hilarywantstobehealthy Member


  • I am so sorry it's been so rough for you! You are so brave to be going through all this on your own. 7 cycles of IUI is a lot for anyone to go through, on top of your loss. Welcome to the group! You're right it's not super active, but hopefully you'll get some friends through here!
  • Welcome Lila! Thank you for sharing! Good luck to you!
  • Hi there, I'm not familiar with if, what does it stand for?
  • Welcome, Kelly, Lena and Sahar! I couldn't figure out an easy way to reply to each of you, but thank you all for posting and trying to revive this group a bit. It helps to know we are not the only ones trying to be healthy with PCOS. Thank you all for sharing!
  • Welcome! Thanks for sharing! Great progress so far!
  • I have started taking it- I've heard wonderful things, and that it has been compared to a more natural metformin, but I haven't been taking it long enough to have any feedback yet. I'd love to hear how it worked for you! Hello! Even thought this thread has not been active for some time, I thought I would introduce myself…
  • *If anyone has used Inositol or a combination thereof I'd love to hear how it worked or what else you found. Hello! Even though this thread has not been active for some time, I thought I would introduce myself in case there is someone new or recently back like me looking for people who are also walking this hard journey of…
  • Hello! Even though this thread has not been active for some time, I thought I would introduce myself in case there is someone new or recently back like me looking for people who are also walking this hard journey of PCOS, whether or not you are currently TTC (trying to conceive) or just trying to get your body to work its…