scootergirl110 Member


  • Yes. Absolutely. I've been tracking cals for 28 days. I try to eat no more than 1,300/day. I started at 134# and I'm down to 130, slow and easy seems to be doing it. I'm only 5'2" and a small frame. My goal is to lose another 13lbs and tone up more. I have strong legs, but want to work on my upper body. Thanks for the…
  • What I would really like to do is keep track of my measurements from the time I start using it to a few months later. I plan on, or hope to go into major weight-loss mode when I incorporate it in my routine.
  • The one I bought has a magnetic tension system with (8) levels of adjustable resistance. It won't be the quality of a Concept2, but that's OK for now. It shipped today!
  • I am afraid that the one I chose won't compare to the Concept2. I have used a Concept2 rower at the gym. It is most definitely a quality product. I hope when mine arrives it is at the very least OK, in comparison.
  • The Concept2 rower is THE one I wanted. Unfortunately it is not in my budget at this time. Thank you very much for the feedback. And good for you, sft1372 and DM01234! Mine should arrive next week. I'm looking forward to rowing, shedding 15lbs and toning up more. You know, when I logged on here 25 days ago for the first…
  • I think that one of the main differences is our ability to control the amount of sodium when preparing homemade foods. I tell ya, I love salty foods, but they mess with my weight big time. It's super discouraging getting on the scale only to find out you weigh more than the day before when you KNOW you did great the…
  • I'm in! 132 today. Goal weight by 11/30: 127!
  • Thanks! And best wishes to you too! Your username makes me want a pork chop! :wink:
  • 131.6 this morning. I'm only 5'3" and feel better when under 120. My goal is to lose 17 more lbs by May 2017 - which is doable and reasonable. I've lost 2lbs (probably just water) so far. 5 years ago I weighed 163 and lost over 40lbs over the period of a year by changing bad habits and having a regular exercise routine.…