EricaSmith48 Member


  • Hi Jane, I'll add you.
  • I need all the motivation I can get! I have a dozen or so friends but only one or two that are regularly active, that doesn't keep me motivated so if your determined and have no problem reminding me to keep my butt in gear add me please :)
  • I'm a 38yr old mom of three boys. I gave up smoking last year and gained 35 pounds. Every time I tried to lose it I'd drop 3-5lbs then put it right back on. Drove me crazy an I basically gave up. I joined here a month ago and so far have stayed on track and lost 9 pounds. Hoping this sticks, with my husband having…
  • Hello, I'm in the same boat, and yes you can do it!! I'm trying to lose weight I gained when I gave up the horrific habit of smoking. I put on 35 lbs and it stuck. I'd lose 5 then gain it right back, kept getting down when it would come back. Finally got series, joined here so I'd have that extra push and have lost 9lbs in…