CharlesScott78 Member


  • 8 weeks in. I am off to a good start - still a long way to go. I will get there. I wish everyone the very best. If I can help anyone - please let me know. Charles
  • I know how you feel. Welcome to MFP - I am sure you will find help and support here. I wish you the very best! Charles
  • Yea, I don’t focus on the week to week but look at the 4 week average. That keeps me from obsessing over water weight fluctions. I am just a geek and love doing the analysis.
  • CharlesScott78 Thursday SW: 399.2 PW: 386.4 CW: 382.8
  • Complacency is the devil. :) That along with denial and self deceit. I went for years avoiding a few trigger foods for me - fried foods mainly - french fries. It was effortless for years to just make better choices. Then, similar to someone in recovery - well just this once won't be a big deal. I lied to myself. This will…
  • What I have learned the hard way - is there is no end point to a lifetime of fitness. You have be mindful everyday on what is really important. I think I got complacent. As things in my life became more stressful, I turned to old habits. Slowly to be sure. What makes this time different? If I had the answer to that, I…
  • CharlesScott78 Thursday SW: 399.2 PW: 402.6 CW: 386.4 I was retaining a lot of water weight. Glad that cleared up. The steroid shot in my knee has really helped. I can actually get around.
  • Congratulations man! Fantastic job getting your health and fitness back!
  • Thanks! It went well. They gave me a big steroid shot in the knee and it feels better already. It must have been fluid retention - I lost 4.6 lbs today down to 398. I knew even immobile with the calories I took in I could not have really gained weight. Looking for a good number next Thursday. Thanks for checking up on me.…
  • CharlesScott78 Thursday PW: 399.2 CW: 402.6 I apologize for the poor start. I did something to my knee and I have not been able to really walk - not just to exercise just walk. Even with that I should have lost weight - I kept my calories in line. I can only assume it is water weight from having to sit so much. They put me…
  • I posted this for someone else today. I thought it might help. There is a weird psychology to long term success that has baffled me for years. It is the victory of what I want over what I want right now that I think is the key. I have had problems with weight since I was a kid. At my highest weight, I was 562.3 lbs. I lost…
  • @MyVictory2020 I hear you. There is a weird psychology to long term success that has baffled me for years. It is the victory of what I want over what I want right now that I think is the key. I have had problems with weight since I was a kid. At my highest weight, I was 562.3 lbs. I lost 350 lbs when I was 43 and kept it…
  • I will be glad to share for sure. The surgery was fantastic and I was ecstatic with the results. They had to to the total circumference surgery so I had an incision all the way around my body. The only complication I had was a hole in my back. The tissue had to fill in- that took some months but it was not painful. The…
  • I had that surgery done. I wish I had waited. I was at goal for 2 years before I had it done. Then 5 years after the surgery I gained a lot of weight back. Let me be a cautionary tale - if you have that surgery done, you have got to keep the weight off. I wish you the very best.
  • Thanks! 😊
  • That is nice!
  • Welcome back! I have started and stopped a number of times. I feel good about this one. Tomorrow will be two weeks in. Don't have endocrine problems, but I do have 200 lbs to lose. I wish you all the best!
  • Whoa! Now that is something!
  • Those are all cool. I think it is kind of fun to visualize it in someway.
  • My Goals are as follows * Get my weight below 400 * Walk 3000 steps per day * Lose 25 lbs * Walk 5000 steps per day * Lose 50 lbs * Walk 7500 steps per day * Get my weight below 350 * Walk 10000 steps per day * Start weight training 3 times per week again * Lose 100 lbs * Get my weight below 300 * Lose 125 lbs * Lose 150…
  • Welcome back! I am just back after a long and weight gaining hiatus myself. Congrats on making a start!
  • I am a computer geek. Of course I had to build my own spreadsheet. It may be too much for most people, but if you like to geek out with numbers, you are welcome to take a look at mine. Weight Loss Spreadsheet
  • Welcome! First, I want to say - congrats on wanting to get healthier! I was overweight most of my life as well. I was in my 40's before I had any real success. So you are getting a jump start on me. That is fantastic. It can be done. I lost 355 lbs and kept it off for about 7 years. My highest weight was 562.3 lbs. Over…
  • Thank you for reaching out. Looking forward to being part of the group.
  • Welcome! I just started back after having kept my weight off for many years. I lost sight of what I really wanted in life. It is easy to do. Not sure if my story is motivation or a cautionary tale - but Blog Post here it is. I would say losing weight, gaining weight and maintaining weight I was always motivated. What I…
  • I just turned 60. Looking forward to getting to know all of you.
  • I saw this introduction format on another broad and thought it was a good way to say hello. DATE - 10-20-2019 SIGNIFICANCE OF YOUR USER NAME - Name plus year I graduated from high school REAL NAME - Charles AGE - 60 BIRTH DATE - May 28 WHERE YOU LIVE - Houston, TX SIGNIFICANT OTHER - Nan ANNIVERSARY - March 2nd KIDS -…
  • I hear you. For me, it is a really weird thing. Deciding to start back is hard. I would spend months - even years thinking everyday - this is it. I know what to do, I have done it before and managed to keep the weight off for 7 years. Having lost 355 lbs and then gained back 185 of it - it is still baffling to me the…