daviddaw9948 Member


  • Well done for finding the courage to start again. I am older than you are, but I have reached a similar stage. I don't have heart problems, but arthritis is a real problem for me. My knees and hips are painful, and I realize that if I do not do something now, then when will it be the right time? How ill should I become…
  • Top tip - buy a scale that uses the same compact 9V battery as a smoke alarm. Most use those tiny, flat batteries that cost a fortune to replace and last about 5 minutes.
  • I am 60 at Christmas, and just like you I want to lose weight to lead a healthier life. I have been fortunate up to now with my health, but the risk of cancers, strokes, diabetes, and heart attacks caused by the extra weight I carry is impossible for me to ignore any longer. So a huge 'Well Done' to you for reaching that…
  • For me, one of the key things to keep in mind is not losing weight for Christmas, but making sure that I reduce my weight in order to live a better life. I have been fortunate with my health thus far, but the extra weight will take its toll in terms of increased risk of diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, cancers, etc. I…
  • Losing that nightly chocolate bar is an excellent idea, but why not go a bit further and take a 15 minute walk instead of having that chocolate treat? Your walking commute is also a fantastic foundation to build on. I find that there is so much more value if one speeds up a little if one is not already getting the heart…
  • 'I blew it' is not strictly correct, is it? Putting on the weight you lost, adding some more, and not dealing with it would be termed blowing it. However, putting on the weight you lost, plus some more, but returning here to face your internal demons is definitely not a case of 'I blew it'. It is the first step on the road…
  • For me it was a steady drip feed of information about diabetes, heart attacks, cancers, strokes, etc. I have also moved to a clothes size that is not available in regular stores. I want to spend my life without being physically limited. I am just two months away from my 60th birthday, so I suppose that is the trigger for…
  • What do you mean 'I started trying to lose weight in 2014. I lost 60+lbs'? Jenni, that is not 'trying' - that is being successful. You can lose weight - you have proved it. You now have to find a way to keep it off. I am a man, so I don't know about weight gain/babies etc., but I know it happens. It will be tough to find…
  • Where are you when the cupcake temptation strikes? If you are at home, then how did that cupcake get to your home? Did you buy it? Did someone else purchase it? Did you buy it for other family members? Nobody needs cupcakes, so do not buy them when shopping, and ask others not to. If you are outside the home, then just…
  • I am male, but a lot of points raised here are identical to the way I feel about myself. I am nearly 60 years old (but feel 25 inside), and for me the very worst thing about being overweight is potentially dying far earlier than I would if I were slim. I have problems with my hip joints that are not helped by my weight, so…