MsTere82 Member


  • Awesome! Thanks for the tips. @ Bex953172 think I'll check out those videos you recommended on youtube. As much as I would like to buy exercise equipment its just not in my budget.
  • Glad you posted this I was feeling a bit intimated by all the people who have changed to clean eating. I try to eat non processed foods like use fresh fruits and veggies and lean meats but sometimes I'm in the mood for pizza or a burger. I just try and stay within my calorie limit and maybe take an extra walk. P.S. I love…
  • wow twins! Thank you I appreciate it!
  • Hi I've been a part of fitness pal for some time but didn't know anyone to add. I am a a point in life where I need to motivate myself in making changes in my life to improve my health. I'm feeling too fluffy and unhappy. I would like to lose weight and feel like my old self again. Looking for friends with good meal ideas,…