Xx_Christie_xX Member


  • The only thing I like about WW is not having to count fruit and veg - I find it a bit tedious measuring it all. When I did WW years ago I lost weight consistently- however on the new plan I was hungry - found it faffy with the free/not free foods and never lost much weight. At least with MFP you know where you stand.
  • I found the new plan too faffy - MFP is much more flexible - the only bit I do like is the free fruit and veg on WW as it makes measuring easier!
  • I must admit the two things I liked about WW was the weekly allowance and not having to count veg as I find it tedious weighing it all out - but even though I was following it I never seemed to lose weight - which became really demotivating. If you have MFP premium you can have different calorie goals per day so you could…
  • Feel free to add! I struggle too! I have currently upped my calories to help stay in control - so far it’s working but every day is a challenge!
  • Hi - I lost 21lbs this year on SW - I still make the recipies, eat plenty of fruit and veg however I like the flexibility of MFP - i didn’t like the meetings either!!
  • I upgraded and paid the annual fee. I found the adds too annoying - I decided that over the year it was worth it as I plan to track every day. Personal choice really.
  • I did WW over 10 years ago - lost weight and managed to stick to it. I gave it a try with the new pro points and really struggled! I was hungry all the time maxed out my daily and weekly points. Which the psychologically made me feel like I had blown the plan. I find calories better - you know exactly where you are. I also…
  • @Nevadaden so far so good! I have planned my meals out for the week! I have been staying within my calorie goal set - I have also been working out! I just need to remain consistent!
  • I can go weeks and months without a binge then bang I am back on that roller coaster! The last couple of weeks have been tough - the last one was on Saturday - long draining day at work - Cooked dinner for everyone else and I sat and ate tubs of icecream biscuit cake then anything else left in the house!! Sunday I said…
  • If you go to a gym they should be able to do you a program. The weights in my gym are quite limited - I tend to do 40 mins cardio and 20 mins weights and core - but I tend to look online for ideas, I used to also do body pump at my gym which is a weights class - that helped with posture etc.
  • I have struggled with this for years! At the start of this year I was at my heaviest weight in 20 years! I starting slimming world and that helped me loose 21 lbs. I thought I knew what I was doing and stopping going to group / slipped back into old habits so I am back at group now but also tracking on MFP as I am…
  • I have tried both and for some reason I struggled with WW to lose weight! Pros of WW - unlimited fruit and veg saves weighing and tracking. I also liked the weekly allowance however this was also a con as I would use them all the first few days then be starving the others! Atleast with MFP you know where you are each day,…
  • Hi, I lost 17lbs on Sw and started to plateau so came back to MFP - SW drives you to lower calorie foods therefore you can eat more and still loose weight , it's good if you don't want to count everything you eat.
  • My Fitness pal seems to set 1200 calories if you want to lose 2lbs per week. For most people this is too low especially if you are exercising. I am a similar weight and height and I am on over 1700 per day. Feel free to add -
  • I find tracking helps - I am at a point where I have binge dieted for so long I no longer really know how to eat - I have increased my calories to 1800 and I work out 5 times a week. I try and eat healthy foods plenty of fruit and veg and build treats into my allowance.
  • I have gone premium - it is less annoying and I plan to be on here for at least a year. If I joined a slimming group I would pay monthly and I'll probably save from not eating out so much etc. I guess you have to weigh it up for yourself!
  • Exercise helps me. If I don't exercise I am more prone to over eat. Tracking also helps even when I go over.
  • Hi you can add me if you like - I am 1650 with an open diary for friends. What I have found with this and past failings if my calories are too low - I go off plan and fall off the wagon - so I have increased my allowance and hopefully with exercise will make progress this time!
  • Hi back onit after the Christmas break! I have about 50lbs to lose MFP is the only thing that really works for me - so I really need to stay focused and track every day - no matter what I eat! Feel free to add - uk based open diary for friends!