

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Satire chicken ... I read it as Satay Chicken. :D Tastes good, but something I can't eat because of the peanuts. I don't have an allergy exactly, but I get immensely bloated and uncomfortable when I eat peanuts, peas, soybeans and occasionally other legumes.

    Eggs ... also something I can't eat. I like eggs. I can eat them in food (like cake) and can occasionally eat one. But more than that and my gallbladder torments me for hours.

    Milk is another one that is a no-go for me.

    I would love to drop meat from my diet most of my time, but I'd have trouble getting protein without a little bit of chicken once in a while. I don't seem to digest protein very well.

    M in Oz
    Machka- How well do you absorb vitamins? They have protein cereals high calorie but can make it your breakfast or lunch. I’d cut meat out if It hurts just stick with reduced fat received beans,peanut butter,tofu Chinese soups,tofu dogs (hot dog),soy,
    almond butter,to nuts 🥜. Have you thought about studying vegan/Vegetarian diet plans? Might be one that fits Daughter a Pescatarian. Bean with rice is a complete source separate worthless.potatoe with almond butter a good source. Kale,broccoli,mushrooms. Protein shake? Theirs vegan ones no milk! Lots of options but got to try them see if your insides throw it back or love the choices.

    I've leaned toward vegetarian ever since I left home at 17/18 (mid 1980s) ... semi-vegetarian.

    I can't eat peanuts and peanut butter and need to limit soybeans, soy, tofu, and most legumes.
    I can't eat eggs very often ... like maybe once a year.
    I have to be careful with dairy ... some is OK, some is not.
    I have to be careful with tree nuts.
    I have to be careful with red meat.

    Knowing that, I've settled on a diet that works for me :) ... but it is rather restrictive which can be a bit frustrating and disappointing. :/

    Before long bicycle rides (centuries (100 miles in one day) and longer), eating 2-3 boiled eggs on toast works really well to give me the energy for the first couple hours. And I might feel all right the first time I try that in a year. But if I try it again a couple weeks later, I'll be miserable. So I've had to come up with other ideas.

    After a long bicycle ride, I love to eat salted almonds and cashews ... but my digestive system doesn't love them. So I eat just a few, and almonds seem better than cashews. I'd like to eat peanuts then, but that would be disastrous!

    I make a nice spaghetti with tofu instead of ground meat ... you'd hardly know it was tofu, but then discovered that I was feeling just as unsettled eating that as I was eating it with ground beef. Tofu = soy = legumes.

    But in general, I'm reasonably happy with my little bit of chicken for protein.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: Thank you for the September blessing. :heart:

    Machka: I had to have my gallbladder removed due to gallstones. I actually only had one stone and it was the size of a robin’s egg. Looking back, I think that fatty foods were likely to trigger an attack. If that is a correct assumption you might do okay with egg whites and feed the yolks to your compost bin. In your situation, I’d seek out a doctor for medical advice/treatment. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Drs just tell me ... "well don't eat eggs then!"

    They've sent me for ultrasounds but nothing shows up. My mother had a similar situation and nothing showed up on ultrasounds for her either. Finally they took her gallbladder out anyway and discovered it was full of little polyps. I've mentioned that to doctors but so far they ignore me.

    Oh well ... as long as I don't eat eggs, I'm mostly OK. Although I did notice that the meal we had at the Indian restaurant (I had Saag Paneer and we had Samosas for appetizers) for our anniversary kind of set things off too.

    M in Oz
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Eggs are my favorite food. If I couldn't have them, I would be very sad indeed. I have no food restrictions that I'm aware of. I'm sorry that some of you have to deal with that.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.55min, 11.6amph, 122mhr, 1.58mi= 69c
    apple watch- 61c
    ELIPTICAL- 40min, 142mhr, 5104 strides, 10-13incl, 5-7resist, 3.62mi= 215c
    apple watch- 258c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 4.55min, 17.5amph, 126mhr, 1.43mi= 52c
    apple watch- 49c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 13.44min, 13.2amph, 141mhr, 3.02mi= 138c
    apple watch- 112c
    jog station 2 wrk- 5.05min, 146mhr, 10.05min mi, .50mi= 62c
    apple watch- 55c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.08min, 9.14min mi, 146mhr, .44mi= 61c
    Apple watch- 62c
    bike ride dome 2 hm-18.29min, 8.3amph, 143mhr, 2.54mi= 179c
    apple watch- 144c

    total cal 819
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Going to take the water class today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a body pump DVD since the gym where I usually take the extremepump class was closed Monday (not like I was here anyway)

    I can’t get over how much weight I gained those few days I was at Denise’s! Well, the only type of food she has is junk food. Next time, I bring my own food – that’s IT. I don’t know what I had that was super salty, but my ankles are swollen!

