Kawaiidesu808 Member


  • I think you guys need to stop telling this person he/she is eating too much without knowing anything about what their diet is. Its really not fair.
  • Something as simple as learning how hard I have to exercise to work off the number of calories I eat in something like a piece of candy or something like that. If a piece of candy has over 200 calories, I need to spend 20 minutes on the treadmill doing intervals to work that off! It is totally not worth it!
  • How many calories were you eating per day the last time you did your diet? If it was too low for your body size, you may have messed up your metabolism and caused it to slow down which makes it a lot harder to lose weight the next time around.
  • Count me in girl! I support you all the way! So far I've dropped 55lbs and have another 20 more to go! Lets get it done!
  • I don't know where you are in your dieting, but it helped me to just change up my diet. I was eating salmon for dinner most nights when I hit a plateau. I changed to chicken and it helped me to get over that plateau. It also helps me to increase my fiber supplement intake when my weight starts plateauing. I take a fiber…
  • What constitutes a seafaring vessel? Does a battleship docked in harbor count? Then yes. Have you ever gone swimming with sharks?
  • dmead001, I can honestly say that I have been down that road many times. Especially since I have worked out and dieted many times before with no success. And now that I am single and all my friends are married I just want to give up. This time around I have a personal trainer and a dietician which are both fantastic ways…
  • From what I learned recently, if your go to a really low calorie intake to lose weight you will severely slow down and mess up your metabolism. You will see results on the scale now, but once you finish losing weight and start to eat a more normal diet, you will start putting on weight again. And if you try to lose weight…
  • Fiber powder or gummies, they are just good to take regularly
  • @MobyCarp, @orphia, @juliet3455, @7lenny7, @Stoshew71 Thank you so much for all your helpful advice! I didn't expect to get so much help from people who are such successful and amazing long distance runners! I really admire what you do! Most runners that I talk to just tell me that it is either something that you like or…
  • MobyCarp - Thank you so much for your advice! I will try to out some different styles of running and maybe I will find one that I love! I do other forms of cardio activities as well, but nothing gets my heart rate up and helps me to get in shape and trim down as much as running. I just wished I enjoyed it more!
  • Hey all you hardcore runners, I have a question. I have been working out and getting in shape for almost a year now and part of my workout includes running at least twice a week and I absolutely hate it. I dread it every time I have to do it. I have tried to convince myself to love it or at least like, but with no luck at…
  • I have 1l3 cup of chia seed pudding (almond milk, water, chia seeds, cocoa powder, and a little honey) mixed with my fiber supplement and sliced bananas every morning.