Ingrid2017 Member


  • GREAT JOB EVERYONE!! :) I must say Team 4 gave us a good race! It's been a pleasure to "run" with such a fun and dedicated team! Thank you @120maggie for being a Great Team Captain, and have a wonderful time in Italy B) . And, thank you @hawkins410 and @MissionEnforcer for all of your hard work, putting together this…
  • Hi Team!, It looks like Team 4 is holding back, and will probably come on strong tomorrow. I think they're hoping we get complacent.... Even though we should win the race, it would be a shame to lose the last week! We need all of the challenges done and to have as many max out as possible, one last time!
  • Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!
  • Challenge #2 Week Two: Challenge #2: “RANDONNEE ON REUNION!” (5 km outside) I chose this Challenge because I'm enjoying hiking in the beautiful hills, that are green for the first time in years!
  • How cute! :)
  • CHALLENGE #3: I made a delicious vegetable lasagna that had everything I needed. Green Vegetables: Broccoli, Zuccini, Spinach and Kale. I made quite a large batch, so I'll be eating healthy most of the week. :smile:
  • CHALLENGE #1: “FROSTBITE FOOTRACE OR IDITAROD?” (Option #2 - 5K outside I Picked this challenge because I love hiking with my dog Fluffy, and unlike the first time around, the weather is beautiful now!
  • Hi Everyone, Looks like we're behind again because of challenges! It would be sad to lose our undefeated status, this late in the race! FYI @ejdp254 and @wolvinnetje : We had our time change last night, so the spreadsheet will be closing an hour earlier then usual (for you). Have a Great Day!
  • Challenge #3: I used Thyme, Ginger, Nutmeg, Allspice (Jamaican Pimento) (and about 10 misc. spices) I made Mutter Paneer (an Indian Dish) Jamaican Style by augmenting the already spicy dish with the above spices. I also added rice to resemble the Jamaican Rice and Peas. The resulting dish was delicious :) .
  • Congrats Team, We pulled it out again! Looks like a short leg this week, so we'll need a lot of minutes to crank out the bonus points! Hopefully everyone is starting to feel better! <3
  • For those who haven't done Challenge #2: I did Option #1: Total Body Beginner Workout. It was really easy, and the time flew by!
  • ...but in the meantime, bring it on bartender! :) HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND EVERYONE!
  • CHALLENGE #3: I decided to make do without soda for 5 days. I was originally going to cheat and give up only diet sodas, since I drink both types >:) ...; guilt took over and I gave up all soda o:) . I really, really wanted a soda (yes, probably because I couldn't). I substituted with more coffee and orange juice. I'm sure…
  • I believe the start of the race will be live at the "Iditarod Countdown" site that @hawkins410 posted at the beginning of this week's itinerary. :) It also looks like a good site to follow the race! Thank you @hawkins410 and @MissionEnforcer for another great week!
  • Happy Friday Everyone! I just want to remind those that haven't done Challenge #1 that all it takes is a little over 1½ miles for 10 points :)
  • Hi Everyone, I completed Challenge # 2 and am now in day 4 of "No Sodas" :o ; which is tougher than I thought it would be :/ . @Vowder I don't know how you can ever get rid of any of your puppies! Their "Dam" is beautiful as well. @katharmonic & @TamiJo1004 : It looks like MissionEnforcer is waiting for a re-post of your…
  • Happy Monday Everyone! :) Wow, We can really be proud for the tie last week !! Hopefully we'll be a little less sick and injured this week.... My vice to give up will be diet sodas...I know they're bad for me, but I'm addicted. I'll try and stay with water, now that I'm getting used to drinking it ;) I'm going to start…
  • Happy Friday Everyone! :) Looks like we're kind of a mess.... Everyone who isn't sick or injured (which isn't many) really needs to step it up this week! We owe it to our great teammates who are down for the count! We especially need to complete the challenges! It takes 545 minutes of exercise to equal one 10 point…
  • Wow, That was a close one! I guess complacency is not an option! I'm starting on the Challenges now, so I don't have to worry about them later, especially the water challenge. It's only 4 bottles a day, so I'm spreading them out; one every three hours :) Hope everyone's on the mend! <3
  • I would definitly count throwing the ball and playing with the dogs. I know from past experience how much of a workout that can be!
  • @wolvinnetje, @ka97 and @120maggie I hope you all feel better soon!
  • I was able to get almost an hour of walking in before the weather got bad again. OK, we don't have to shovel out a blizzard's worth of snow in sub-zero weather; but for us mid 50's with intermittent rain showers sets off the Emergency Broadcasting System, (it really does... :o ). I completed Challenges 1 and 2. Fluffy took…
  • I Just noticed we have a few days to kill! May I also suggest The Vertigo Moon Bar:
  • Hi Everyone, I managed 3 huge hikes yesterday (almost 10 miles) before the rains started (mostly without Fluffy). I normally hike along some pretty steep cliffs and I'm starting to worry about slides! This storm is supposed to be HUGE, so I guess it's time to work on the videos (a foot massage sounds good right now) ;)…
  • My apologies to anyone who actually likes beets...I'm sure they're an acquired taste (as is dirt, so I've heard...). Have a Great Day Everyone! :smiley: @junodog1 Yupper, this is the way to go!
  • Challenge #3: 1) I thought I would give beets another chance. :) 2) As soon as I opened the can, I remembered why I hate them. I love vegetables, even the ones most people hate. I prepared the beats with butter and spices, ate half of the can...the smell took over! :s They taste and smell like dirt (OK, I've never actually…
  • The Amazing Race is definitely inspiring me to learn more about other countries' customs and celebrations. It seems that Valentine's Day is very popular in Thailand, and many other countries around the world ! <3
  • Fluffy and I want to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day <3
  • @Vowder - I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers and thoughts are with you.