mrv_92 Member


  • Hi!! I feel the same way as you, I'm excited at the moment to change. I'm three days in to the journey this time and I've also used MFP in the past and have lost weight, but life's stresses got me derailed and I gained it all back plus more. I would love to be friends so we can hold each other accountable. My biggest…
  • Hi!! I would love to have an accountability partner. I've used this app on and off for years and have been successful in the past, but now that I'm starting my thirties and hope to become a mom one day, I'm trying to get healthier. My current goal is to lose 30 lbs because I'm somewhat short. Not only that, my last blood…
  • Hi there! I would love an accountability buddy. I've used MFP on and off for years. I've lost weight and then gained some (LOL) but as I get older I want to lose at least 30 lbs and become more fit (currently at 180lbs). I'm 31, not yet a mom, but definitely trying to be healthier. Hope we can motivate one another! :)
  • Hi there! My starting weight is a bit less than 200lb but I would still like to have an accountability buddy. I've used the app before with great success, but with the busy life we all lead, I fell off track, stopped tracking, and gained the weight back (and then some more lol). At my peak, I had dropped almost 20 pounds.…