hello from London I'm starting the 5:2 diet tomorrow - second go need to lose 70 pounds - yikes
I had what they call a holep prostatectomy Solved the peeing thing
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen it's one that I've never read for some reason although I've read all the others several times over I'm a massive fan she's my favourite novelist Northanger Abbey is I think her weakest book we're talking about Jane Austen so that still means it's a brilliant novel
Have to start trying to lose weight again and I'm insecure about my commitment my discipline my ability to succeed I'm doing all the right things this week and have even done *three sessions of exercise* for the first time in about 2 years But there's always this shadow and some part of my mind that in a couple of weeks…
I'm with Android and just downloaded the app but it's not easy to use I don't think I much prefer the website which is very straightforward The app doesn't have room for options on the page to get yourself further to where you want to be in searches etc so I tended to go round and round in circles trying the very few…
thanks for replies will check out eatthismuch xx
"Macros aren't that important for weight loss" I maybe misunderstood the whole concept I follow a guy on youtube saying he lost 100 pounds doing "flexible dieting" which I thought was another term for counting macros but what you describe about weighing food and counting calories I'm doing anyway this youtube bloke…