

  • Ingrid2017
    Ingrid2017 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Everyone, Looks like we're behind again because of challenges! It would be sad to lose our undefeated status, this late in the race! FYI @ejdp254 and @wolvinnetje : We had our time change last night, so the spreadsheet will be closing an hour earlier then usual (for you).

    Have a Great Day!


  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    All done on the challenges! Fear not !! have to say though - Challenge 1- i do not have rhythm, i do not have moves! :D if only i looked as good as those women !Lol!! And the guy in the back row haha, he's having far too much of a good time!! Challenge 2 - the dog made me laugh! but a nice easy work outxx
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    ejdp254 wrote: »
    All done on the challenges! Fear not !! have to say though - Challenge 1- i do not have rhythm, i do not have moves! :D if only i looked as good as those women !Lol!! And the guy in the back row haha, he's having far too much of a good time!! Challenge 2 - the dog made me laugh! but a nice easy work outxx

    I don't look like them either! Rhythm isn't my thing! But I had fun anyway!
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Challenge #3:
    I used Ginger as well. My meals were already prepped for the week except for the sauce. Each week I do meals of various roasted vegetables, beef or chicken and pasta (I am addicted, so I allowed portioned amounts to keep on a meal plan were I enjoy the food)....sometimes cheese is added as well....then for each meal I make a "sauce" that varies depending on my mood.
    For the challenge I went with a Garlic Ginger was delicious.
    For bonus points I made Apple Spice cookies today for my husband using both ginger and nutmeg, I had one when it was fresh out of the oven, not bad, but I am not a huge fan of baked goods.

    Great work team, let's finish strong!!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Tough weekend here. I took not just one, but two complete days off from exercise, and for no good reason other than I just didn't feel like it. I think I"m having serious TOM symptoms. It's been a looooooooong time since it's been this bad. I almost skipped today's run as well, but I got out there and did 6.5 miles. I actually felt pretty good for the first few, except for that I was overdressed for the temps, but underdressed for the the wind chill. So after about 3 miles I was alternating between too hot or two cold, depending on how much the wind was blowing. Not quite what I had planned, but I guess 6 miles is better than 0 miles.
    And now Tuesday they are predicting a blizzard and up to two feet of snow. :s
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    ka97 wrote: »
    Tough weekend here. I took not just one, but two complete days off from exercise, and for no good reason other than I just didn't feel like it. I think I"m having serious TOM symptoms. It's been a looooooooong time since it's been this bad. I almost skipped today's run as well, but I got out there and did 6.5 miles. I actually felt pretty good for the first few, except for that I was overdressed for the temps, but underdressed for the the wind chill. So after about 3 miles I was alternating between too hot or two cold, depending on how much the wind was blowing. Not quite what I had planned, but I guess 6 miles is better than 0 miles.
    And now Tuesday they are predicting a blizzard and up to two feet of snow. :s

    I sent you a PM. I am afraid I may have changed your challenge one from 10 points to 0 :o
    Did you have 10 entered?
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited March 2017
    junodog1 wrote: »
    ka97 wrote: »
    Tough weekend here. I took not just one, but two complete days off from exercise, and for no good reason other than I just didn't feel like it. I think I"m having serious TOM symptoms. It's been a looooooooong time since it's been this bad. I almost skipped today's run as well, but I got out there and did 6.5 miles. I actually felt pretty good for the first few, except for that I was overdressed for the temps, but underdressed for the the wind chill. So after about 3 miles I was alternating between too hot or two cold, depending on how much the wind was blowing. Not quite what I had planned, but I guess 6 miles is better than 0 miles. And now Tuesday they are predicting a blizzard and up to two feet of snow. :s
    I sent you a PM. I am afraid I may have changed your challenge one from 10 points to 0 :o
    Did you have 10 entered?
    It looks like it has been taken care of. We just need your Challenge #2, @LeoLivingByDesign's #1, all of @mswanger09, and Challenge 1 & 2 from @Vowder, and OPERATION 100 % will be a success! :)
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @smile_laughter it is a Baptiste hot yoga - power vinyasa flow. I'm no expert but I understand that it is not quite as hot and humid as Bikram, and more flowing maybe? Being all sweaty never appealed to me before either but now I'm more used to it from running and it didn't bother me. Felt good in fact. I'm a little sore from it and all the running this weekend - my abs can feel it! That's kind of exciting to know that it could be really adding to my strength. I'm ready to go back for another class or two this week as I'm off work.

    @ka97 I wimped out and did all indoor running this weekend, couldn't take the windchill. I ran an indoor track for my long run today, and it was actually pretty enjoyable (I had friends to talk to which made it not so monotonous for circling around a million times). We are supposed to get snow on Tuesday too - maybe up to a foot (or maybe hardly any, seems to be a big margin of prediction). Anyway, good for you for getting out there and getting in those tough 6.5 miles.

