Nice to meet you, Liz!
Nice to meet you BenchBunny .. what part of AZ do you live in?
Adding you now! :)
Yea, I moved here from California about 2 years ago and I had gained close to 40 lbs .. I am glsd I finally decided enough was enough .. So happy to meet you !
Awesome! Nice to meet you ! adding now
Yes :) i would be picking non-poisonous berries for lip tint lol
eating hummus and carrots on my work break :)
Do you have enough support in your shoes as well? try rolling your feet after workouts .. and if you have old sneakers.. replace them with new ones that provide gel support. This helps my Plantar Fasciitis
Would that explain his late nights outside during rain storms ?
I went on a 3 day binge this last weekend and ate over 15 pieces of my kid's birthday pinata candy .. :( ... and i didnt track any of it :(
Do you know how much better you would feel to cut toxins such as alcohol from your body?
Share the Gospel or Discuss Sound Doctrine
If he didn't take me to Mcdonalds, he always took me to Taco bell on date night
i was embarrassed to take her anywhere ...
The third bottle of wine at the Company Christmas Party was a bit much ...
Broken Hallelujah - The Afters
Hmm odd because i thought this is a thread about the importance of alcohol in ones life. hmmmm You go into a church and do that since being rude seems to be your thing ;)
I used to drink .. a lot . Then I became saved under the grace of Jesus Christ and I lost interest in drinking which was amazing because I would drink a whole 5th to myself in one night and sought alcohol when stressed to relax. I have not had alcohol for almost 2 years :) My skin is better , my weight is better, and…
A Fish Burrito from Rubio's mmmm or Pizza from Barro's ...
I totally want to answer this! lol •Who is older? Him •Did you go to the same school? No •Who is the most sensitive? Him •Who has the worst temper? Me •Who is more social? Me •Who is the most stubborn? Me •Who wakes up first? Me •Who has the bigger family? him •Do you get flowers often? No •Who eats the most ? Him •Who…
Provider: Provider Tax ID: Provider NPI: Conracted Provider: - Member Name: Member ID: - Members effective Date: Plan Type: Primary Care Physician: - Specialty Type: Copay: Out of pocket accumulator: - Non contracted provider, gave eligibility information but advised that prior Auth would be required for any and all…
I found his striped sweater and finger blades in a locked chest under bed
A Waitress at Merlotte's Bar
I am at work.. Answering calls and chatting with coworkers on the IM lol
It is time for them to regroup and build forces .. They need to be trying to do everything it takes to recruit the other settlements. Too much solo work and not enough team work....
who was in Magic Mike with Joe Manganiello