NyanNyanKate Member


  • Try herman brot :) just got it yesterday at my local IGA for $8 something, I know... pricy... but these are 5 carbs per 2 pieces of bread, and they taste great!
  • That's super helpful!!! thanks a tons I'm currently eating 25% carb 30% protein and 45% fat, exercise everyday for 40minute to 1 hour, and will be incorporating lifting very soon :blush: I'm still very motivated thanks to the healthy diet that doesnt reduce me to a weak fragile sensitive emotional person like what starving…
  • oh my god it IS expensive haha, to the point that I question myself if this diet is going to be lifelong, am I going to be able to afford it or will this be another excuse to go back on the unhealthy high carb track because foods of this kind tend to be much cheaper! how sad! But thanks to you guys I don't have to spend…
  • Thanks for the suggestion! and goals for exercise...at the moment i'm just doing interval cardio everyday on cross trainers for 30-40minutes and apart from that I'm a teacher, so will spend most of my day standing during work. I'm not sure if I should do weight lifting like so many others have suggested, it's not that I…
  • Thank you for all these awsome replies!! :) these give me a clearer idea as to what I should really focus on. And yes I do want to have healthy lifestyle as my priority and losing weight as the side effect, so will be toggling around my nutrition needs and maybe try going a bit low-carb first, because I used to crave high…