    On the way home Vince wanted to stop at a Burger King. I swear, the only time I’ve ever seen a bathroom so smelly and so dirty was at a gas station. When we go to a fast food place, I usually have food with me

    Karen in VA – congrats on passing. Tell me more about the recertification.

    Deb in VA – my heart goes out to your daughter losing those pics. But I’m so glad she has you

    Need to skim as I need to catch up for a few days

    You know, I got this Pack & Play thing at the Salvation Army for $2.99. Then I found a new one for $15.99 so I got that and took the first one to Denise and told her that it was given to me. I totally disinfected it, you could smell the disinfectant when they opened it. I saw it outside on the trash cans so I told Denise that if she wanted to throw it out, that’s OK with me. She was so adamant about how she didn’t, she wanted to keep it. If she ever knew it came from the Salvation Army!!!!

    One night Pete wanted to go to his mom’s for burgers and hot dogs. I had to ask Denise if they were having anything else because I’d get sick if I had hamburgers and I can’t remember the last time I had a hot dog. So I went to the store and got some veggie burgers for me. Maybe that’s where all the salt came from??? Not that great, but that’s what Pete wanted. I seem to remember looking at the sodium content of the veggie burgers and it wasn’t real bad.

    Luci in NC – One thing Vince thought was quite interesting after he’d had the first eye done but not the second one was how white the newspaper was! If he closed the eye that was done, the paper was yellow. He found that interesting.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Bananas – I am the same way when it comes to fruit. Put it in front of me and watch it disappear! Denise had 2 cans of mandarin oranges, guess who ate both cans?

    KJ – feel better

    Pip – one time I found a fair amount of money in a grocery store. I gave it in at the desk and gave them my phone number. If I’d ever lost that much money and it was returned to me, I would certainly have called the person thanking them. Never got a call. Now I wonder if one of the workers at the store kept the money. The next time I found a decent amount of money, I gave the store my phone number and said if someone asked for it, tell them to call me. Never got a call. So I just donated the money to the church.

    Dana – thanks for the update about Lenora. I hope she’s OK with this hurricane.

    Speaking of the hurricane – this lady who was behind me when we made a pit stop on the way home asked me where I was going. When I told her “NC” and asked where she’s going she said “we’re getting evacuated from NC” So I told her we were at the foothills of the mountains. Calling for great weather the next few days.

    I have been getting up at 6 for so long that many is the time when I get up without an alarm clock

    Linda – A friend of ours had ALS and it was absolutely horrible. My deepest sympathies

    Marianne – I’m so glad they were able to remove the tumor

    Deb VA – thanks for asking about us. We’re at the foothills of the mountains so we aren’t going to be impacted by Dorian. Actually, the last time a hurricane came here was Hurricane Hugo and that was something like 20+ years ago.

    Janetr – congrats. When is the newest addition due?

    Barbie – I’m so sorry about your cousin. You did her a great service by calling

    I know this sounds really really weird, but it honestly works temporarily. If you have an itch, put your blowdryer on it and hold it there as long as you can stand it. The heat from the blowdryer breaks up the histamines and you get temporary relief.

    Boy, are we a chatty bunch. I’m really having to skim

    Lanette – so glad you can drive. Bet you are too.

    Before Vince had the ablation, any time he went to the hospital, regardless of whether it was for something unrelated to his heart, he was always put on the ccu floor

    I was looking at chlorine resistant bathing suits for the fun of it. They seemed to be around $100. I know I didn’t pay that much. Today in water class I found out that my bathing suit is at least 10 years old. The other one much be about 7 years old.

