I agree... too many calories in, not enough calories used. I have average size friends, who eat fast food a lot, and if I ate like they did, I would certainly put on weight. I just prefer home cooking. I gain weight when I eat too much of anything, and don't expend enough calories... whatever I'm doing, not necessarily…
Hi! I'm new to this site, and look forward to taking the challenge with you all. I do outdoor water aerobics for exercise now, and as soon as the temps get below 70, I'm going to amp up my routine with walking. The sun is a killer here in Las Vegas and I try to limit my time in it.
Hi! I'm Julie (Julianne) from sunny Las Vegas, NV. I am just starting on here, having been on the Transformation carb restricted diet for the last month. I managed to lose 15.6 lbs, and am now on maintenence while my body readjusts to adding new foods again. I have one more round of the diet to go next month.
I agree totally!!! I have struggled with my weight my whole life... I'm 69. I have a sweet tooth and tend to binge eat. Thru a lot of therapy, reading and meditation, I have finally, for the 1st time in my life, felt in control of what and when I eat. I had my stomach staple surgery in 1982, after the birth of my son, when…
Hi everyone! My name is Julianne, and I am on the Tranformation Diet. I have already lost 15.6 lbs and need to lose at least 50 more. I am retired and like to knit, walk my dog, and do water aerobics. At this point, I am able to eat 1,500 calories a day, which should be enough to not starve. :) I will begin weight training…