Brandywismer Member


  • Congratulations on your goals to lose weight and eat healthier. I’m 67 and it certainly is different then when I was 20. I’m whole foods, plant based, limit my oils, processed food and sugar. My tips would be to have achievable long term goals broken down into baby step goals and a concrete plan on how to achieve them.…
  • I’ve had been having trouble daily drinking 64 oz. of water and was hitting only 50% of that goal even with concentrated efforts. Last week I bought a big 64 oz. water container with a straw and great carrying strap. I fill it up every night and put it by my bed to be handy in the morning before my feet touch the ground.…
  • I always set my health & wellness goals in January which is my birthday month. I just turned 67. My goals this year are to: (1) Lose twenty pounds I’ve gained during Covid (148 to 128). (2) Walk, cycle, swim or row a total of 2,022 miles which is a nice round number celebrating the year. (3) Complete my first 100 mile…