jleg346 Member


  • It may not be magic, but it is very satisfying to be able to eat satiating foods and still lose weight. I have a newborn and have not been able to carve out time to exercise, add that to making really poor choices my third trimester when it came to my diet. This way of eating has allowed me to lose 8lbs in one week and not…
  • I'm on day 4 and I think I'm depending too much on dairy to get my daily fats. I'm entering everything into the journal and getting really close to the correct macros, but I'm still not sure if I'm doing it right. I haven't had any cravings and am a little weirded out by that fact that I can consume this much fat to lose…
  • Please add me as well. I just started yesterday and feel like there is no way I can eat all this fat and lose weight! I really hope this works.