mutesigorg Member


  • @kimny72 I was not speaking about the first few recommendations against the diet. I read and appreciated those. I received some unrelated comments as well as several unnecessarily negative inboxes all from this thread. Those who gave useful information about the diet and why it doesn't work I definitely appreciated. As I…
  • In all honesty, many new dieters think kooky diets will work. Sometimes you need to try those crazy diets and find out they don't work for yourself. Thank you those of you who had insightful commentary... And to the rest of you, dieting is different for everyone and this is supposed to be a place of positivity. More…
  • I didn't know. I asked and then I decided to try it. Notice it was started after the post :smiley:
  • Thanks! Enjoying it so far :) it's been almost 3 weeks
  • Well... I tried it haha. These comments were great! Most of my initial thoughts! The diet averaged out to 1200 calories a day which is only 100 calories under my regular intake. I was never hungry or sick and I did my regular dance classes each day. It was only weird because most of the food incorporated I don't usually…
  • Thanks for the tips y'all!! It seems like the reoccurring theme is get a food scale. I'll try to get one of those- I'm in Switzerland and currently our grocery stores put weight on your veggies when you pick them fresh so I've been going by those. But like you said some of the little things like powder I might not be…
  • Thanks for the reply! What is TOM? I'm counting everything- even the tablespoon of nesquik chocolate powder. And usually adding a few extra calories than what I take in on here. I'll usually log 1.5 servings instead of 1- just in case. I'll keep at it. Just thought that weight gain was highly abnormal esp. for 2 weeks :/