Sweet tooth

Hi there.. I've been on my fitness journey for about 10 months now. I've lost 56.6 pounds and I still want to lose 15-20 more pounds. I've changed my eating habits, but I can't shake off my sweet tooth. I recently discovered halo top ice cream which helped. But I really need tips on how to control this sweet tooth.. Or things to eat to take it down a notch.. Please help


  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I've got one and I had a Milky Way tonight.

    I feel that you should do your plan so it is livable. Forever. :) You are losing weight and feeling fine? Then I think it is fine to work a sweet into your day. :)
  • mindyoloteo
    mindyoloteo Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you! But my problem is I guess control. I don't know when to stop eating sweets, even my 3 little ones have a sweet tooth
  • katthouse499
    katthouse499 Posts: 50 Member
    Have u tried freezing green grapes or pineapple you can also blend some bananas and mango or bananas and de pitted cherries and add some carbo power mix and put in the freezer and after it starts to freeze add some mint and some carbo nibs mix and finish freezing and u have you own healthy ice cream
  • katthouse499
    katthouse499 Posts: 50 Member
    Mint chocolate chip cherry
  • Ne0Indigo
    Ne0Indigo Posts: 17 Member
    I have a massive sweet tooth as well and have to include a small amount of skinny cow ice cream (In a cup) at the end of my day after dinner. I usually plan out my meals that morning or the night before and enter everything in I plan on having. That way even if I want more I have a visual on how many calories I've used up for the day. If I can fit it in I'll have it! If not too bad.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    You can make things more difficult for yourself. Separate chocolates or whatever you like into individual servings, maybe stick them in a ziploc to make yourself unwrap each individual, and keep things you have difficulty controlling yourself over in a cabinet that's harder to get to.

    Personally, I had some candy corn and finished off some cookies tonight. Friday, I'll break into some Talenti I bought yesterday.
  • mindyoloteo
    mindyoloteo Posts: 9 Member
    Ne0Indigo wrote: »
    I have a massive sweet tooth as well and have to include a small amount of skinny cow ice cream (In a cup) at the end of my day after dinner. I usually plan out my meals that morning or the night before and enter everything in I plan on having. That way even if I want more I have a visual on how many calories I've used up for the day. If I can fit it in I'll have it! If not too bad.
    Have u tried freezing green grapes or pineapple you can also blend some bananas and mango or bananas and de pitted cherries and add some carbo power mix and put in the freezer and after it starts to freeze add some mint and some carbo nibs mix and finish freezing and u have you own healthy ice cream

    Thanks ladies.. I need to try that mint chocolate chip cherry, sound delish

    And that's why I signed up on this app, I agree with you I see that counting calories is important so I can see what wiggle room I have for the desserts
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    I've got one and I had a Milky Way tonight.

    I feel that you should do your plan so it is livable. Forever. :) You are losing weight and feeling fine? Then I think it is fine to work a sweet into your day. :)
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    I've got one and I had a Milky Way tonight.

    That part. I'm eating Oreos