jayneway0317 Member


  • Sounds wonderful! How long do you think each routine will take?
  • I had this same problem.. ugh. What worked for me was not only disconnecting, but revoking MFP's access to the fitbit, waiting 15 minutes, then reconnecting. That worked. I followed these instructions in the "Still No Adjustment?" section of this help page:…
  • I wear compression capri tights but I found a brand of workout tank (Lucy workout tank) that is a little longer and gives me a little more coverage on backside.. as a pear-shaped gal, I feel good in this! Mostly though, I've worked hard to get over how I do or do not look at the gym :) It takes a little work, but the…
  • In the last 3 months, I've switched to primarily free weights with side dishes of cardio (instead of the reverse). My body is MUCH happier and I love the extra strength. I get my weight-lifting routine ideas from the website breaking muscle. I agree that the tutorial videos at bodybuilding.com are super!
  • I'm a gym regular and have been a gym rat for about 10 years (I also like too much beer and yummy restaurant food lol). OK.. so here is what goes through my head when I see a newbie.. truly... "OH yay! A new person! It takes guts to try a new class. I hope she loves it! I'm so proud of her! Just keep going! OMG this class…