SarahMacphail1 Member


  • I was diagnosed in Germany and the advice I was given while there was completely different to the advice I've had back here in the UK. They focused on getting my blood sugar to a normal level ASAP (put me on insulin) and then worked with me on weight loss and diet. I was off the insulin in a few months and my meds were…
  • Whereas I do best on the 60ish g carbs per meal if I can stick to it. Testing is definitely key! I've had a lot of conflicting advice over the years. Don't eat carbs, do eat carbs, don't ever have sugar, have it in moderation. I've found what works for me blood sugar wise is testing regularly (especially in the early days)…
  • Night time snacker here. I make sure I keep enough calories for a snack in the evening, it's easier than fighting it. I say a snack, it's more like a meal lol. But it works for me as long as I stick to it. Which is hard when the other half has chocolate, crisps and all sorts of nice things in. If you're under eating…
  • This. It was a real eye opener when I started weighing out food. Incredibly disappointing too lol.
  • Ugh I've had that before. My dog generally gets an hour to 2 hours on a walk once a day, sometimes more if we go out for the day. I don't count bathroom trips as walks any more than I count walking to the bathroom exercise for me!
  • He's 2 and a half so 3 miles is fantastic really lol. I struggle with dog and buggy plus jack creates holy hell at being in it now. It's more him investigating everything that slows us but as I say, I really do feel he benefits from it. Better than no exercise at all and if I really want to do a long walk I use a carrier…
  • I'm in the same boat. I've got hubby monitoring what I'm eating to be sure I'm not eating things and forgetting to log them but so far not a pound off. This has been going on longer than a few weeks now and if no progress over the next few weeks with him on my back then I'm going to the doctors about it and seeing what…
  • I used to, not so much now I've got a small child tagging along who generally walks at the speed of a terminally ill snail! Used to do a good 10-12 miles a day out with Spendog, now I'm lucky if we manage half that distance in double the time, normally we do about 3 miles which really isn't much to me. It's more exercise…
  • Yup. My main goal at the moment is to get my blood sugar under better control, that's more important to me than losing weight if I'm honest although the two tend to go hand in hand. I'm setting myself smaller goals such as stay on track for a week, lose 5lbs, walk x amount of miles a day, cut down on sugar. They all seem a…
  • Specifically water or just drinking plenty? I definitely lose more when forcing myself to drink more (I'm terrible, lucky if I drink 500ml a day and am always being told by the doc that I'm dehydrated) but I don't drink plain water. But yeah, the running to the toilet every 20 minutes really isn't practical unless you're…
  • Was just going to question this too. Sure the average calorie requirement for a man is around 2500 isn't it? I know we're all different to some extent but can't see a man of 6ft3 gaining weight on 1600 cals a day. My hubby needs to lose weight too (although he's struggling with sticking to it) but we've also got a 2 year…
  • Daily here. I know some people find the normal day to day fluctuation discouraging but personally I find it helpful. I can "gain" up to 4lbs overnight (lots of things can do this) so weigh day can be incredibly discouraging at times if I'm only weighing once a week. Doing it this way I see the day to day fluctuations and I…
  • If it's happening every weekend or whatever then I think you'd need to take a good hard look at what you're doing and work on not having a blow out as regularly. But if it's a now and then thing...well I'd be telling him to pull his head out of his backside. One slip up doesn't mean you're wasting your time imo and I think…
  • I'm diabetic so yeah, I watch sugar. Including naturally occurring sugars. That's not to say I don't have any of them, just that I limit them. The odd piece of chocolate or cake isn't the end of the world.
  • I'd just do it personally. Not like it's an every day thing, special occasions happen. Log it and if you are over then just get back on track tomorrow :) It becomes a problem when you think "well I went over yesterday so there's no point now" imo.
  • Should do as long as you log your weight :)
  • I find it easier to track points personally and stay on track better that way. Which I'm sure sounds stupid, it does even to me, but it's what works for me. I'm back on WW and still on here too, I find if I'm within my points I'm within my calories, I'm hoping as time goes on I can drop WW and just track on here as this is…
  • Being diagnosed with diabetes gave me the kick up the backside I needed to start eating better. I was hospitalized with a blood sugar of 34 (should be under 7!) and on insulin for a while. Managed to get my sugars under control and lost about 30lbs, got off insulin and onto tablets instead. It all went out the window again…
  • I managed 5lbs between yesterday morning and this morning. Had a feeling I'd see a "gain" today as yesterday was heavy on the salt.
  • I'm in the UK and on the same dose as you for what they said was a severe Vit D deficiency. I was on a ridiculously high dose for 6 weeks to start with then on to this so maintenance dose perhaps? Either way I feel a hell of a lot better than I did before starting it so if you're not doing it may well be worth speaking to…
  • Not a clean eater here. I try to eat well most of the time but if I want an occasional piece of cake or a McDonalds or whatever then I'll have it. Most things can be worked into my calorie goal so why not? I find it stops me taking a flying leap off the wagon and having a good old binge.
  • That walking doesn't count as exercise. At all. I'm not talking a 5 minute stroll around the block either, I'm talking 12-15 miles of walking.
  • Name: Sarah Age: 33 Height: 5'3ish Start weight (Jan 2nd): 205 Goal weight: (Jan 31) 200 Weigh ins: Jan 9: 204 Jan 16: 203 Jan 23: Jan 31: Weight -/+ this week: 1lb Weight -/+ this month: 2lb Successes/struggles this week: Lack of sleep again. Pigged out shockingly at weekend.
  • Name: Sarah Age: 33 Height: 5'3ish Start weight (Jan 2nd): 205 Goal weight: (Jan 31) 200 Weigh ins: Jan 9: 204 Jan 16: Jan 23: Jan 31: Weight -/+ this week: 1lb Weight -/+ this month: 1lb Successes/struggles this week: Dealing with ongoing sleep issues with my toddler, exhausted isn't the word.
  • I did shifts, 7am-7pm for 2-5 days, a few days off then 7pm-7am for 2-5 nights. My "day" always started from the time I got up to the time I went to bed. Looked a bit dodgy in my food diary at times when it came to switching shifts but it evened out.
  • I make sure to leave myself enough calories for a chocolate bar or piece of cake or whatever. I find the longer I stick to eating well the less I want the sweet stuff anyway so it works well for me, I'll go from having them once a day to having them very occasionally. I don't intend to live the rest of my life never ever…
  • Oh, and the longer I stick to eating well the less I want those sweet things anyway :)
  • I try to factor a treat into my daily calories, even if it's only a few pieces of chocolate. That way if I want it I can have it and stay within my calorie limit. I do avoid biscuits though since once I start...well the lot go lol.