danipals1 Member


  • I had my activity level set to sedentary- thinking that would be on the safe side for adding fitbit adjustments. I ended up with a 400-900 calorie adjustment most days (depending on whether I did a cardio class or weights and I also do a fast 35 minute walk with a neighbor) and always meet my 10,000 step goal. I didn't log…
  • I appreciate the suggestions and will do just that!
  • I'm sure you are right about needing to adjust my calorie levels after not seeing results. I was recalculating which was what made me look at IIFYM in the first place. I have my Fitbit linked and am curious if that has caused my numbers to be inaccurate. I don't log any exercise- just allow the FB to make adjustments. I…
  • I love the chocolate Vega one with aloud milk and half a frozen banana. (The banana makes it sweet and creamy!) I love that it has 6 servings of greens.
  • I am just starting to. I have my activity set at sedentary and then eat back most of what fitbit adds. Ends up being around 1500 calories total a day. I am recovering from a back injury so not getting any other exercise (UGH!) Trying to at least get back to 10,000 steps per day.
  • Unfortunately, finding a doctor to follow this guideline is virtually impossible. I.still can't find one that will go by the max TSH of 3.5 rather than the old 5.5 much less have a goal for *optimal*. I have been at 3.4 for a year and won't adjust because it is in the range of normal. Most frustrating condition to deal…
  • I agree that Aldi is the place to go! Their produce is usually much cheaper as are eggs/milk. Eggs are our "go to" for inexpensive healthy meals, especially since they have been so inexpensive the past few months. You can get a dozen eggs for well under a dollar and that is good protein for multiple meals. Add in a loaf of…
  • Just did this and it sounded so... sensible! It was just so... reassuring? Thanks for sharing!
  • I will check it out. It's funny how each different "diet" has all of these studies that they cite to back them up but then the next one has other studies that back up their plan. And each one seems to make sense by the time you finish the book. I will find that book and check it out! And I will really try to resolve to NOT…
  • I will redo my settings today to take off the 2 lb/week and Force my mindset to think long haul, not immediate results. I do get up at 5am every morning and exercise for 30-50 minutes depending on what I'm doing (Pilates DVD, weights DVD, walk/run) in addition to trying to hit that 10,000 step goal. I think the years of…
  • I'm hoping that just saying it out loud will help me to commit to stopping the madness.
  • I also find it ludicrous that people think that someone should *have their head on a silver platter* or that one would suggest trying to get them fired and lose the ability to support their family for saying a Pop Tart isn't healthy. Feed your kid whatever you want at home and follow the rules at school.
  • When I read the title of the post I thought for sure that this was going to be different than what it was. Follow the school rules! We wonder what is wrong with kids these days when parents are setting the example to not follow the rules. The teacher is obviously correct in her statement that Pop Tarts are not healthy. She…
  • My Instant Pot Pressure Cooker!! So fast and everything I've made has been delicious! Have had it for 6mo. and still using it at least 3x a week.