cici3917 Member


  • Thank you!!!! I am wuite sore today so I know I was at least able to challenge my body this time. And everyday that I can fight againts MIA is a sucess. Last night was definately the hardest because all I wanted to do was purge even though I ate whole foods....but Im sticking to this challenge! Thanks for all the love and…
  • I agree. I currently got laid off right before surgery and all the stress caused me to run straight to MIA. I know I can come out of this I just cant let it control my life. Its so hard because the only relief I get is either through eating and purging or sleeping. I just left the gym and although Im not near as good as I…
  • Thank you so much for the kind words. For awhile I lost hope that I would be able to stop this time...but I think the first step is ackowledging the problem and reaching out for help. Today will be my first challenge day where I eat clean and dont succomb to purging. Wish me luck!!! Ill try to keep the thread updated.