    Kim – congrats on your recertification. Thankfully, I’ve never needed mine. But I’ve had it for over 15 years

    Donna – pretty soon you’ll find out which foods area calorie dense and which ones aren’t

    Rita – so glad to hear dh came thru his surgery

    Picked up my Bashful tonight. I’ll post a pic of him tomorrow

    Michele in NC
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Karen- Tempted to see if a Halloween decorations would work on raccoons lol got 4 more now he found some buddies! Probably females.

    Hi new Gals - I found to help with my low calories the site set for me also 1200 ... I started buying lower calorie items! Chicken looked on the back bought one with less. Sugarfree G Hughes bbq sauce to Walden farms Sugarfree chipotle dressing . Crystal light to homemade teas .Even making Sugarfree pudding y jellos buying Sugarfree low cal ice cream fudge cicles. More low cal veggies y fruit to egg whites in the carton.
    Regular eggs to meat getting the cage free y no additives. Make the changes that fit you. Not easy but will all get there.

    Machka- Maybe look into supplements for proteins.That way you can cut down on the amount of what hurts you.

    Amber Tx
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Yvonne – I love macadamia nuts!

    Today was another 2 hour each way drive, but as I knew where I was going this time it felt more relaxed, we did ice breaker games and then took a 5 mile hike. The kitchen at this camp makes great food, but pretty small portions, we had pizza for lunch 2 3x3 inch squares of vegie pizza with a thin crust and an apple, a banana or an orange. It was great pizza, but I needed/wanted more or a salad too. I left after lunch to come back and work the business. As the afternoon and rest of the week is stuff for leading programs; which I do not do. As I left camp I realized I was really hungry still so while debating what I should have I succumbed to googling ice cream places near me. I went to this place called Mariannes which I had never heard of but I understand has a great reputation. They had tons of flavors and I asked if they had black licorice; and they did!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I know this is a bit weird, but it is my favorite flavor of ice cream. My dad and I would drive miles in the summer to a little spot that always had it. So I had a cup and bought a pint. It is amazing.

    Kim from N. California
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Kim What are the odds of you going to an ice cream store with an unusual flavor like licorice? I have never eaten licorice ice cream. I would like to try it! I'm glad your training is over & you are safely home.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    They had tons of flavors and I asked if they had black licorice; and they did!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I know this is a bit weird, but it is my favorite flavor of ice cream. My dad and I would drive miles in the summer to a little spot that always had it. So I had a cup and bought a pint. It is amazing.

    Kim from N. California

    A long time ago, one of my favourites used to be Tiger ice cream ... black licorice and orange!! :)

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    Hmmm ... big low pressure system moving in on little Tasmania. Maybe that explains the headaches recently. BOM is predicting as much as 100 mm of rain over the weekend.



    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,234 Member
    edited September 2019
    Good morning/afternoon/evening, all.
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    I have endoscopy tomorrow morning so need to do ish eating before 7 pm. Checking to see if ulcers are healing.
    Fingers crossed for a good result.

    dandl1986 wrote: »
    each day is a new challenge! I went out to start my walk I made it six laps and then got pretty shaky (I had eaten breakfast and lunch, but I felt my blood sugar was just not right). I went home, had a snack and then went out again, I made it to 4.5 miles before it got just too dark to see, so I came home and finished on the elliptical, so I did get my 5 miles and I did stay within my calorie limits, but my new goal is to have 150 calories a day left over at the end of the day (or in other words not eat back all my exercise calories), I had 64 left over. still trying to manage those exercise calories so they are the bonus I want them to be and not just more food eaten. Hard to do for me! 1200 calories just is not a lot!
    Everyone is different. If you are doing that sort of exercise, you may need to eat more of those extra calories. Your body was telling you to fuel that walking. I always carry a healthy snack, so that I can deal with those shaky moments.

    I have Dance Class this morning, and Shakespeare Study Group after lunch.

    It’s wet and windy outside, and the plants in the garden have taken a bit of a battering last night. I will pick the gladioli and put them in a vase before we go out. DH is hoping to tidy the rest of it up this afternoon.

    To all the new gals: You are heartily welcomed. Drop in often, comment when the spirit moves you. Compassionate support is always available here.

    (((Hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 to those grieving or in need. Also for those in the path of Dorian.

    💠 LIVE! 💠 LAUGH! 💠 LEARN! 💠

    ☘️ Terri
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Rita glad your DH is safely out of surgery. New mesh?