mindyoloteo Member


  • Thanks ladies.. I need to try that mint chocolate chip cherry, sound delish And that's why I signed up on this app, I agree with you I see that counting calories is important so I can see what wiggle room I have for the desserts
  • Thank you! But my problem is I guess control. I don't know when to stop eating sweets, even my 3 little ones have a sweet tooth
  • Wow what a job you have on your hands mommy. I'm still breastfeeding my little one... Which is a major accomplishment for me. I've always struggled with my milk supply, but I noticed staying home on her demanding schedule worked best for me, as well as eating enough and drinking enough. Congrats on the newest member.
  • [img]https://15254b2dcaab7f5478ab-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/mfp-en.vanillaforums.com/editor/3b/5flh286n2uqm.png[/img]
  • Hi there, my name is Mindy. I have 5 kids and my youngest just turned 1. So I've been on my fitness journey for 10 months now and I've lost 40 pounds just by changing my eating habits. I eat clean 80% of the time. I started a few beach body programs and I lost an additional 16.6 pounds with a total of 56.6 pounds. I still…