vegasgirl0825 Member


  • Here's my struggle this week...I know weight fluctuates, however it is EXTREMELY frustrating when calories are on point for a week, exercise is happening and it isn't reflected on the scale. So, on Monday, my weight was up 5 pounds from Superbowl food. Here's the thing...I only ate about 400 calories over my daily range…
  • Happy February! So, normally Monday's are my "weigh in day", however this whole weight loss thing is completely a head game to me. I can get easily discouraged so I had to adjust this week. I knew I was going to be having some higher calorie foods yesterday for the Superbowl, and I planned on it. However, I also knew that…
  • @CupcakeCrusoe I have a very similar recipe for Egg Roll Bowls for the InstaPot. My husband loves it and asks me to make it almost once a week! I like that you can have a bowl full for very minimal calories since it's mainly cabbage!
  • It's weigh-in Monday for me. My schedule was crazy last week and one of my children came down with Influenza A, so I did not get a workout in at all, except shoveling snow on Saturday! Despite that, I kept my eating in check and actually had a good week! SW(Jan. 6): 260.4 1/13: 251.1 1/20: 249.3 1/27(CW): 246.7 Total for…
  • @bluffgirl67 thanks for the idea about the ice cream! I'll look for that. I did see Halo Top (I think that's what it was called), in the store the other day and it was 300ish calories for the whole pint and I thought about it and then saw that it was $5.99, and I'm super cheap so I didn't buy it! But I may have to! I do…
  • It's weigh-in Monday for me. I had a much more realistic week, dropping 1.8 pounds. Overall the week went well, I found myself really having to focus over the weekend in that I was really craving sweets. I usually let myself have a little splurge on Monday nights (not overboard, but a little something), so I'm thinking…
  • Welcome to everyone that has joined in the last couple days. I have been busy and haven't made it on. I'm having a weird couple of days where I just don't feel very hungry. I'm not sure if I'm coming down with something or what (I'm a teacher so could be!). My calorie goal is 1400 and yesterday I only at about 1000…
  • I am unfit and have found that I like the elliptical. I never thought I would-and at first I hated it (or at least my mind told me I did!), but my friend convinced me to do it with her. I started out just doing 10-15 minutes slowly. I still go slow but have worked up to 30-40 minutes and try to pick up my pace at least for…
  • @Tinkerbell_1961 I have a really hard time being motivated if I'm not prepared. I just started back on (I have lost almost 100 pounds a couple different times in my life and gained it back.) I have found though, that I have more success if I plan ahead, and that includes having snacks pre-portioned and ready to go. On…
  • @Terytha I think that being aware of the situation is a good thing! You know what triggers you. A couple thoughts...maybe eat something before you go so you aren't as hungry and maybe won't eat as much because you'll just feel blah...another idea, could you ask if you can bring a friend/date, someone with so that you'll…
  • @speyerj Yup...251.1...wishful thinking I guess! On that there a way to edit our posts? ;)
  • Here's my weekly check-in: I did really well this first week "back on track", but in all honesty, the first week is usually easy for me because mentally I'm ready. It's once we get a couple weeks in and I lose my motivation. So, I'm hoping I keep going. Disclaimer on my weightloss: It looks like I lost a large amount of…
  • Good Morning! I'm not "new" to MFP, but am re-starting this year. I know I definitely need motivation and accountability and I just get in my head too much and that's what trips me up. I'm a super busy mom of 2 boys and a full-time middle school teacher. I also own a business with my family so I work part-time there. Due…