


  • Brown rice in the microwaveable bags/bowls, veggies you could steam in the microwave, frozen meals, fruit, yogurt and granola for breakfasts, string cheese and deli meat.
  • I absolutely love vodka water with a lemon. They are super refreshing and I never get hangovers because of all of the water I'm drinking. I'm a fast drinker so I usually get a single tall which helps with the calories too. I also like to get flavored vodka like citron (when I'm home) but I'm cheap when I go out so I…
  • I always get a vodka water with a lemon. It's low calorie and I think it's really refreshing. It's also helped me to eliminate a hangover because I drink so much water.
  • I think it's normal to lose a lot in the first few weeks. I know I did. I lost 15 pounds in the first month. I think that soon it will even out once your body gets more used to the calories you are currently eating. Awesome job, keep it up!
  • I agree with the mexican one! I go out for Mexican wayyyy too often and between the chips and salsa and the margaritas it's always better for me to just order something a la carte. Staying with the out to eat ones, my rule is before I go out to eat I look up the menu and choose something. It is so much harder when you are…
  • Hi! I'm also a teacher and I coach too. I realized that for myself I needed to work out before school. I was always so tired after school and never had any motivation and then skipped my workout. Now I work out 3-4 days before school and on the weekends. As for food I've been eating yogurt with granola and some…
  • I played basketball in college and worked out all the time. I ate basically whatever I wanted because I worked out so much and so hard. We had a strength coach who looked at our body fat and weight basically monthly. We had to fill out nutrition journals a few times a year and they would make adjustments if we needed it.…
  • I do what someone above said and bank calories throughout the week. I always have a few drinks and eat more. I usually don't log Saturday nights because it's nice to have a few hours where I'm not thinking about calories. I always drink vodka water to save calories. Yes Monday my weight is a little up compared to Friday…
  • Always! Usually twice. After lunch I'll have a little something and then after dinner. It makes me want to be healthy all day so I can have a treat at the end of the day.
  • I got married this past August and really wanted to lose weight but the months before the wedding are so fun with planning, bachelorette parties, showers and just celebrating your engagement. I didn't lose any, I maintained. I don't regret it at all. Of course I would have loved to look skinnier in my dress but I had the…
  • I miss Oreo Os so much! A few years ago my mom ordered a box from Korea for my birthday. That was definitely the best gift.
  • i really think that most of height has to do with genetics. I know plenty of people who are tall and have a short sibling who ate the same things. I am 6'2 and was a really picky eater. I rarely ate vegetables and ate tons of carbs. I have a sister who ate much more well rounded and she's around 5'10. My parents are both…
  • I ran 3 miles without stopping this weekend. And the fat pants I bought last year when I was gaining weight are finally getting super loose on me.
  • I tried working out after work but I found I was sooo tired or I would come up with every excuse to not work out. Now I'm up at 5:20 and on the treadmill in my basement by 5:30. When we would have early morning workouts in college I used to dread them but now I like getting them done and out of the way.
  • I eat deli turkey, string cheese and some cucumbers and carrots. I pre-portion them all out on Sunday nights and grab a tupperware from the fridge in the morning. It's super simple and I really don't have to do much prep.
  • I made mini goals for every 5 pounds like a massage or pedicure or getting a new pair of workout pants or a swimsuit. I made them non-food related and things I generally don't splurge on often.
  • I have been drinking vodka water with a lemon and it is really good and low calorie. I think you could have any drink as long as it fits into your calories. I have been avoiding margaritas because sugar (sad) but you don't have to give anything up. That's why MFP doesn't seem like a hard core diet.
  • 1. My vacation coming up in June 2. Proving to myself that I can do it 3. Having all my old "skinny" clothes to wear
  • To lose another 12 pounds and be in onederland :)
  • I agree with so many people above. Don't think about it as a "cheat". I have had chocolate ever day since I've started, I've gone out drinking with friends and I've eaten fried food. All would be considered "cheat" foods. Often when I'm out I won't track those but I do eat wayyyy less than before I started losing weight…
  • I've realized that's one of the great things about using MFP. I can have a "treat" or something that would normally be considered unhealthy but still have it fit into my calories and still lose weight. Good work!
  • today i went into the lounge to look at the treats people brought it and walked right out after looking at the crusty donuts and store bought cookies I walked out. I used to always get treats when people brought them in but lately I only get them if they are really worth the calories.
  • I'm 26 and hoping to lose around 45-50 pounds. Feel free to add me :)
  • I agree. On the 2nd of January after eating like crap for basically the six weeks between thanksgiving and new years I went through my house and threw out all the crappy food and leftover cookies and went grocery shopping for healthy foods and that has helped a ton for me to get on track with my choices.
  • I'm interested! I just turned 26 and am looking to lose around 45-50 pounds. I used to be a college athlete so I was super in shape and worked out constantly. Since graduating I've put on some weight and since I got married I put on about 20 pounds. I started January 1st and am already down 8 pounds which is encouraging!…
  • I've come up with a plan for every 10 pounds I lose with some non-food reward, like a massage, pedicure/manicure, new workout clothes, new jeans. I only have a few more to go until my first one!
  • Mine is to be down 15 pounds in January. -6 already so I'm off to a good start! I love reading everyone's goals!