Thanks @psulemon! :#
Thanks for the feedback!
I am working with a personal trainer for one hour, twice a week. He has me doing jack knifes (alone and with a 5lb dumbbell), two foot step jumps...(not sure if there is a better name for it but basically I tighten my stomach, squat then push off with both feet to jump on a step that's stacked 5 high and land in a…
- can Google reviews and user feedback on YouTube. You can also find the ingredients easily to see what's in it ;) .
Hey everyone! I have used Apetamine in the past and back on it now. About a year ago, I gained 10 lbs after taking 5mL per day. The bottle recommends 10mL three times a day....I was nearly in a coma I was soooo tired. I stopped taking it after I finished one bottle and of course I lost the weight. Fast forward to this…