    @AlethaMary that sounds great - I love roasted veggies and assorted meats as an easy and delicious meal too. Great idea to just vary the sauce. Sounds very tasty. The apple spice cookies sound good too. I only wish I were not a big fan of baked goods. :)

    I'm so nervous about being behind in points and the missing challenge points. Glad to see people keep checking in and filling them in - but it's a nail biter! Keep going!


  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    Hey team - I hope to get 200+ minutes of working out today. My kids are leaving at noon, my honey will be sleeping, so I have the entire house to myself to just have fun! fun is choosing to workout (weird, eh?).

    If I overlooked anyone - so sorry!

    @cardbucfan - I hope your knee is feeling better. Welcome home. I also hope your flight home was a good one. Did you enjoy your time in AZ (besides hurting your knee)? We hit 91 degrees yesterday (yuck). Awesome job on maxing out your minutes, too.

    @Vowder - I bet it is hard letting go of such cuteness! But, it is also probably nice getting the house back. The pups are so dang cute! (I know I know.....we are all saying this......but they are!). :) How is your ankle feeling?

    @hawkins410 - I love the pics of Tara on the hikes. You definitely live somewhere beautiful. Tara looks so happy. Thanks for the encouragement to get the challenges done, too.

    @120maggie - That is great that you got some time with your daughter. Nice job getting the challenges done.

    @katharmonic - Is the hot yoga class a Bikram studio or another style of yoga? I am so glad you tried it! Most people shy away from the heat (it took me 5 years to finally break down and try Bikram yoga because I hate being hot except when I I have always found yoga incredibly boring). But.....I love Bikram's definitely a power yoga, so that's probably why I like it. Great job on trying something new.

    @TamiJo1004 - I agree with wishing my dogs were that calm during yoga! My dogs kept playing around me during the challenges (little rugrats). I love the stress less list. I should print and post that on my refrigerator.

    @ejdp254 - your carrot and coriander soup sounds amazing! Great job getting the challenges in.

    @mts7471 - I have heard so much about having apple cider vinegar as a detox. How are you liking it so far?

    @wolvinnetje - I agree, I don't like the long hair on the guy, too. But.....I do like me some Ryan Gosling........oh boy. :D No worries on the low workout minutes this week. I am a little low, too. But....I hope to make up some today.

    @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn - you are 4 is in 1st place right now. I am going to try to get a ton of workout minutes today........thanks for the push!

    @mamaelf2008 - Thanks for the push on Fitbit......I greatly appreciate it. I am still looking at your recipe from earlier this week......I may try it tomorrow.

    @junodog1 - I hope your trip is going well. I totally understand about the snoring thing! My honey says the same thing about me. :/

    @GSXRGIRL61 - you have always done so amazing with the challenges and workouts, so no worries if you have a low number week. I hope you feel better soon.

    Go Team!

    Today was my first day doing Morning Detox but it has kept me full throughout the day. The only thing I would change is cut down the cinnamon 1tsp is too much. So my friend she does 1/4 tsp of cinnamon. I have also started drinking ACV diluted in the water 30 min before meal but that I only did once. Don't want to do much of acidity!!
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    Today I only got in some yoga and I don't think I gave my all for that. The darn time change messed me up and has made me tired all day. Tomorrow is a new day so hopefully I will be back on track. Have a great night everyone
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    edited March 2017
    I am here!!!! I got distracted by the ummmmmmm.....scenery. Yea that's it-the scenery!!!

    Any way for challenge number 3:

    I had a Jamaican Spices rub chicken.

    I used a seasoning blend we got in Jamaica as a rub and marinated it in some Red Stripe beer and more of the seasoning. The blend contains:Jamaican pimento, paprika, ginger and crushed pepper.

    This is the first time I used the blend on chicken, and I think I prefer it on chicken. I will probably keep using it on chicken over beef.

    This is the stuff I used on the chicken.plwl59lpd3mg.jpg
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    We got 100% of our challenge points!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    TamiJo1004 wrote: »
    We got 100% of our challenge points!
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member

  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    Well done team yet again !! I wonder where we'll be off to this week ?? Can't wait !!
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,006 Member
    GSXRGIRL61 wrote: »
    Vowder wrote: »
    Puppies...tuckered out after playing outside in the freezing cold.

    1 puppy getting a bath before its adopted parents come to pick her up.


    This is almost it. 2 left. 1 leaving in an hour or so.

    How do you stand it? All this cuteness leaving your house? I'd be so depressed.

  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    Amazing job for a win this week team - we ROCK!!
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    Party Time for Team 1... We are

  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,426 Member
    edited March 2017
    Great job team! I'm so impressed by how hard everybody has worked this season!

    Stupid time change compounded by coming home-my body clock is all messed up, but college boy is heading back to school and Bailey heard the commotion and wanted to go out so even though my body thinks it's 4:00 a.m. I'm up! I'm ready for our next destination but it's not there yet!