Time2Live1101 Member


  • You definitely can achieve your goal. Stay strong and keep moving forward. You will have bad days now and then where you will slip up just remember that tomorrow is another day. Track your meals daily and your weight weekly, this will keep you motivated. Don't beat yourself up if you have a week with no loss. It happens to…
  • We will do this! You are totally right. We have a long road but it will be well worth it when we make it to the finish line. And this time we WILL keep it off. :)
  • Hi I'm a returning member as well. I totally get how you feel. I was 263 lbs when I was 28. I didn't want to go into my 30's overweight. I lost 117 lbs in a little over a year. Unfortunately when I reached my goal weight I fell back in love with the wrong types of food. Needless to say I gained all of it back. Then earlier…