Rho97070 Member


  • Bras I like wearing tank tops that have shelf bra. https://jjill.com/product/perfect-shelf-bra-tank XL runs more like XXL. Nice wide straps. Easy laundering. Super comfy and they last forever. Fabric is medium weigh, thus the nips don't show. When not wearing one of them, I wear an underwire - I like that it rests against…
  • Bras I've had a love/hate relationship with them ever since I began to develop . . . My "girls" did not grow at the same rate (the left one grew zilch for the longest time). But I played basketball in junior high and had to wear something to keep the right "girl" in place, so packed the left side with tissue . . . The…
  • Good morning m'dears :smiley: Rebecca Whidbey What a brilliant idea to put lasagna into those small pans for individual portions! Michele in NC As mentioned I've got lots of fitness DVDs but don't use them. I'm finishing up on purging my home of unused stuff then moving on to the garage where the DVDs are. We'll be in…
  • Welcome newbies! I'm a newbie, too. I joined the group at the 1st of the month and have gotten lots of support in just 10 days! :smiley: Machka in Oz Good luck on your presentation tomorrow! Michele in NC You putting in a DVD and getting moving is inspiring . . . I have several fitness DVDs but never use them. Your writing…
  • <3 I agree wholeheartedly with Lanette's suggestion: Put the scale away . . . I tried losing weight only one other time in my life and became dependent on the scale giving me feedback that I was losing some weight each day (which I never could do day-in-and-day-out). It caused me to have mood swings that drove me and my…
  • Beth near Buffalo, Terri R, Lisa in AR and Lanette I figure I'll do a bunch of IF research moving into the cold/rainy months and begin IF in the winter or very early spring. I'll be looking to you four as my mentors :smiley: KJ Kelly "To make the whole weight loss journey harder, menopause steps in and laughs at us." Night…
  • Beth near Buffalo Ah, ha! IF = Intermittent Fasting. I'm not sure what the "16:8" daily means, but figure I learn in the somewhat near future. I have a strong notion that I'll hit a wall at some point and have already decided to go IF when it happens. Day 8 - Reinventing Rhonda Today was a good day! BF and I cleaned from…
  • Sharon Congrats on the 100lb weight loss!!! Beautiful photos and I agree with Carol and KK - you are gorgeous! My gosh! Do your eyes sparkle!!! I'm envious of your trip :# Oaxaca is one of my favorite places. Barbara, Southern OR Coast (SOC) I heard you, hearing me ;) Researching the steps involved to do the t-shirts is on…
  • Beth near Buffalo Thanks for the short bio :-) I was athletic and trim my entire life until being waylaid by breaking four bones in my foot, got depressed, adopted poor eating habits and packed on weight. Foot is fine now (most of the time). My goal is to lose 50 pounds. Caring for the disabled is challenging. Kudos to…
  • Glutton Free Love it!!! With all types of diets being talked about these days, somebody really should get that printed on a t-shirt and make some moo-la $$$ Autumn purging Ten years ago I moved from a large home into a one bedroom apartment. I thought it would be short term and that I'd buy again. But after a lifetime of…
  • bananasandoranges This forum has was loading pages for me as you described, i.e. page 1 first. But learned that if I refresh the page after finishing my entries that the last page that I was on comes up. Teri in AZ What a positive report and very inspiring. I hope you and DH are feeling better soon. Karen in VA Ohhhh,…
  • Karen in Virginia I do want to learn how to post pics and cute emojis other than the few that are offered above. Perhaps there's instruction in the help section that I'll need to look at some time. Lisa in AR <3 Michele NC <3 Lanette Awww, thanks for the kind words and well wishes :-) Barbie in NW WA I get what you say…
  • PDX is the acronym for Portland International Airport (i.e. Portland, Oregon)
  • Good morning, ladies! I’m up early, caffeinated, and have a full day that includes clearing out the last kitchen cupboard of “nasty” food then headed out for a walk. Have a fabulous Friday everybody :) Rhonda (South of PDX)
  • pip I sent you a private message. Michele in NC You asked: what makes me a "semi-vegetarian". Simple answer: I rarely eat meat. It doesn't much appeal to me and its hard on my digestion. I'm also "semi-FODMAP". I'll eat a small amount of lean meat if my BF prepares something and I'm too lazy/busy to fix something myself,…
  • Good evening, ladies ~ A little more about me. Vegetarian/Semi-vegetarian since I was 15. Formally athletic (surfing, skiing, volleyball, latin dance and distance walking). In great shape until broke bones in my foot and packed pounds. Was never a runner though - at 1/8 mile, I get frighteningly short of breath (SOB). Now…
  • I'll typically post in the evening, but this morning's scale showed I dropped 1.3lbs so had to do a shout out! Yippee!
  • Lately, it's been pretty warm where I live, I'm currently out of work, and just been wearing sloppy shorts and a camisole with shelf-bra. But today I put on make-up, dressed, and went to a job interview which I think went well. I think buying a few new athletic clothes might make me feel better and encourage me to get out…
  • This evening is Day 2 of "Reinventing Rhonda" . . . Although I stayed under my caloric limit and did the other items on my list of goals, I succumbed to eating too much fat as I had done yesterday. But as Scarlet O'Hara said in Gone With the Wind, "Tomorrow's another day! As G is my witness, I will be thin again!" Okay,…
  • This evening is Day 2 of "Reinventing Rhonda" . . . Although I stayed under my caloric limit and did the other items on my list of goals, I succumbed to eating too much fat as I had done yesterday. But as Scarlet O'Hara said in Gone With the Wind, "Tomorrow's another day! As G is my witness, I will be thin again!" Okay,…
  • Hi everyone :-) May I join your group? I'm 66, joined in 2016, gave up, but now I'm back and more committed than ever on the journey to lose weight and regain my health!
  • Hello lovely cohorts! I've been planning my back to good health journey since the beginning of the summer. . . In June, I cleaned out drawers, closets and cupboards of (nearly all) excess stuff. In July, I painted the inside of my home from top to bottom and re-decorated. In August, I researched diet/fitness plans, bought…
  • I buy and sell all my clothes on eBay.
  • Hi - I'm Rhonda . . . I live in beautiful Oregon, USA. On Nov 1, 2016 I made the aim on to lose 75lbs, reverse type 2Diabetes and alleviate minor health issues like creaky knees. Thus far, I've lost 6.8lbs. My doctor told me about MFP just today. He's a member too . . . I wonder if he'll check up on me :neutral: Anyhoo,…