ElectraNine Member


  • I love the keto diet. I've been doing it for...I don't even remember. More than two years. I've lost about 120 lbs and kept it off and I'm continuing to lose, though slower now. My reason for doing keto was not really weight loss - I get violently sick when I eat carb and sugar heavy foods. I have trouble digesting them…
  • I have been keto for a little over two years or so. I've lost about 120lbs and still going. But more than that, I stopped having all the digestion distress I used to have and it even helped my rosacea. I love keto :-)
  • I've been doing LCHF eating for about two years now and have experienced amazing results, the least of which was that I've lost 120 lbs. You're welcome to add me - I used to be on MyFitnessPal and recently decided to come back to it so I'm sort of starting over and would love friends :-)