SAME HERE...I am definitely slimmer but this FLAB!!! I will do some research, thanks janjunie.
All great info, thanks ladies! Need to master a great chocolate one :)
This is perfect, thanks again! Definitely makes more financial sense...again...$100 a month for a meal replacement powder...I just can't justify it no matter how hard I try.
That's bpotts44...I am searching recipes now!
I put my chicken in frozen, turn on low and it comes out great every time. Tonight I have 4 frozen breasts in with McCormick Island Wood marinade packet made with .5c of water and 2 tbsp of vinegar and a can of pineapple in it's own juice...delicious! I saute some zucchini in coconut oil and serve with rice...fabulous!
My husband (he's a logger) has been eating salads for breakfast because it is the only thing that keeps him full from 7am until noon! He eats romain, onion, tomatoes, meat, cheddar or parm and italian...sometimes he will add leftovers from the night before too like roasted broccoli, roasted potatoes, last nights left over…
Mt store sells a powdered whey in the dairy section made by Cabot Cheeses...only 2 ingredients, Whey protein concentrate and soy lecithin.
Thanks psuLemon...what a great reference!
That's been my thought too...should I just break away from the entire shake's just easy, portable and I can drink my breakfast on my way to work.
Good question JJR! It keeps me full, it's healthy and not full of fake stuff so I feel good about drinking it and it's convenient. I love that I can have breakfast made in under a 2 minutes!