
I'm a 31 year old husband and father.
Trying to get in shape to help build my confidence and change my appearance.
I really want to take my kids swimming and to the beach but haven't got the confidence at the moment.
I used to be really active and as the years went by the weight went on, I guess I lost the motivation.
Anyway, giving it a real shot and I'm certain I can do this.


  • EricaSmith48
    EricaSmith48 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm in the same boat, and yes you can do it!! I'm trying to lose weight I gained when I gave up the horrific habit of smoking. I put on 35 lbs and it stuck. I'd lose 5 then gain it right back, kept getting down when it would come back. Finally got series, joined here so I'd have that extra push and have lost 9lbs in my first month. Hoping to get back down to a reasonable weight where I can feel comfortable with myself again.
  • Mayhew85
    Mayhew85 Posts: 77 Member
    It is difficult no doubt but I keep thinking about how much happier I will be when I'm taking my kids to those places. My wife does Slimming World and has done really well but I just can't go to those groups.
    I'm hoping that by logging my days and seeing reward and positive collective motivation will be the key